265. Double turtle

Well, I'm off.
What can I do for you?

 Celeste asked me in front of the stairs leading to the spirits.
 The only one who can go down is me, having defeated the monster and brought out the stairs.
 The two of us can't go, but Celeste still looked at me, wanting to help somehow.

''Well, ...... it would be helpful if one of you could run a quick run to the mansion, just in case.''
The mansion?
The gate is open.

 Eve's tone is flat as usual.
 Since he was known as a veteran adventurer before he joined the family, he's quick to talk in these situations.

You'll be able to open the transporter room and this Plumbum when you get back to the mansion. Then I can easily return to the mansion. It will come in handy when you can't solve the problem just once or on my own.
I see. That's exactly what happened with Emily.
'Yeah, we can aim for the same thing we did with Emily when we helped Arsenik achieve the Moon Reproduction (drop doubling).
'All right, leave that to me and Eve. One of us will go.

 I said goodbye to the two of them with a look, and I went down the stairs leading to the genie's room.

 It's not like I can get to the genie's room right away.
 If this is the pattern we've been following so far, another difficult enemy should be waiting for us.

 As expected, the first thing we did was go into a completely white, empty space.
 The space was modestly small. It wasn't even half the size of a tennis court.

 There was a turtle curled up in the center of that space.
 Surprisingly, it looked like a free turtle.
 Its limbs were curled up, hidden inside its shell.

 I pulled out my gun, first firing the growth bullets I was raising for a small check.
 Darn! Kakin!

 A metallic sound rang out and the bullet was bounced off the shell.
 I see, it's as hard as it looks - and that's when I thought.

 The turtle split into two bodies.

 Apparently, it seems that it splits just like a normal monster.

 Then it's no good doing a small check, you have to defeat it with a big move.

 I pulled out both pistols, loaded them both with blue flame bullets, and fired them at the same time to make them into fusion bullets.
 A fusion of blue flame bullets, flameless bullets.

 The invisible flames burned one of the turtles.


 I raised my voice.
 The shimmering sunshine flickered, the flameless bullets were definitely made.
 But the turtle didn't falter.

 The bullets that had burned everything up until now didn't work as if.

 And then - another split.
 The two turtles split into four, each of them splitting apart.

'Flameless bullets don't work either: ...... I'll have to be very careful with this one.

 I was pondering what to do, though.

 The four turtles split further apart, making it eight!


 It's an eye-opening sight, and I'm immensely disappointed by the sight in front of me.
 I didn't do anything and the turtle was even more divided.

 No, before that.
 All the splits we've seen so far.
 It was splitting even when it wasn't attacking the turtle.

 And then I was like, "What the hell does that mean--" and then they split.
 We've gone from eight to 16.

"Shall we play a game of doubles?

 I watched with bated breath, and after a few seconds, it split even more and became thirty-two bodies.
 He waited for a few more seconds, and from now on, there would be sixty-four bodies.

 At this point, I couldn't even tread on them anymore.

 Is it at least a relief that the turtles are hiding in their shells and not attacking me - no, no!

 I realize.
 I realized that I was in a pinch like never before.

 The turtles aren't attacking me, that's probably for sure.
 I get the same feeling from these turtles that I get from the Arsenic rocks, that they are not willing to fight.
 They just double in size every few seconds.

 That's all, but this room was surprisingly small, and there was no way out.
 As soon as I came down, the stairs disappeared.

 At this pace - in less than thirty seconds, the splitting turtle will fill the room - and I'll be crushed to death.


 He put the gun away and hit the turtle at his feet.
 Force SS, if this was it - it was no good.
 Even if I hit it with all my strength, the turtle's shell didn't even crack.

 And then split further.

 The turtle, which was all over the floor, doubled in size, and the floor itself rose up a notch.

 I got impatient and kept hitting it as hard as I could, but it wasn't working.
 But it didn't work.

 At this rate, I had two more, and less than ten seconds left.

"Accelerated fire!

 Quickly, I shot an accelerated bullet at myself to buy myself some time.
 In an accelerated world, the proliferation of turtles slows down in the experience.

 I must defeat the turtles at any cost.

 I grit my teeth.
 From the response, it's not an attack disablement or anything like that.
 It's just that it's extremely hard.

 A tremendously hard tortoise shell, where neither physics nor magic works.

 Then we have no choice but to hit it with an attack that surpasses it.

 I grabbed one of the turtles, striking it with all my strength.
 Don! Don! Don! Don! Don--

 Each blow, delivered by the force SS, was a special-grade punch that slammed into the turtle's shell in rapid succession.

 Doubling up even more, half the room is filled.
 One more, only a few seconds left in real time.

 More pounding, pounding as hard as I can.
 I slam it so hard that my knuckles crack and my bones creak.


 The turtle's shell cracked.
 The cracked shell shattered as it was, emitting light.

'There's no time--Repetition!

 In the accelerated time, I repetitioned from one end to the other.
 Once I took down a turtle, the repetition worked.

 I shot frantically and eliminated them at a high pace.

 Doubled down even more on the way!
 But the amount of space I erased with the repetition didn't go as far as to fill it 100%, leaving enough room for one of me to fit.

 As long as I don't die, I can handle it.
 While shooting infinite recovery rounds, I fired a barrage of Repetition in the accelerating world.

 Doubling up was bad, but the accelerated bullets plus the Repetition were just barely enough to surpass it.

 The turtles were multiplied twice during the course of the game, but I managed to kill all of them.

 The entrance to the room that leads to the spirit appeared.