276. Upper limit up

Mr. Lyota!

 The mansion's own room, I was getting ready to go off to my next job when Celeste rushed in.

'What's going on?'
'There's a dungeon master in Prumbum. Can you take him down?

 I agreed and was about to leave the room and head to the transporter room when I suddenly remembered something.

'What's going on?'
'Didn't everyone take down Plumbum's dungeon master quickly before ......
''Yes, we all used one bromide each to beat it. But lately the use of bromides is being researched more and more, and that's why they're getting more expensive: ......
Doesn't anyone use it casually anymore?

 Celeste gave a small nod.
 'Well, I can understand. When I was playing the game in my former world, I had the elixir-unavailability syndrome, too.

 I can understand why you'd want to spare the expensive items.

'Okay, I'm probably the best person for that sort of thing.

 I walked off at a quick pace and headed for the transporter room.

'What's the hierarchy?'
He was on the third floor when I came back.

 I've stepped through all the levels of Plumbum, so I can transfer anywhere.
 I designated the destination as the third floor of Plumbum in the transfer room, opened the gate and jumped in immediately.

 The air changed in an instant, the air with the Dungeon Master.
 I looked around - and there he was.

 Inside the dungeon, after the other monsters were gone and the adventurers had evacuated, Dungeon Master Ryo-sama was there.


 I don't know if it's my imagination, but Ryo-sama's head and body have risen.
 He has roughly nine heads, and is already a perfect shoujo manga protagonist no matter where you look at him.

The ............ coolness is also up, which is incredibly complicated.

 He's a shoujo manga-like character, but he's also a normal, good-looking protagonist, even from my male eyes.
 The appearance of Ryo-sama looks exactly like the drawings Pulumbum writes - which means Pulumbum's drawing skills have improved again.


 Ryo-sama noticed me and raised his gun.
 By the way, a horizontal horizontal strike, also very cool.


 I was curious to see how Ryo-sama, who had become better looking, would move, but the dungeon master would lose all the adventurers for that time if he was left alone, so he quickly defeated him with a repetition.
 My body becomes weak.
 Repetition consumes varying amounts of MP depending on the strength of the enemy, and Dungeon Master class is empty with a single MP shot, even with SS.

 I shoot infinite recovery bullets into myself like an injection to recover my MP.

''Whoa, the key.''

 The missing Master Ryo had dropped a rusty key.

 I picked up the key and used the gate to get back to the mansion.
 Celeste, who was waiting for me in the transporter room, greeted me.

'Welcome home.'
I'm back. I just knocked him down.
Thank you, I knew I could count on you, Ryota.
'What's Celeste going to do now? Are you going back?
Yeah. I don't want you to have to worry about it, but be careful.

 It's partly because Ryou-sama is like that, but unlike other dungeons, I feel like the monsters in Plumbum are growing - or evolving - unlike other dungeons.
 And I feel like the dungeon masters are appearing more frequently.

 Maybe those all depend on Prumbum's mood.
 It's possible that one day the regular monsters will evolve from fish and the dungeon will be filled with monsters that look like me.

 ...... You're overthinking it, yeah.

 Well, that's why I said something like that to Celeste, just in case the monsters might get stronger.

'Thanks, I'll be careful,'

 Celeste's cheeks turned cherry red as she used the gate to the transporter room to return to Plumbum with a mature smile on her face.

 Well, I'm going to go to the basement.
 I wanted to change my plans and do some testing (,).
 But first I've got to turn this rusty key into a gold key.

 I'm going to walk down the hallway to the basement.
 As I walked past Celeste's room, I noticed that the door was half open.

'You're careless: ......

 He mumbled and put his hand on the doorknob to close the door.

 Suddenly, I could see the room through the skimmer.
 A surprisingly girly room that hadn't changed since Celeste moved in.
 There was still a variety of stuffed animals on display - but it wasn't just the same.

 Among the array of stuffed animals, there, glimpsed through the gaps in the door, stood two Ryou-sama.

 The stick-standing Ryo-sama, and the bromide summoned and there were no enemies, so Ryo-sama didn't move like a mannequin.
 Why was Ryou-sama--

Let's pretend we didn't see ......

 The moment all sorts of imaginations ran through my head, I decided to do it.
 I don't know what Celeste is doing that for, though.

'So you've been going to Plumbum lately, and you've let me know about the Dungeon Master. Yeah, I got it.

 I shut the door tightly and came to the basement.

 I put the rusty key at the back of the basement and keep my distance.
 Then, the moment Dungeon Master Ryo-sama hatches, I don't let him do anything but beat him with an instant repetition.

 The rusty key became the golden key.

 This is the second one.
 I take out the first one I took before, the first one, and twist the golden key while holding the two keys.

 Then a door appears, a door that leads to the room in the example.
 The word "02" appeared on the door.

 I knew it was a mechanism where the number increases by one per key.
 And the rest is what this number means.

 I left the basement and shouted inside the house.

Hello? Is anybody out there?
Yes, sir.

 Then Emily popped up from the salon.

'You're here, Emily?'
Yes, sir. We're cleaning house today.
Okay. I'm sorry, but I need you to come with me to the test.
'Of course it's okay. What do you want me to do?

 Then he twisted the key.
 The example door appears between me and Emily.

'Wow, you scared me,'
I need you to get in here.

 Without any hesitation, Emily opened the door and walked in.
 It was too easy to say too much in time to say a lot of things.
 Oh well, more importantly, the numbers.

 The number on the door went from '02' to '01' as Emily entered.

'Did you call for me, Mr. Lyota?'

 This time, Elsa, who is always in this mansion due to her job, showed up.

''Elsa, I'm sorry, but will you go with me to the test?''
'Yes. Do you want me to do something at that door?
'Thanks for talking so quickly, just get inside. I've already made sure Alice is safe.
I understand.
Make sure Emily is inside.
Yes, sir.

 He readily accepted, but he didn't jump in as quickly as Emily did, so I gave him a heads up.

 Like Emily, I opened the door and went in.
 Then the number changed from "01" to "00".

 Apparently, the number = the number of keys seemed to be the number of people using the door at the same time.