489 489. Chirem supporters

'Speaking of which, why does your uncle go to see Prumbum every day?

 The evening salon.
 From the flow of conversation, which was nothing of note, Sakura asked me that.

No, I mean, why doesn't he - the genie - come here? You know--

 Sakura pointed to the spirit group, including Aurum and the other spirits, who were solidified a little distance away.

 The spirits, Aulum, Nihonium and Vanadium, as well as Sakuya, the Eastern priestess, Meeke, the unique monster, and Yuki, who is very difficult to sum up in one word, are all solidified.

'Some of the spirits are here because of the things my uncle does. I thought it would be easier to bring them here than to go see them every day.
Yeah, that's the one.

 Sakura recently joined the family.
 On the contrary, she has only very recently transitioned to this world, so she doesn't know about the Plumbum one at all.

'Prumbum is a bit like ...... Aulum.
What? What did I do?

 Hearing a whisper, Aulum came over here.
 Although she is a spirit, she has horns on her head reminiscent of a demon, and she wears black, almost gothic clothes, so she is a truly demonic girl in appearance.

 On the other hand, she has a friendly and carefree nature that is similar to Alice's, and that's one of the reasons why they get along so well with each other.

'We were talking about how much Aulum and Prumbum look alike.
Oh, yeah. Well, it's not really with me. It's with all of us.
That's true.
"? Already, Uncle, don't let the two of us finish the story alone when I'm asking you questions.
Hmm? Oh sorry, sorry. Let's see, ...... where do I start? First of all, to roughly summarize, every genie has his or her own obsession.
'Yes, and it's strong. For example, if someone likes food,
'When those are spirits, they only eat white rice 365 days a year.
'I don't eat anything else, of course, and for that matter, I don't use side dishes, sprinkles or salt at all. I really only eat 'rice'.
'Heh ...... are all genies like that?'

 I nodded clearly.

'Aulum wants to look out.'
Tennesin is a tsundere and wants to put people in his dungeon anyway.
You have a girlfriend?

 That's where the bite comes in.

Carbon wants to be in the 'Tribulation'

 Always a little outside the salon, in the shadow of the entrance, staring at me like a giant star.

'That's the way it is, all spirits have some kind of strong commitment.
'I see. ...... So, in the case of Prumbum, you want your uncle to come see you?'
That's what I'm talking about.

 In Plumbum's case, it's because the person who promised to come back to see him in the past couldn't keep it, hence the reason why they want him to come back to see them.

'I see. I was wondering why I had to come see you every day, but that's what I meant.
That's the way it is.
Yeah, yeah, that makes sense.
Does that make sense?

 From the way the story was told, it's normal for 'convincing' to be on the prumbum, but the way Sakura said it, it sounded like she meant something else.

'Convinced of what?'

 Sakura held up her palms with her fingertips together, showing me the back of her hand.
 To be more precise, she showed me the back of her hand in a way that emphasized the ring she was wearing.

'This ring, Aulum-chan or something, you don't want it at all, do you?
I don't want it.
'You have that look in your eyes that says you want it, but it's the look in your eyes that says you're excited you're not getting it,'
That's not a very healthy thing to say.

 No really.
 As Sakura pointed out, it might be "this ordeal you didn't get hah hah", but I felt sorry for you for making it so clear that it was.


 For some reason, Sakura glanced at another group at a distance.

 A group of merchants, led by Elsa and Ena.
 The third group of the family, after the adventurers and spirits.

 He glanced there and then turned to me again.

You're not going to be able to get your hands on any of them.
'More trials? To Carbon?
Shit, only one of them didn't get a ring. Oh, no Meeke and Cerberus. Only one of the girls.


 I heard a noise and turned around.
 Carbon, who had been sitting and looking at me from the shadows, leaned forward, his eyes bleeding.

'Hmm. I don't know how I'm going to react to this.
But you look happy.
But it's the ones that don't belong.
'What are you talking about, uncle, you're just like Plumbum. If you look at it the other way, that one guy is an outcast who won't let one person into the mansion.
...... I see, you have a point.

 Then again, maybe I should be rather proactive in responding to Carbon's wishes.
 ...... I'm not sure that's what it would be like to respond to an abnormal request.

'Oh, it doesn't have to be this ring.
''See, they're divided into groups for some reason, and I think we can divide them into a ring for the spirit group and a ring for the merchant group. Aurum and the others are toy-like, so for Elsa, it's (、、、、、) diamond-like engagement rings.
I see.

 I think I've somehow understood Sakura's concern (...).
 The ring they are wearing has a market value of nearly 30 million piro.

 They don't all need to be so expensive if they want to respond to Carbon.

That's fine.
'Yeah, I can buy that kind of thing with what's left over now.'
Because. Elsa, get that for me. You and Aurum will get a toy ring and Elsa and the others will get an engagement ring.
'Oh ...... eh ...... eh ......'
Good for you.

 Elsa is puzzled, and next to her is Ena, who teasingly pokes her best friend with her elbow, saying "Uriuriuri" in the usual way.

 What does that mean? The moment I started thinking.

"Wow, okay. I'll get it for you in a minute.
I'm sorry, all right?
Yes, sir.

 That put the ring story to rest.
 Carbon's increasingly excited huffing and puffing was a bittersweet thing, but it was a good sign that he was happy, so it was a good thing.

'Thanks for ......, Sakura-chan.'
You're welcome.