274. Portrait rights and royalties

Oh, my God, Mr. Lyota!

 I was relaxing in the salon during the day, after the Plumbum one, trying to make it a day off, when Elsa rushed in.

'What's going on?'
Mr. Lyota, do you owe someone a magic cart?
'Magic cart? No, I'm sure you don't owe me anything. What's going on?
'Well, ...... um! Come here for a moment.

 I don't know what it's about, but since Elsa's condition isn't just a matter of time, I decided to follow along anyway.
 We came together to the mansion's hall, the place that is the sub-branch of "Tsubame's Benefit".

 Once inside, Elsa ran in front of one of the terminals at a small run.
 An item transporter, using Master Lock and Slay Block.
 It's a transporter connected to my magic cart.


 I immediately understood why Elsa was upset.
 Because the money popped out of there - and was forwarded to me.

'500 pillow balls ...... why?'
I don't know. It's a transfer from Lyota's magic cart, here. So, Ryota-san, I was wondering if you knew anything about it.

 I picked my jaw and thought about it.
 I have no idea what's going on.

 I stayed where I was for a bit and looked at it.
 Then the money was transferred one by one.
 All five hundred pillow balls, and they kept popping up at irregular intervals.

It's like a hammer being hammered out.
Low level, there you are.
Eve, what does it mean?

 Eve came into the office with one of the Ryou-sama.

 A bunny rabbit in a bunny suit and the main character, Ryo-sama, in a shoujo manga style.
 The combination was quite surreal.

''This low-level piece of shit is defective and useless.
Carrot crap.
............ Oh, you tried to hunt carrots with the bromide in the dungeon.

 Eve gave a small nod.
 'I tried to produce Ryota carrots on my own, but the bromide summoner, Ryota-sama, isn't a drop S, so you don't like that carrot because it doesn't taste as good as the one you aimed for.

'I'm surprised you used it first,'
The rabbit would do anything for a carrot.
He really seems to do everything.

 As I said, Eve chopped at Ryo-sama in a huff.
 Since there are no monsters, Ryo-sama receives the chop without resistance.
 He is knocked down with a single blow and disappears.

'Ryota-san! The money!

 I turned around at the sound of Elsa's voice and saw a single 500-pillow ball come flying out of the transporter.

'The timing, you don't think it's that one?'
What can we do, Mr. Lyota?
Do you have a bromide?
Yes, I bought from Celeste today.
I'll take one. Take the money out of my account.

 Elsa went back to her desk once, wrote things down, processed them, and came back with one of the bromides.

 She takes it and summons Ryou-sama.
 He immediately defeats it.


Mr. Ryota! There it is again.
...... the moment this goes off.

 I bought another bromide, and this time, after summoning it, I hatched a slime haglemono from a sprout and let it attack me, while I was at it.

 Ryou-sama disappeared after taking out the slime with a single blow, and then produced another 500 pillow ball.

''Looks like there's no doubt about it,''
'Yes, but why: ......'

 Me and Elsa looked at each other and twisted our heads together.
 Even though I thought about it, I couldn't understand it at all - in that situation.

It's a good idea. Prumbum is an interesting kid.

 Another companion, Alice, arrived at the business office.
 She came in, cheerful as always, with her fellow monster on her shoulder.

'Alice, did you just say Plumbum?'
'Yes! I went out for a little while. Mela and Plumbum got along great with each other.

 One of the monsters on Alice's shoulder, a deformed human spirit-like monster.

 Its true identity is the spirit of the Phosphorus Dungeon, Phosphorus himself.

"A hit it off? Oh yeah, spirit to spirit.
'Yes! So Meramela and Purrumbum joined forces.

 Alice said and took out the bromide.
 With a much more familiar hand, she summoned Ryo-sama.
 The deformed monsters attacked Ryo-sama and beat him.

 Again, 500 pillow balls were transferred.

'This is Ryota's - Ryota-sama, right? Every time it was used, Ryota would be paid a fee for its use. Shosoken? I don't know, she said that we shouldn't use it for free, Mela Mela.
...... so...

 A dungeon spirit that drops gold.

 That Fosforus and Plumbum worked together to evolve a bromide.

''Wow, wow! Here and there, Ryota--no, no, I mean Ryo-sama is being used.

 Alice clapped her hands and was happy to see the 500 pillow balls that were still being forwarded to her a little bit now and then.
 It's more than the fact that every time Ryo-sama is used, a fee is paid to me for the use of the ball - it's more than that.

'Isn't this the first time in history that spirits have joined forces with each other?
'Yes, mela mela--oh, I see!

 I knew it.

 Ryo-sama bromide.
 Unbeknownst to me, it was the first time in history that I had accomplished this feat.