301. Miracle in the basement

 First floor of Tennesin, I get attacked by a shadow at the end and reset the "Stars".
 I beat the shadow on the first floor, which was also me, with a repetition, and dropped a matsutake.

 Me, Neptune, Lil and Ran.
 We took turns getting attacked by the new shadows and resetting the Stars on our arms.
 Now the three of us have 12 stars, and I've just reduced one, so we have 11.

You're a lifesaver.

 Neptune said with a smile.
 Behind him, Lil and Ran are back to their usual tone, staring only at Neptune.
 They are the usual two people who only see Neptune.

'I don't know what would have happened if you weren't there. Once the stars completely disappear, we'd be stuck in a bind.

 I smiled and gave a small nod, smiling.

 I tried to kerf the shadow haggle I brought from another floor on the test slime that was trapped on the floor with the Stars completely gone, but the Stars didn't reset.
 To begin with, shadows only show their abilities on that floor(...).

 Even if you take them to another floor with Hagremonos, they didn't create a monster.

That's why I'm so grateful. Hey, Lil, Ran.

 Neptune spoke to the two girls.
 Even if he said that, these two - I thought they wouldn't thank me for it.

'Thank you, Lyota,'
I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart.

 Poof, I was puzzled.
 If I took a picture of my face now and titled it "Stunned", I could win a prize in a competition or something.
 That's how puzzled I was.

What's so surprising?

 Lil, who usually has a lot of twang in me, went back to twang for a bit.
 That was a strange relief.

'Oh no, I wasn't expecting a straightforward thank you.
I really appreciate it.
'Yes, if it wasn't for you, we would have been torn apart from him forever.
'Yes! So thank you so much ...... for that.

 Oh, I see.
 I agreed and was relieved again.

 Two people who usually only see Neptune and don't care about me.
 If the sincere gratitude was for saving my future with Neptune, then it was the most understandable thing in the world.

 For the first time, I liked the two of them, because they didn't blur.

Well, we'd better be going.
You're leaving?
Yeah. After my previous experience, we have a lot of time before it starts to dwindle naturally. I'm going to have a really relieving day with you two for the first time in a long time.
Call me if you hear anything else. And of course, if you need any help-- boss.

 The two women again exude discomfort at Neptune, who jokingly but emphatically says "boss".
 In particular, Lil throws me a look that could kill a man.

'Don't be the boss,'
Ha-ha, see you later.

 I looked away from Neptune and the two girls as they walked away, laughing.

 Ran stopped once and waved at me, and Lil only gave me an eye salute over her shoulder.
 There was still some pending business, but the thaw in their attitudes gave me a sense of satisfaction.

 It's not completely resolved, but it's a reprieve for now.
 I also decided to go home and relax for the time being today.

 I used the transfer gate I came through and returned to the mansion.


 The moment I left the transporter room, I bumped into Alice.

 She fell on her butt and her fellow monsters on her shoulder were also thrown to the floor.

'Ow-tee-tee-tee ...... is everyone okay?'

 The SD-sized monsters use their adorable body language to tell her it's okay, and then one (one) and another (one) jump on Alice's shoulder.
 After making sure they are all on her shoulders, Alice stands up.

'I'm sorry Lyota,'
No, me too. Did you hurt yourself?
'It's okay, everyone else does too - I mean, honehoney, that's funny!

 One of my fellow monsters, the skeleton's honeone eyes - a matsutake mushroom was stuck in the eye of the hole in the skeleton because it was a bone.

"Sorry, that's mine.

 The last one I dropped and brought back.

 Spong! And there was a sound of air as Alice pulled the matsutake mushroom out of the honehone.

'Hahaha, spong! Because it's Spong!

 Alice giggled and laughed, and her fellow monsters also expressed their laughter with their small bodies with body language.
 Among the fellow monsters were Gau Gau, a master dragon, and Mela Mela, a Phosporous Spirit.

 A dungeon master class monster and the dungeon spirit itself.
 Even the two of them had the same giggle as Alice.
 It's such a hilarious laugh that in a manga, laugh lines (...) would fly over your head.

''Is that what those two have in common?
Yeah? You mean Gau Gau and Mela Mela?

 Alice replied matter-of-factly.
 No, you're not ......, I tsk-tsked.
 Gau Gau, of course, but definitely not Phospho-Las.

 I vaguely thought it was something like this - children come to look like their parents.

Yes, here.
Thank you.

 I accepted the matsutake mushroom that Alice offered me.

'A drop? It's rare that you don't transfer it to Elsa's. Are you going to eat that?
No, no, I'm not saying that.
Mmm-hmm. So you're gonna have to do something bad.
'Because most of the things that aren't eaten or exchanged for cash are usually haggled over and made into different items, right? Lyota.
I see. ...... Hagremoney.

 Fear of the Stars, or perhaps impatience.
 That kind of thing existed just a few moments ago, so I haven't done any drop conversions yet with the haglemono conversion of Tennesin's product.

 When I was testing to see if Hagremono could create a shadow-like effect, it didn't, so Neptune just beat it.

 I haven't defeated Tenesin's Hagremonos yet.

Well, let's give it a shot.
I'm going to look around.

 Alice raised her hand as if to raise it and followed me.

 We came together to the basement of the mansion.

 I put the matsutake on the edge and kept my distance.
 After a while, I was hatched.

'Ooh, Ryou-sama! Not Lyota?

 For a moment, Alice thought it was Ryo-sama from Prombum, but she tilted her head slightly.
 Unlike Ryou-sama, the handsome, shoujo-style handsome guy, and unlike All Might Summoning Norichin.

 This one is completely me in appearance.

 I killed it instantly with Repetition.
 In the basement, I always use Repetition to blink away the mansion so as not to destroy it.

 This time I'm even more so.
 I concluded that it couldn't be Hagremonos (、、、、), but in case it wasn't and Alice got attacked, it would be complicated.

 So I used Repetition with even more of a bite than usual.

 I was defeated in an instant and was gone, though.

'Huh? You're not dropping anything.
I don't: ......
Funny, I don't remember this ever happening to me.
Not that I can remember.
Hmm, that's funny.

 I twisted my head, wondering what that meant.
 It's never happened before that I didn't drop something.

 It's my unique skill "Drop S" that drops something even when I defeat Hagremonog, and that's why it doesn't drop.
 It's a bit odd that it didn't drop.

 I don't know what's going on, so I'll have to try again with the matsutake mushroom.

 And I was thinking about that.

'Huh? What's the matter, Melanie?

 Alice listened back to the phosophorous Melamela, on her shoulder.
 A ball of fire, a human soul-like appearance, Melamela flickered its flames.

 That's the way Melamela speaks ...... and once again Alice and Melamela felt the bond between Alice and Melamela.

''Oh no! Oh, it's true.
What's up, Alice?
Lyota, look at my arm.

 I looked at my arm just like you asked and was surprised.

"It's gone: ......

 Earlier, the arm with twelve stars was gone as if nothing had happened.