368. Parent bird

 I took my egg carefully and left the spirit room.
 Strangely enough, I was in free fall when I came, but when I exited through the exit that appeared before I knew it, I was enveloped in light for a moment, and then I was standing on one of the countless islands in the twelve underground floors.

 Well, I've experienced a lot of things in dungeons here and there.
 It doesn't matter how strange this level of wonder is now.

 By the way, the reason I didn't hesitate to go up the stairs even though I had an egg in my hand is because the stairs appeared right after I got the egg.

 Spirits, like monsters, do not straddle the hierarchy.
 If you force them to do so, they disappear.

 I thought this egg had such a (、、、、) possibility, but I thought it would be okay to straddle the staircase since it came out of the other side.

 Of course, I was cautious to some extent the moment I straddled it.

 With that cautious gait, I headed for the stairs back upstairs further up.

''Mmm ...... ah ......''

 Meanwhile, the self-destructing fluff was gathering.
 I braced myself for a moment and tried to take a stand and protect my egg, but I soon realized it was useless.

 The cotton wool just floated fluffily around me.
 If I go forward, they go forward, and if they go down, they go down with me.

 It was clear, I felt the will, protecting the egg.

'That's right,'

 I puffed out at my own stupidity.

 There is no need to protect the egg from these fluff.
 I refuse hostile intruders; I'm the one who protects the egg.

 I guarded the egg carefully, but not unnecessarily tightly, as I left the dungeon in the midst of the fluffy pathway.

'Mr Yoda!'

 When I stepped out of the dungeon, my friends were still there.

 The sun had already gone down completely outside, and people were building fires here and there, chatting in groups.

 When they saw me, they were all coming towards me at full speed, and Emily was the first one to run up to me, calling my name.

'Are you okay?'
No problem at all.
'Good: ...... Oh, that's what you got from the genie?'
It's a complicated place. Aurum, nihonium, and melamella.

 With almost all my friends assembled, I called out to the three spirits.

'What do you think of this?'

 Then, with the egg in my hands, I ask the three of them.
 To find out what's really going on, they don't say any information that could lead to preconceived notions.

 Aulum and Nihonium were on their feet, while Melamela flew away from Alice and came wavering towards them.

 The three of them stood in front of the egg, staring at it for a few seconds.


 Aulum and Nifonium said that with their mouths, and Melamela's body momentarily swelled and flickered.
 The fact that Alice, who is a bit farther away, is nodding, suggests that Melamela is saying the same thing as the other two.

'I see, so it's the spirit itself.
Hmmm, maybe not.

 Right after I came to my conclusion, Aulum waited.

"We're essentially the same in nature, but we're different. Don't you think so?
'I agree. I know it's a spirit, but it's something I've never seen before.

 Nihonium uttered similar words.

'Hmmm. What do you mean Melamella came out of the dungeon with it? I'm listening.

 When Alice interpreted for her companion Mela Mela, everyone in the room - especially Aulum and Nifonium - were flabbergasted.

'Yes, how did you manage to get out of the dungeon normally if you're a spirit?'
Mr. Lyota, do you have the same ability as Meeke?
No, it's not supposed to be.

 So I decided to check it out, and once I did, I went into the erythronium.
 The cotton wools gathered in the straw to protect the egg.
 I gently touched one of them - I took it, which didn't explode when I touched it, and left the dungeon.

 Then the fluff disappeared.
 It disappeared in the normal way that monsters do when they come out of a dungeon.

'I knew it was different.'

 As everyone watched the cotton wool disappear, everyone was convinced of my actions and the results of the experiment.
 To be convinced of the experiment is to say that the egg's existence is increasingly in doubt.

 Everyone present looked at the egg.

'What's this all about?'
'Hold on', that's all.
That's it?
That's it.

 He returned the nod and nodded.

 And then - there's a surge of friends.

"Oh, I see what's going on.
I don't understand the logic, but that's always been the case.
I was asking Yoda for help.
We're here in the first place!

 The cause is still unknown, but we all agreed.
 I wondered if that was okay.

...... Well, all right.

 An egg in my possession, an egg in custody.
 When I looked at it, I felt like saying, "Well, I guess it's OK.

 It is important to note that this egg is the one that the three of us have assured ourselves is the same spirit, and that he has entrusted it to us to "protect" us.

 Why the egg spans the dungeon is not important now.
 What's important is how to protect it.

Yes, Yoda.

 As if reading my decision, Emily held out her pistol with both hands.
 My partner, two guns that control special bullets at will.

 Emily held it out to me, smiling.

Good luck, sir.

 I kept the egg and received the gun and other items.
 The egg is carefully placed in my pocket.
 I giggle a bit, feeling like a baby bird.

 I'll definitely protect you, I'll have it on my person wherever I go.


 The next morning.
 There was a crushed shell in the futon.

 An awful little girl was clinging to me.