424. Clue

I guess we'll just have to let Satou-sama do something about it.

 The table of the carbon dungeon.
 Cell, the president of the Cyclo Dungeon Association, who came after hearing our story, said as he peered into the dungeon from the entrance.

 The entrance to Carbon has been restored, but since a new problem has been discovered, the veteran adventurers of the search pulled out of the dungeon again and watched Cell and I from a distance.

'Well, if we don't do something about it soon, everyone won't be able to earn money without worrying about it. It's going to be a problem for everyone in the city.

 The dungeons of this world are lifelines.
 Not to mention rice, vegetables, meat and other commodities.
 At the end of the day, air and water are all made up of dungeon drops.

 If you let people play dungeons for no reason, the lives of the people living in this world will be squeezed for that amount of money.

 In order to prevent that from happening, we must capture this carbon as soon as possible.

'But what a nasty dungeon it is.
'That's mean or ......, which is a nice way of putting it.
'Thanks to Satou-sama, I've gotten to know Tennesin in depth. I suppose the spirit's character must be strongly involved here as well.
That guess is ...... yeah, you're probably right.


 In a word, he's a lonely spirit, but he's a tsundere spirit who won't admit it.

 There was a gimmick in the Tenesin dungeon that trapped people who entered the dungeon and prevented them from leaving because of their loneliness and pining for people.

 When I found out about it, I suggested that we build a small village in each level of the Tennesin dungeon, and I asked Cell to do it.

 Tsundere Tennesin said, "Hmph! You're all over the place, you're a pain in the ass! But the look on his face when he said that is exactly the same as that of a grandfather dealing with his grandchildren.
 That's partly why Tennesin is so crowded right now, and spirits and people coexist well together.

 The same goes for the others.
 Nihonium, Vanadium, and then Arsenic, if you think about it.
 The character of the spirits has a great deal to do with the characteristics of the dungeon.

 If you turn back further on your return journey, the exit is blocked, and there are a number of deceptions (,) to guide you through it.

 Without a doubt, the spirit's will and character are strongly reflected in it.

''If that's the case, it's now only in Satou-sama's hands.
I'll take care of it.

 With that, I entered the carbon dungeon by myself.

 Vanadium is in the mansion - the Vanadium Dungeon.
 A magical storm is brewing today.

 Since Celeste is resting in the mansion, I've left Vanadium in charge of her.

 Vanadium is slowly opening up to me.
 If it's with my companions, I've become okay with being with them.

 It's been a while since I've explored a dungeon by myself, and I slowly make my way through the dungeon while thinking.
 When a monster appears, I defeat it before it finishes transforming.

 The entrance to the dungeon is blocked, and there are two steps you can take to resolve this situation.

 One, of course, is to meet the spirit.
 Most of the things I've done so far have been solved by meeting a genie.
 It doesn't have to be a solution, but if you meet the person, you'll get a clue.

 But that's not so easy to do right now.

 It would be quicker if they summoned me like the wistful Tennessee, but there is no sign of that happening at the moment.
 You would normally do it by going to the lowest level, but Carbon is a huge dungeon with more than 100 floors.

 It's a huge dungeon with over 100 floors.
 Considering how hard it is to get to the bottom, you'll have to put it off.

 The other thing you have to do is find clues from the moment the dungeon entrance closes.

 This can be done between the first and second floors.
 In that order, I'll start with this one.

 I came to the stairs that lead down to the second floor and went down to the second floor normally first.
 Then I return the kibisu and go up the stairs, stopping in the middle.

 This is where we start.

 If I turn myself around here, the entrance will close.

 I take out my vanadium bullets and pack two accelerator rounds.
 I fire a W acceleration round at myself.

 Beyond the acceleration, I enter a world where time is almost at a standstill.

 Then I turn myself around and step down a level.


 I felt a new ability, a radar-like ability to see the structure of the dungeon.

 Now, in this moment.
 That the entrance had been closed again.

 It was a moment, really.
 In a blink of an eye, even in a world where time seemed to have almost stopped, the entrance had closed in a blink of an eye.

 I walked up the stairs and turned back to the entrance in the shortest possible distance.
 The entrance was closed in a stunning way.

 Other than that, there was nothing else.
 Nothing unusual.

 I guess I'll just have to go to the lowest level after all and actually meet the spirits.

 So I waited for my W accelerator to run out of time, fired the iron wall bullets to open the entrance, and then went outside to reset the dungeon.
 When I was about to go back in, I saw that the regular bullets had disappeared.


 Regular ironclad bullets disappear quickly.
 W ironclad bullets will last for a while.

 And remember.

 If you shoot more W ironclad bullets with the gun +10, they will last for a day.

 I'm in the carbon again, coming to the stairs in a straight line.
 I go downstairs and then pull back to the middle of the stairs.

 Then I shoot the W-accelerated round at myself with the gun +10.


 I can see it clearly for myself, or I should say I can see it clearly because I shot at myself.
 No, it's completely different.

 Even more so than the W-accelerated bullets.

 I just turned back.


 The radar in my head grabbed that the entrance wasn't closed.
 I went down to the second floor and it didn't close, I went back down to the first floor and then further down to the second floor and it didn't close.

'This is ......,'

 I ran up to the first floor and turned back to the entrance in the shortest possible distance.

 Then I see the entrance left open and a glowing vortex appearing diagonally above it.

 A moment later, the acceleration ends.

 The glowing vortex disappeared and the entrance closed.

'I've found it.

 I gave a small gut punch.