434. Breeding of the spirit room

There's a place for it, but it's ......

 Seeing that we were all so surprised, Carbon felt apologetically depressed.

'It's just for looks,'
Just for looks?
Can you just show me how it's done?
Okay. Vanadium, I'll give you some.

 Carbon said no to Vanadium in advance.
 This place is in a vanadium dungeon, so in a way it's a natural behavior, but it was somehow a bit strange.

 Without knowing that I felt that way, Carbon snapped his fingers and called out the monster.

 I've been treated as a haggler since I was born outside the Carbon dungeon, but my abilities are intact.
 The monster that was called up immediately changed into Carbon's form.

 Hagremonos are naturally more ferocious than normal, but that was the same as Nihonium, and their movements were completely controlled because the main carbon was there.

''Just like it.''

 Celeste murmured admiringly.

 The monster-turned-Carbon looks just like him.
 We've seen many monsters transformed in the Carbon dungeon, but when you're transformed right in front of your eyes, you'll be impressed by how much they look like you.

Ryotin's ability is exactly the same as Ryota's, though!
I don't know what you're talking about.

 I smiled at Alice, who suddenly insisted, and observed the monster that had been transformed into a carbon again.

'It really does look just like it. Doesn't this have any abilities?
No. More importantly, this is just a look.
It doesn't move.
'What? Isn't that because of the carbon?
No, no. When he turns, it doesn't work, this one.
You mean the dummy.
It's like Arsenic.

 We all nodded in succession to Emily's impressions.

 Arsenic Dungeon.
 It's the safest dungeon in the world, where everything there is a rock-based monster that doesn't swell at all.

 Just like that, this mannequin doesn't move either.

''Then it's easy to talk.''

 I said, and they all looked at me in unison.

"We'll fix it.


 The next day, in the carbon dungeon genie's room.

 I went to the cell and got the adventurers locked out of the dungeon for the day.
 Since they originally asked me to make it possible for them to earn money at night, the offer was accepted quite easily.

 Then, the carbon dungeon was empty of adventurers.
 In the spirit room, it's me, Carbon, Meeke, and Hone Hone.

'Is Alice okay?'

 When I asked, Hone Hone made an "X" on his head.

'Okay, let's get started then.'
I understand.

 Carbon and Meeke nodded.

 Carbon holds out his hand and the air in the spirit room changes.
 The dungeon master appears.
 That guy immediately changed into my form - but this time Carbon is on my side (、、、、), so he didn't attack me.

 I wait for a while and then cast Repetition to defeat it.

'I don't know, Carbon.'
I'll just be a minute.

 Carbon held out his hand further.
 The monster appeared, and this time it turned into her form.

 Carbon stared at it for a long time, studying it from corner to corner before.

'Yeah, she's my first one.'
Good. All right, Meeke, please.
I understand!

 Nodding, Meeke takes Carbon's hand and jumps into the vortex of light a little ways out of the room.
 I look at the remaining monsters in Carbon's form, often.

'Hone Hone, how's Alice doing?'

 Honehone shakes his head and makes an 'X' with his arms crossed over his head.


 We waited for a while longer, and then five minutes later, the "promised

 The transporter gate opened and Meeke and Carbon returned.

How are you?
It didn't work. Hardly.
Don't worry, it's going to be an ordeal!

 Carbon didn't seem at all fazed, in fact, he was even more enthusiastic about the ride.

 The plan was this.

 Carbon could control his own dungeon at will.
 And apparently, the only monsters that the spirits can produce are those that have 'existed'.

 That said, I set the room of spirits to produce monsters that can be transformed into her form.
 By the way, the maximum number is 1, which is also something the genie can freely set up.

 In the room I set up that way, I'll bring out the Dungeon Master and breed her.
 When it becomes a monster that even she's never seen before, she transforms and retreats to the dungeon of Vanadium once she and Meeke are in it.

 In the meantime, I had Alice on the normal floor of Carbon to see if the transformed monster could take the place of the genie.

 The reason it's not arranged as Alice over here and Honehonen and the others over there is because Alice can tell where the monsters are in the dungeon - that is, if they're there or not - without having to look around for them.

 She used her telepathy with her fellow monsters to communicate that to Honehone and let me know.

 And so the first round of improvements failed.

All right, let's move on.

 Carbon brought out the Dungeon Master.
 While I'm waiting, I shoot myself like an injection of infinity recovery bullets to recover my MP to the maximum.

 Reading the air.
 Defeat the Dungeon Master with a repetition.
 The new monster turns into Carbon.
 Carbon and Meeke evacuate to Vanadium.
 Ask Hone Hone.

 It's "X" again.
 When Carbon leaves, no monsters are usually born on the floor.

 To Carbon and Meeke, who has returned.

'Let's move on.'

 Reading the air.
 Defeat the Dungeon Master with a repetition.
 The new monster turns into Carbon.
 Carbon and Meeke evacuate to Vanadium.
 Ask Hone Hone.


 Reading the Air,.
 Defeat the Dungeon Master with a repetition.
 The new monster turns into Carbon.
 Carbon and Meeke evacuate to Vanadium.
 Ask Hone Hone.

 I repeated the process endlessly.
 The more they repeated it, the better Carbon got.

 He's going through the ordeal, and it's having a positive effect on his mental health.

 And at the end of the test, I don't know how many times.

 Hone Hone gave us the "O" sign.