280. There is a way

 Ninth floor of Nihonium basement.

 I was hiding here today to attack.
 In the dungeon, a dragon zombie clad in miasma was quietly standing there.

 Unlike previous monsters, it rarely acted before the battle.
 The miasma of the huge body and the miasma that it wears is combined with the miasma.
 I'm not going to be able to get a good deal more than a few hours of sleep.

 I'm going to have to brace myself and go to one of them.


 Just as he was about to attack, he realized something and stopped moving.


 There's a gap! As if to say, the dragon zombie that hadn't moved before attacked.
 Sludgy body fluids glowed, and it opened its huge mouth to bite me.


 I kicked the ground and jumped down, but the dragon zombie's movements stretched out even further, and gah! And then he bites into my body.

 My fangs dug into my skin, my whole body creaking as they tightened like a vise.

'U...... oh!'

 I took a deep breath and strengthened my arms and legs to counter the force of the biting dragon zombies.
 Mischief! Immediately after I heard the sound of "I'm not going to be able to do anything about it," my body turned into a large figure for a moment and released the bite of the dragon zombie.

 I landed as it was, and this time I kicked the ground and jumped back down.
 And look.

 I wasn't mistaken.
 Even though he hadn't attacked yet, the number above the dragon zombie's head indicated '2'.

...... No way.

 I ran away from the dragon zombie in front of me to check the knot that came to mind.
 I ran away and shook it off to face another dragon zombie that I quickly encountered.

 This time it was a "4".

 I didn't attack, but looked for yet another dragon zombie.

 I looked around for it and checked the numbers above my head.

 They were scattered.

 The numbers for each individual varied from 2 to 5 and were not constant.

''It's hard to get around .......''

 Immediately I realized what it meant and what was going to happen next, and the words unintentionally spilled out of my mouth like a complaint.
 The key to lapses is to pattern your behavior.
 How simple and less shaky it is to make it into a routine is a good circumference pattern.
 But if the number of possible attacks is uneven, that is also difficult.

'No, I can set up a pattern that allows me to take them down in two moves?

 So I think about that for a minute.
 Yeah, I do.

 I thought about it hard for a moment, but even if the numbers vary from 2 to 5, you can think of them all as the smallest 2.
 If you have a grace period of 5, you can beat it in two moves and you're good to go.

 Speaking of two moves, I'd like to see ...... the fusion of blue flame bombs and flameless bombs that I did on the first guy I defeated.

 Okay, let's give it a try.

 I'm going to be able to pull out two pistols and firmly reload each of them with flaming bullets.

 I was determined to be a dragon zombie, but...

"I didn't know there was one!

 We reopened and the first dragon zombie we encountered was the number "1" above our heads.

 I was completely taken out of the game.
 You can't use flameless bullets if you have 1.

 Just to be sure, I shot an azure bullet and fused them together to create a flameless bullet.
 I guided the dragon zombies whose number had reached 0 to that point, but it didn't work at all.

 I knew it would be invincible when it reached 0.
 Speaking of which, .......


 I tried shooting the strongest lap spell at a dragon zombie that was at 0.
 This didn't work either.

 It's the strongest lap magic repetition, but it's a magic that was originally in this world.
 In other words, it's a magic in the rules of the world.

 The dragon zombies that became 0 are invincible, therefore Repetition doesn't work either.
 And you can't use repetition even during a magic storm where you can't use magic.

 The tension was a bit low because I thought it might be a surprise to find out that the number was not a happy one.

 There's no way to defeat a dragon zombie whose number has reached 0, so I started running away from that one for now.

 Even if I started my rounds at this point, I'd still be haphazard and inefficient.
 Okay, let's split up and investigate first.
 I went around the ninth floor without attacking and checked the numbers of the dragon zombies.

 I went around for about an hour without attacking and checked it.
 The counts, the number of times they could attack ranged from 1 to 5.
 The most common was 3, with 1 and 2 and 4 and 5 being roughly the same.
 Other than that, there were none.

 In other words, in order to do a brain-dead lap, you had to take them out in one move.
 Dragon zombies that were quite strong, and when it came to reliably defeating them in one move, .......

'Repetition, right?'

 I mumbled and sighed.
 I put Repetition on all kinds of dragon zombies, from 1 to 5, to try it out.
 I was able to defeat them all in one hit. That's not surprising.

 If it's not 0, Repetition works.
 I was able to repetition them to make a stable lap.

 It's ...... not so much.

 Repetition is the easiest way to go around, no matter what kind of enemies you have, but that's why you don't want to choose it.
 I don't want to be that lopsided and brain-dead in my laps so that I can exert my power in case something goes wrong.

Now, what to do: ......

 I shot all sorts of bullets at the dragon zombies without thinking about defeating them.

 Regular bullets, freezer bullets, flame bullets, lightning bullets, strapped bullets, tracking bullets, scrap bullets, slashing bullets, and triple bullets. And just in case it's a zombie, there's also a recovery round.

 I tried to shoot them all, but none of them worked.
 Same with the accelerated bullets, even in the accelerated world, if I attacked, the dragon zombie count would instantly decrease and it didn't make sense.

 The fusion bullet didn't even try it. It couldn't be used to start the count one in two moves.

 Is there any other way to do it, something?

 With that in mind, I checked the various items besides the special bullets and checked their effects one by one.

'...... Whoa?'

 Among the items, I found a certain item that I hadn't used in over a year that I missed.
 I take it and think about it.
 Yeah, it probably works.

 I take it, and I stand in front of the dragon zombies.

 The count is two, just like that.

"Here's the test, I'll take a count to save time.

 He mumbled to himself and shot the dragon zombie with an acceleration round.
 I'm not going to shoot myself, I'm going to shoot the dragon zombie with an accelerator round that will make the opponent go very fast.

 The moment the dragon zombie's count went from 2 to 1--.


 The dragon zombie's figure disappeared, and with a thud, a shock came to his entire body.
 It accelerated.
 The thing accelerated and attacked me with an unseen movement.
 I'm in a guard stance, with my entire body getting pummeled, and I'm using my HP and strength SS to hold on.

 The stormy onslaught of dragon zombies is endured.
 Soon, poof, the dragon zombie's attack abruptly ceased.
 The figure disappeared and a dexterity seed dropped in front of me instead.


 A small gut-punch, right on target.
 I saw an item I hadn't put out in a long time.

 The High Guts Slime Gem.

 An item that, when equipped, reflects the damage you take back to your opponent.
 I usually don't use it because it takes time, and it's dusty, but it was useful.

 The dragon zombie count is only the number of damage from you, not the reflection.

 I used the accelerated bullets because I wanted to know the results right away, but even without them, you can still take out a dragon zombie on count 1 with this.

 Although this method would take a long time, I was still satisfied with the fact that I had been able to find it, that I had grabbed the possibility of going around without re-petitioning.

 But it's not enough.

"I'm going to have to think about it more and pack it in.

 For the first time in a long time, I was feeling challenged.