431. Ryota's Shiren

 In the evening, I used the transporter room to enter Carbon via Seren's basement floor.

 As soon as I entered Carbon, the atmosphere was completely energized and adventurers were coming in and out of Carbon all the time.
 The air changed completely.

 The pale, pale light of the walls and the ground remained the same, but there were no adventurers there.

 Not only could I see them, I could tell by my senses that there was no one there.

 If there were adventurers in the dungeon, there would always be a monster defeated somewhere and something would be dropped.
 And the moment it drops, the haggle level progresses, usually to 99% or 98% until the adventurer collects it.

 As my sense of ability has become even more acute, I know indirectly that the haggler degree itself doesn't exist = no adventurer is present.

 Before I could even think about it, a monster appeared.
 The next moment it appeared as a black object, it transformed into Elsa.


 At the same time as he transforms, what looks like a buyer's counter appears, and he smiles with his flabby chest on top of it, smiling.

 That's all, and they don't attack me.

 In a sense, it's a harder opponent to fight against than Emily, Celeste and the others who attack.
 Nevertheless, a monster is a monster, and I realize that I'm going to pull out my gun - and do so.

 I didn't have a gun.
 The Grand Eater's pockets were empty.

 Four guns, a mountain of bullets, and other useful items.
 Everything was gone.

'So that's it,'

 I'm starting to get it.

 This is Carbon.
 It's not like regular Carbon, it's just a dungeon that puts me to the test.
 Another Carbon, so to speak.

 Probably the moment I entered this place, all my equipment was taken away.


 He didn't have to, but he sensibly apologized to Elsa and then punched her in the flesh.

 The monster in Erza's form was blown away and swooped away, bouncing to the ground.
 It hit the wall and stopped - and then disappeared.

 The counter that was pulled away also disappeared at the same time.
 I wondered which one was the main body, an unnecessary question popped into my head.

 Now I knew with one shot.

 The item was gone, but the ability was still there.

 The power and speed of the all-SS, ingrained in my body by my senses.
 That one was still intact.

 And the drop was a regular bullet.
 The one with the missing counter - this one!
 I picked up the bullets that had fallen there, and they were the regular bullets I'm used to using all the time.

 Even if there were only bullets - no, no.
 I thought, "Even if the bullets dropped first.

 Except that this world, except for the fact that they all drop from dungeons, is often based on my knowledge and common sense of the game.

 All items were confiscated upon entry, and the ones I had were dropped when I defeated a monster.

 Based on my previous experience, I can judge it as a given that I'm going to kill monsters and get my equipment back one by one.

 I pocket my regular ammo and proceed further.
 Another monster appears, this time transforming into Ina.

 Ena came towards me with her usual s*xy pose, which is 30% teasing and 70% looking like she's serious.

 I stuck out my hand and said, "This looks somewhat worse than Erza earlier, so I stuck out my hand.


 I cast a spell.
 The magic seems to stay the same.
 The repetition takes effect and Ena's fake bounces off and blows up.

 This time the recovery bullets are dropped.

''I see. ...... Until we have the guns and recovery bullets, we should save the magic as well.

 In the worst case scenario, there might be a dungeon master who needs all the magic power in one shot.
 It's better to save MP in case that happens.

 I went further into the dungeon.
 I defeated the monsters that were changing into the humans and monsters that had been there before.
 There were so many of them that I had seen, so many different ones that had no laws at all except for that one point.


 After defeating Neptune's fake, I was wondering why nothing was dropping, when I noticed that all the items I had dropped so far, which I had stored in my Grand Eater's pocket, were gone.

 I don't know if this is the case: ...... Well, it is.
 This is another phenomenon that, based on the knowledge I have, well, it is.
 In the process of collecting them, you can lose them all.

 Fortunately, I've lost all of my items, but I've tried shadowboxing and my abilities haven't changed.
 Still, thinking that there's a possibility that my abilities will be lowered by something, I'll continue to advance the dungeon more carefully.


Oh, here.

 When I arrived there, I saw a familiar place, Carbon's spirit room.
 As soon as I walked in there, Carbon seemed rather happier than me, who had cleared (,) and hugged me with such force that he tackled me.

'I saw you, great! I knew it was meant to be, to come through that with ease.

 Later, by the time Meeke came to use the transporter room to pick him up, Carbon was extremely happy.