271. Always better than expected

 One day, on my way back from visiting Plumbum, I came across the city of TetraMin.

 Since the creation of the Plumbum weapon, many merchants have come to TetraMin, but the number of adventurers seems to have increased.
 I'm not sure why, I wondered, as I tilted my head through the bustling streets of TetraMin.

Dale, or is he ...... busy with something?

 Dale was sweating when he spoke to me.
 His slightly frayed hair was sticking to his forehead, how busy he looked at work.

'Yes! Thanks to this, more adventurers are moving to Tetramin. We're going to have another meeting today to discuss the expansion of the residential section of the city.
Wow, more applicants.
It's all thanks to Lyota-sama.
Plumbum Weapon.
No, no, that's not all.

 What do you mean? I nodded my head.
 Dale looked at me with nothing but respect, like a fan waiting for his idol to show up.

'It's Lyota's prestige. I found out that if you use that thing to defeat a monster, it drops 100%.''
I didn't know that.

 I see, so that's what I look like to Prumbum.

''Roughly, once you kill 30 monsters, it comes with one definite drop. That's what made the efficiency of the Plumbum dungeon one of the highest of all dungeons. That's why people wanted to transfer in.
Well, that's a bargain.

 I tried to imagine the feeling.
 If you get hit once every 30 times on average, you're going to be more efficient, but also more excited.

'I'd accumulate and accumulate and accumulate dozens of cards and spend them all at once.
There are some adventurers like that, it seems.

 I know more about the feeling over there.
 I see, that's why it's so popular.

''So it's really thanks to Lyota-sama. Thank you so much!''

 Dale bucked his hips ninety degrees and bowed deeply.

'Ta-oh my God!'

 Suddenly, a man came running from a distance.
 When the man spotted Dale, he ran at once.

'What's up, Pierre?'
It's the dungeon master, the dungeon master is out!
I'm out.

 I said and ran off towards the Plumbum dungeon I had just emerged from.
 The sooner I beat the dungeon master, the better.
 I've already defeated him, and if I go, it'll be one repetition shot, so I thought I'd do it.

 I enter the Plumbum dungeon, going down the dungeon with no monster in sight.

 Then I saw an extraordinary sight.
 The sight of Dungeon Master Ryo-sama just getting hit.

 The ones who did it were the adventurers - or rather, the adventurers' use of 'Ryota's Prestige'.

 There were more than a dozen bromide summoned 'Ryou-sama' and they were beating up Dungeon Master Ryou-sama, a very strange sight.

 The Dungeon Master's version of Ryo-sama is a little stronger, but he's outnumbered.
 That fellow was killed by a large number of bromide Ryou-sama, quite simply.


I heard it was a preproduction prototype versus a production army.

 The saloon of the mansion at night.
 Neptune, who came to visit, said happily.
 What's that robot-animation expression.

You're the dungeon master and you're the one who defeated it. But the real you isn't there. Isn't it strange?
'Come to think of it, it might as well be.'
''I want to thank you as well. That one thing has further boosted Plumbum's reputation.
'I see, because you were invested in tetramine. But why did it go up?
'It's because it's one of the rare dungeons where the Dungeon Master isn't a threat. When the dungeon master appears, there's no need to send people to defeat him, because the system is designed so that local people can deal with him. A safe and stable dungeon to get around.
...... That's going to be very popular.

But you're amazing.
Every time, you end up doing more than what's required of you, every time.

 Neptune laughed even more happily.