423. + 10W iron wall bullet

 At the front of the carbon dungeon, towards the closed entrance, I used my newly acquired gun to shoot W ironclad bullets at the four corners, forcing the entrance open.

'Phew, thank God,'
Thank you!
We're going through a rough patch.

 One by one, the adventurers trapped in the dungeon escaped.

 As I watch the escaping adventurers, they pass by a cautionary sign set up next to the dungeon's entrance - a statue of me set up by Cell.

 The warning sign firmly states that the dungeon entrance will close if they turn back.

 And yet, when I woke up this morning, an adventurer swooped in and asked me for help.
 Did they make another rule? What a thought.

That ...... Satou.

 My name was called and I turned around.
 Three adventurers were facing me.

 The woman who spoke to me and the two men behind her.

 In terms of equipment, it's like an orthodox party of three, with the woman being a wizard and the two men using swords for melee combat.

'Excuse me, maybe we're ......'

 I was about to talk to him to figure out what was going on, when he came over to me.

'Did you turn back?'
"Well, uh, ......, that ......, how do I say it?

 The female wizard turned around and looked to her two companions for help.

'Wouldn't it be better if we talked from the beginning?'
Yeah, it's probably a dungeon trap over there too.
Yeah, right.

 After getting their advice, the female wizard turned to me again.

'Well, the magic cart was full, so I was going back.
'So I was going up the stairs and suddenly I heard Carl's voice behind me. I turned around and saw Carl tripping and falling on the bottom step.
Is that why you got off?

 I look at the two men.
 Carl must be one of the two.
 Sure enough, it was, and one of the two men answered.

'No, I was in front of Meena at the time. Our backs were close enough to touch.
Hmm? So, does that mean you were in front of ...... and then you fell behind ...... before you knew it?

 Carl said, and the three of them nodded one by one.

'I was lost for a moment, but then I thought, oh, this is a trap, so I ignored it and went up the stairs. Then Carl, who was rolling around behind me, disappeared.
And now the wall is there. It's right in front of us.
The wall?
Yeah, I was blocked in front of the stairs and I couldn't go up.
I thought maybe I shouldn't have ignored Carl, so I took a step back and--
I heard screaming and yelling upstairs.

 After hearing the story, I nodded.
 The screams and shouts are probably the reaction of the adventurers who were nearby the moment the dungeon entrance closed.

 The reason it's a mixture of anger is probably because it's already been 'done' so many times I don't know how many times.

'Then I slipped through the wall and another adventurer came from above. It was only then that I realized that it was just a visible wall.
A trick.

 The three of them nodded in unison.

 But ...... I see.
 Now we know the story.

 You've been caught in a double-strung trap.
 I feel like I would have fallen for it too if I were in the same situation, and I'm sure other adventurers would have fallen for it too.

 I understand that I can't blame the three of them in general.

'I understand the situation. Don't worry too much about it.
Thank you.
I'm sorry, I'll be more careful next time.
I'm not falling for it.

 The three of them said and slipped away from the place.
 I looked at the open exit.

 Once the W Ironclad Bullets are coming out of the open exit, all adventurers are coming out to leave.

 Once closed, the carbon dungeon would remain closed until they all came out.

 Getting everyone out once to put it back together is a way of dealing with the experience of being closed a few times so far.


 The W ironclad bullets are about to disappear, I rush closer, trying to shoot additional bullets.

 I stick my hand out to stop him and hold the gun up.
 The adventurer, who was just about to come out, stopped across the doorway with a smile on his face, as if he'd seen me do it before, and waited for me to take care of him.

 Suddenly, I get a flash of inspiration.
 I pull out only the W-barrel from my gun and tuck it into my grand-eater's pocket, taking out the gun +10 instead.

 I load the W ironclad bullets into it and shoot.

 W ironclad bullets that shoot into the four corners of the entrance, it kept the entrance.

 Seeing that the process was over, the adventurers came out.

 One by one the adventurers escaped, and when they were the last one out, the entrance returned to its original state.
 The W iron wall bullets didn't disappear, but remained in the four corners of the entrance.

 I stood there and stared as the adventurers returned to the back of the carbon one by one, while I stood there and stared.

 The W Iron Wall Bullet reduced the distance and increased the duration of the effect.
 If you shoot it with even more +10, you can shoot it with ......?

 I waited, I stared.

 The bullet was still there, and it showed no sign of disappearing.
 They waited until nightfall, but they continued to remain, and according to an adventurer I knew who asked me to observe them, they didn't disappear until the next morning.

 It was an entire day of existence.