401. Pry open the entrance

 I sat down in front of Carbon's vanishing entrance.
 Crossing my legs, I sat on the ground and stared at the doorway with no entrance.

 There were much fewer people around.

 Things weren't resolved, but the nihonium had at least lulled them into a lull.
 That led to the onlookers slowly leaving.

 Vanadium, by the way, sensed something, and sat down beside me, a bit too close to touch or not to touch.

''What are you thinking about?''

 Nihonium came up beside me and asked in a calm tone.

'How do we get in, or open the doorway? That's what I'm trying to figure out.
Aren't you supposed to be okay now?
I'm just getting out of this for the time being. First of all, since we've also stopped Seren's drop, we have to solve this problem quickly. Ten floors worth of dungeons will affect more than ten times that many adventurers, and when you consider the merchants and consumers beyond, the impact will be in the thousands, or even tens of thousands if we're not good enough.
'Yes. ....... And?
You said "first.
Yeah, that's right. Now there's no way to get out of Carbon. It's a kind of extreme situation. When people are in that kind of extreme situation for a long time, their minds stop working. Worst case scenario: ......
It's really the worst of the worst, but there's a chance the adventurers will start killing each other.

 No escape, isolated from the outside world, and with no way out.
 That's the kind of situation Carbon is supposed to be in right now.

And that can actually be a negative, too.

 Then, a ghostly woman standing at a distance.
 She pointed to the dungeon master of Nihonium that Nihonium had put out.

'What do you mean?'
'The people inside can't see what's going on outside, maybe. That's why the people inside think 'the monster has disappeared for unknown reasons'. Humans are most scared of unexplained anomalies.
How could it be me?
''Cyclo's dungeons can do that, your dungeon is right around the corner and that kind of situation has happened before. But even though this place is under Cyclo's jurisdiction, it's a long way from the city of Cyclo.
'What are the chances of Celeste explaining this? She's got a good look at you (、、、、、), so I guess she could associate you with that, right?
'That's dangerous, and if you bring it up when the adventurers are panicking, you could be hung as a heretic.
You're desperate.
'd*mn, if only the transporter room had been a ____ door. I could have flown to places I've never been.

 There's also a lot of hoarding of things that aren't there and, incidentally, an escape from reality.
 I can see it in myself, and I grit my teeth in frustration.

'Maybe I just wish I had the ability to fly to where your significant other is instead of the land.
Yeah, ...... I've got bullets that fly to the person I'm aiming at, though.

 He took out one of the tracking rounds, holed it up in his gun and shot it into the air.
 My target was Celeste. Celeste, who is now trapped in the carbon.

 But the tracking rounds didn't work.

 It went straight up, reached the top and fell straight down.

'It's no good.
What if there were two?
"...... Vanadium bullets.

 My eyes snapped open.

 Vanadium bullets.
 It is a special bullet that is produced after the two bullets are fused together in advance.
 Its effect is to dramatically improve the characteristics of the combined bullets.
 The two accelerated bullets made it possible to stop time, the ultimate in acceleration.

 If you want to use those two tracking bullets, you can go to ......?

 I take out the vanadium bullets, load the two tracking rounds, and hold the gun up.
 It doesn't feel like you were shooting at random earlier. It's a serious way to shoot, with the hand holding the gun straight out and the other hand as an aid.

...... please.

 I took my mind along with me and pulled the trigger.
 The double tracking rounds that were shot out flew straight away.


 Nihonium denies it.
 Immediately after, Palin! There was a sound like the breaking of glass.
 It was a double tracking round that broke.

 It flew straight up and proceeded further, breaking it as if there was glass in the empty air.

 A small rift was created in the air, and beyond it, I could see a landscape like I had never seen before.

'It's a dungeon!'
Carbon. It's not working, it's closing.
I'm fine!

 It was the first time I'd ever pried open a doorway that didn't have one, so I was troubled earlier, but I've had experience with keeping things that close open.

 I loaded my two pistols with ironclad bullets and shot them outward from inside the gaping hole in the closing space.

 No matter what, I just keep moving forward.
 A scrap bullet that is extremely slow, but splashes everything and moves forward.


 The closing space was maintained openings by ironclad bullets.