340. It was bread bread

 In the evening, we returned to Ciclo's mansion with the transporter gate that Eve had opened.

 From the calcium dungeon in Hashemi's city to Ciclo's mansion in an instant.
 It would take half a day to get there by the normal route, but I realized once again how powerful it was.

''Is that it's over for today?''

 Eve asked when we came back together.

'Yeah, I'll see you in the morning.

 Eve, who had worked her heart out today, slowly walked away.

'Oh, welcome back, Lyota.
Celeste, I didn't know you were home. I didn't know you were home already.

 Celeste came from the one with her own room.
 She's not dressed for the dungeon, she's dressed as she would be at home.

'Nope, I was home today.
Home? There's no magic storm ......, is there?

 Searching his memory, there was no magic storm in the "weather report" he saw last night.
 Both the morning and afternoon were normal weather for the wizard.

 So Celeste should be able to go to the dungeon normally.

'I was just putting together some information,'
Yeah, the calcium information.
"! I didn't know you were doing that.

 I'm surprised, and Celeste smiles.

'Because I can't lose to you, Eve.
Is Celeste trying to get a genie with her?
Not really.

 And if so? I nodded my head and asked back, but Celeste smiled and didn't respond.
 I feel like I'm being sidetracked, but oh well.

But now that we have some closure, I wonder if you'll listen to me.
Yeah. Forget it. Let's go to the salon.

 They moved shoulder to shoulder and moved into the salon.

 When I entered the salon, there was already a customer ahead of me.
 When we got home, Eve, who had changed into a rabbit costume as soon as she got home, was gobbling up carrots.

 She was so motivated when she was at the Calcium that she took one look at me and Celeste and didn't say a word.

 There's a big gap between what he's interested in (carrots) and what he's not (non-carrots).
 Well, it's always been that way.

 Celeste knew that, too, and she went through Eve's non-response and sat down on the couch.
 Across from it, she sat down to face her head-on.

'So, where did you get it all together?'
"Calcium dungeon. A place to drop all sorts of milk.
Yes, the most common is milk, followed by goat's milk. There's a lot more than that, but it's all milk.
I see.

 That means Calcium was a milk dungeon.

"All the monsters are angels.
All of them?
Yes, the whole hierarchy is angelic.
Oh, really?
So, here's the most important part.

 Celeste turned a straight face.

'Calcium doesn't have a maximum number of monsters.
'No ceiling? What do you mean?
In a normal dungeon, you don't have to kill monsters, but if you get to a certain number of monsters, new ones won't show up. Right?
'Yeah. But they usually don't go to the upper limit, though. Most of the time they're continually beaten.
Except Nihonium.

 That's right.
 The adventurers don't go there, and the lack of a tasty nihonium to go to always has monsters sticking to that maximum number.

'That's what they say is missing from the calcium. That's what's causing the dungeon society in Hashemi and the exhaustion of the adventurers there right now.
What do you mean?
'Drops that don't make money, usually they cut back on production.
But calcium can't do that. Because--
"-- the less you produce, the more monsters you will have. Endlessly.

 Celeste nodded.

'The amount of production--you could call it the amount of monsters swept up. When it goes below a certain number, the total number of monsters will increase. And since there's no upper limit, the dungeon will gradually become full of monsters.''

 I've thought about it.
 It's not something I can take it easy on anymore.

'Monsters can't cross tiers or go outside of dungeons, so even if they're full, that doesn't mean they're going to be harmed. But they're full, and their numbers keep growing.
What do you mean?
The more you have, the more they stock up. For example, if a dungeon is full, and the time for another 20 animals is added, the dungeon will be stocked. If you kill up to 20 of them, they will come back immediately.
Don't let me get into the ...... dungeon.

 'That's what I mean,' said Celeste, nodding clearly.

'I mean, even if it doesn't pay for itself, you always have to beat the natural resurrection.
...... egregious.

 All supplies in this world are dropped from the dungeon.
 It means that enough food will be produced from the dungeon to feed the entire human race.

 The amount of natural recovery in a dungeon is enough to feed the human race.

 It's only natural that the association and its adventurers would be exhausted if they had to keep killing that amount of monsters.

That's another thing that could be improved if we can manage it.

 The problem was a bit trickier than I imagined.


 The next day, after breakfast, Eve and I decided to head to Calcium in the transfer room.
 We walked into the transporter room and designated the calcium ground floor.

Mr. Yoda, how can I help you?

 Emily, who was waiting her turn behind me, nodded her head curiously.

'No, the transfer to the dungeon won't open.
Did you pick the wrong dungeon?
I don't think so.
I can't even open the ...... rabbit.

 Eve, who accompanied me, tried, but the gate still wouldn't open.
 Just to be sure--

"Nifonium, open. Tellurium, open. Prumbum, open.
Calcium, it won't open.

 I tried everything, but only the gate to calcium wouldn't open.

'I was able to open it yesterday,'
Yes, the rabbit is open.
"What do you mean: ...... No way!

 An imagination comes to mind.
 Pretty much the worst thing that could happen, bad idea.

"Eve. I'm sorry, but you're gonna have to take the normal route and run like hell.
Okay. Rabbit Express.

 Eve took off at breakneck speed.
 If it was as it was yesterday, it would be back in thirty minutes or so.

 Thirty minutes ...... to this situation.

What's the meaning of this?

 To Emily, who asked, I explained the properties of the calcium dungeon that Celeste had told me about yesterday.

'Maybe the reason the gate doesn't open is because there isn't room to open it.
It's too tightly packed!

 I nodded reluctantly.
 I hoped it would come off, though.

'Rabbit Landing,'

 Eve, who had been ducking into calcium, came back.

'How did it go?'
The place was packed.

 The bad predictions came true.