477 477. Sakura's trump card

I'm home... Is that just Sakura?

 I walked back to the mansion from Plumbum's place and looked out into the saloon to take a break, only to find Sakura alone.

 She had a sketchbook open on the table and was drawing something, and when I called out to her, she stopped her hand and looked up.

'Welcome back Uncle. Yeah I'm alone.
'Oh, really? I thought it was something Eve would be attached to.
She's out. Some kind of reunion? He asked me to come over and smash his head in.
'Oh, the party before it broke up because of the dungeon nature of the party--that's so disturbing!

 It's horrible that it doesn't sound like a joke at all in Eve's case.

'What's Sakura doing here?'
Well, I was drawing a trump card.
"Trump card?
'Yes! Look, I've seen how everyone fights, and everyone has their own special moves and trump cards.
Well, yeah.
'Uncle is that gun, Emily mom is that big hammer, Alice can call a copy of Uncle, and Bunny is a carrot.
Carrots aren't your trump card!
'Hmmm, what do you call it? In a s*xual sense?
No, no,

 It's true that when Eve is involved with carrots, she makes such a sensational gesture that I wonder if she's doing it on purpose.

 I pouted and went over and saw Sakura drawing.

It's cute.

 It was a picture of a girl.
 She looked quite feisty, and her eyes were crispy.
 Her hair was golden, and she wore it in twin tails with a black ribbon, but the ends of her long twin tails were in drill-like curls.

 Her clothes are also crisp and crisp, as if she were some kind of aristocrat.

'Is this going to be Sakura's trump card?
Yeah. The concept is, 'A princess knight with a weak anal sense.'
But it looks weak, doesn't it?
I kind of get it!

 Why should we bother with that concept?
 I understand what Sakura is saying in parts, but I don't understand the source of the idea.

I've tried many things, but if my brush doesn't move, it doesn't get stronger. I've tried everything, but if my brush doesn't move, it doesn't seem to get stronger.
I see. ...... No, so what about that?

 He scowls and laughs bitterly.
 It made it very difficult to comment on the fact that being a princess knight with weak anal skills means I'm going to have to ride the brush.
 So I divert the conversation.

'But, well, that's kind of surprising,'
Oh no, for some reason people use me as a model in these situations. So did Ryouchin, and so did I in Purunbumu.
'I drew my uncle, too. I got on there a bit, but I thought I shouldn't do that.
Should I stop? Why? It's a good thing the brush is in the right place.

 I'm used to people using me as a model, I thought, "I'm not going to do anything about it now that Sakura has grown up.

Actually, I drew one more person besides my uncle, the figure guy.
And the cell?

 It's getting a little cloudy.

'Yeah. Uncle is on the receiving end and Uncle Figure is on the offensive, and then that one cinches up his tie and says, 'I'm going to make your body impossible to get away from me.'
'Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

 I shouted out.
 It's that world over there!

'Here it is. 'How does it feel to swallow your glory there and defile it?'--
Okay, that's enough.

 Sakura flips through her sketchbook to show me, and I refuse, turning away from her.

I'm not sure if that's a good idea. I'm indebted to my uncle, and I don't want to make this my ace in the hole to show off to everyone.
Thank you. No, really, thank you.

 I'd have lost my place in the world if that had happened.

Yeah. Uncle, will you try to fight this girl?
Yeah. I want you to measure me. I need you to measure me.
Okay. Okay, let's go to the testing room then.

 Sakura nodded, and I left the salon with her and headed to the test room.

 Once in the room, I pulled out my gun.
 Sakura opened her sketchbook and chanted, "Genesis.
 Instantly, the girl in the drawing materialized.

 The girl drew her weapon from her waist and released it.
 The weapon specialized in stabbing was the perfect weapon for that girl, a strong-minded princess knight.

 She wielded that rapier and pounced on it.
 While taunting the attack, he measured its strength and observed it closely.

 Strength and grace.
 A good character with both.

 A close-combat character, with a C in strength and a B in speed--or maybe an A in speed?
 Just when I thought that it would be quite useful in the dungeon - that's when I thought.

'Oh no!' This is crap!

 Sakura closed her sketchbook roughly with a pan.
 Then the summoned princess knight faded and disappeared.

'What happened, all of a sudden. You were able to fight properly.'
No! No, not at all!
Hmm, what's that about, by the way?

 To my eyes, he looked like he was normal and strong, what could possibly go wrong?

I was just panting.
Did you go to ......?

 I twist my head and try to remember the fight I just had.
 I didn't see that part, so I can't remember if I did or not.

 I can't remember if I was panting or not, but I do remember that I was wearing a very small skirt.

But with a skirt that short, it's only natural to be panting, isn't it? Or rather, that's how I thought you wrote it.
"Uncle Sam: ......

 Sakura stared at me with her stare.
 It's the eyes of a guy who doesn't understand anything.

It's good to be on the verge of seeing, but not seeing is good.
...... Hmm?
It's on the edge of visibility, but you can never see it, even in intense battles. You can't see it even if you go back and forth, or you can see something like that in the dots, but in the end you can't see it. That's not the best way to go about it.
I'm sorry, I'm not really that into it.

 Sakura's swordsmanship made me chuckle slightly.

 I smiled bitterly and thought about it for a moment.

'Then what about the leotard?'
How about a leotard base with armor pieces around it?
That's it!

 Sakura pointed at me with a flash, then opened her sketchbook and wrote out in a tremendous rush.

 The same girl with the same face as before, but her hair was down and long and straight gold.
 Her body was dressed in a black leotard, with armor parts on her shoulders, elbows, and in key places like her waist.
 The area around her sides are deliberately not covered with fabric, which is quite particular.

 She drew at a tremendous pace, and in just less than half an hour - in less than half an hour.

I got it!

 And a new character, almost like a different person, was created.

'Uncle, can I ask you for more?'
Yeah, I'm ready.
So, then: ...... Genesis!

 A new princess knight embodied from a sketchbook.
 The new princess knight rushed forward brandishing a thick-fleshed sword.

"You're fast! --and heavy!

 I'm surprised that it's obviously - two steps stronger than it was earlier.

 I was admiring ...... that it really does get stronger when you get on and draw it.

Hey, what's going on?
'I forgot to write knee-jerk! We have to start over.

 With that, Sakura pulls the princess knight back and runs her pen further.

 Sakura packs a lot of attention to detail.
 Her trump card is going to be very strong, I was convinced.