291. Ryota carrying the fate of the world

 Nifonium Dungeon, first basement floor.
 Defeat the attacking skeletons by shooting a single growth round exactly.

 The skeletons I defeated didn't drop the HP seeds that they would normally drop.

 Due to the lack of Nifonium in the dungeon, I would have dropped an ability-boosting seed, but I didn't even get that.
 No, that's not the problem.

 The problem is the regular drops in this dungeon (、、、、、、).

 In order to make Nihonium a "required" dungeon, we need to make it a normal drop for normal adventurers.
 When I thought about how to do this, the first thing that came up was "breeding".

 It's a way to change the monsters and the drops themselves by using a dungeon master to change the biology of the dungeon, but you can't use that with Nihonium.

 To be precise, it's "too damaging to use".

...... rumor has it what it is.

 The air changed and the Dungeon Master of Nihonium appeared.

 He was six feet tall and looked like a woman.
 Her hair was about two meters long, and it hung down to the ground.
 The bare figure has a strange air about it, coupled with the length of her hair.

 The expressionless, pale skin, and the phosphorescence that radiates just a hint of phosphorescence.
 It's an appearance that makes me think that it's of the same nature as the Andet type in this dungeon.

 I went towards it.
 A counter aimed at the crochet-shaped palm that was released as soon as it approached.
 I could feel the flesh tearing into my fist.

 The Dungeon Master of Nihonium.
 Normally it is insubstantial, but it only materializes the moment it attacks.
 The only way to attack it is to aim for it.

 It used to be a lot of trouble, but now that you've mastered all abilities, it's not a problem.
 I was hitting counter after counter in the instant it materialized as it attacked, and I was able to defeat it as early as the fifth shot.

 The dungeon master disappears and the air returns.

 I didn't pull - the reason I can't pull on the breed is because when this guy is out, not only does the Nihonium stop dropping, but the entire Cyclo area stops dropping when he's out.
 Originally, when the Dungeon Master was out, the other monsters would disappear.
 In the case of Nihonium, it's even more widespread and affects the entire Cyclo region.

 If you take the time to improve the breed, it will stop all Cyclo production in the meantime.
 As you can see ...... is not possible.
 That's why I killed this guy who just happened to appear on the scene in the blink of an eye.


It would be a curse.

 Cyclodungeon Association, president's office.
 When Cell heard my explanation of my visit, he said a few words.

'You think so ......?'
From what Satou-sama has told me, I can assume that the mental structures of spirits and humans are very similar. If that's the case, it's quite natural to assume this.

 After a beat, Cell says with a straight face.

'It would be the ability of the dungeon master of Nihonium to embody that feeling - my own suffering - to others.
...... I see.

 I don't know, it's not hard to understand, it's the feeling that you're in pain and you want them to be in pain as well.
 Some people may blame you for that, but I understand this feeling better.

"If that's what Satou-sama wants.
How about I stop the production of cyclo for a day with my authority?
You'd be in big trouble if you did that.
A stronger solar eclipse should be no problem. And,
Satou-sama has been underestimating himself too much. Satou-sama is now regarded as a dungeon factory. If he's doing it for the sake of Nifongnium, no one will complain.
You're lifting it too high.

 I chuckled.

'Not really, I'm sure Master Sato knows that various people flocked to Nihonium early on.
That much?

 It's coming, I knew it was starting, but from the way Cell talks about it, it sounds like it's going to be quite something.

'Animals, plants, minerals, magic, idiosyncrasies. People from all walks of life are looking at it.
There's more than just plants--Cyclo?
'Nihonium has not dropped anything so far. Is it any wonder that we're expecting more possibilities other than plants?
I see.

 It's more of a ...... trait.
 The seeds of ability boosts are the ones that aren't classified because they're the ones that don't drop on people from this world, but they're classified in my mind as an idiosyncratic system.
 It's quite possible that Dungeon-Drop will become an idiosyncratic type after we get Nihonium back on its feet.

'We've been talking to the rest of the world.
Some people are trying to get their hands on Satou-sama's girl. He asked me to intercede.
I'll give you a girl.

 He sounded so flat that I was surprised at myself.
 I knew what it meant, but it wasn't realistic about me.

'I'm talking about immensely beautiful women, one of every race, and all of them are pure maidens.
It's too big.
That's what people say about you, Lord Sato.

 Cel grinned.

'You should realize that Satou-sama is no longer in such a position and prestige that he can move the world with every move he makes.
That's why I think you're giving him too much credit.
''It's very Satou-sama-like to say such things with the fate of the spirits and the world on your shoulders so plainly.
The world?
If Master Sato fails...

 Cell grinned more and more, even more than before.

'How is it possible that a discarded bowl of nihonium could make the drop disappear from the world?
...... Oh.

 If you ask me, yes, it's possible.
 Even now, they've even stopped producing cyclo in Dungeon Master.
 It's certainly possible that's what will happen if Nihonium gets burned out.

'The idea was a bit naive,'
I don't see the problem. Satou-sama will get it right in the end anyway.
So you're lifting it up.
...... Phew.

 The corner of his mouth lifts up and he hooks a smile.
 What does that mean? I was thinking, "I'm sorry," when there was a knock on the door of the chairman's office.

"Excuse me for interrupting your conversation. Satou-sama's landlord is here to see you.

 It was Alice who ran into the Chairman's office.
 She had a fellow monster on her shoulder, breathing on her shoulder.
 Her breathing is so heavy that the monsters are about to be shaken off if they don't cling to her tightly.

'What's up, Alice?'
Oh, my God. Oh, my God. I got something for you.
"Present: ......

 Glancing at the cell, he's getting good at it, "See?


 The situation was better than I expected.

'They're coming from so many different places, the mansion is going to be filled.
That's too much!

 How much of a gift is enough to fill that mansion?