445. I want to go with you

 Plumbum dungeon, Plumbum's room.

'So now you're going into the dungeon with your daughter?

 Plumbum asked, listening to Yuki's story to the end with his usual curiosity.

'So, my daughter,'

 I chuckled.
 It started with Carbon's "first joint effort" and was often referred to that way, and once I admitted it, I felt like I was going to be recognized as a daughter until the end of the day without it.

 I chuckle and think for a moment.

'Well, I suppose it does happen sometimes. I'm sure Yuki has her own things she wants to do, and so does Vanadium. I'm sure there are things like that, and I don't know if it's a good idea to tell her to always follow me.
"I don't know what happened to the Yuki slime.
Vanadium is probably the same as the straw.
The same?
I only do what I want to do. He wants to follow you and help you.

 Plumbum's words made a strange sense to me.

 Not just her, but all spirits have that tendency.
 They only do what they want to do, and they don't give up a point of commitment.

 Aurum wants to go outside, and Plumbum, on the contrary, wants to wait for me in this room and hear from me.
 Carbon is somewhat into the realm of self-absorption, preferring the "trials" and Tennysin is a tsundere.

 All spirits have this tendency, and when Prumbum told me that, I was very satisfied.

'Maybe so,'
Why don't you ask him?
Let's do it.


 I returned from Plumbum's room to the mansion - the dungeon of Vanadium.

 It was quiet inside the mansion.

 When I was in the old mansion, there was a good amount of noise, even in the daytime, since there was a buyout place for Erza and Ena.

 And since it was just an ordinary mansion, if you were able to see a single window and wall, the other side was the city of Ciclo.
 You can also hear the sounds of city life that are peculiar to daytime.

 But the new mansion, the vanadium dungeon, is different.
 Although there is a window on the wall to make it look like that, it is an object of the dungeon that can be seen from the window.

 There is no city beyond it, and therefore it is quiet.

 I walked through the mansion.
 At the salon, I found Yuki and Vanadium.

'I'm home.'
Welcome home, Daddy.
...... (sigh)

 I called out to the two of them and they all turned to me at once.
 Yuki walked towards me in a calm manner that didn't match her young appearance, and Vanadium ran up and hugged me, almost like a dash.

'What have you been doing?'
We were just talking.
...... (nationally)
Yes, sir. I've heard so many cool things about my dad. I'm having so much fun, thanks to you.
Is that so?

 I look at the vanadium.
 At the same time, it was a bit racy.

 It's embarrassing to have people talk about you in a place you don't know, and if it's a compliment, it's embarrassment times the square of embarrassment.

 Without paying any attention to my embarrassment at all, Vanadium looked up at me while hugging me and nodded coyly.

'I see. We've gotten along pretty well, haven't we?
We're named after each other by my dad.
...... I see.

 Technically, the vanadium wasn't put on by me, but that's about it.

'I need to talk to you for a minute,'
Yes, what is it?
I'm going to be in the dungeon a little bit from now on. What about you two? Do you want to come with me?

 Yuki was momentarily taken aback.

'What's wrong?'
That ...... I was going to go with you the whole time, though.
Is that so?
'Yes. Because, Dad, you also gave me some items to protect myself, isn't that what you meant?

 Okay, so that's what I thought.

"Um, ......, do you mind if I go to ......?
...... (jee)

 They stare at me at the same time.
 Yuki looks like she's about to cry.

'No, it's not. I'm glad you're coming with me.'
...... (nationally)

 Yuki and Vanadium, they nodded happily.
 When they looked that happy, it made me happy too.