257. Compassion is not good for people

 We walked fast around the city.
 There were slime and other weak monsters here and there.

 As you encounter them, take them out one by one.
 In dungeons, you may have to spend a lot of time training, but this was outside, in the city.
 The more time you spend, the more danger you put the townspeople in.

 I didn't take any time at all to beat the head of the encounter.
 I used tracking rounds.
 You don't need to focus on the target, and after recognizing the monster, it will track itself if you hit it.

 Repetition requires time to chant seven letters, while tracking bullets only require you to pull the trigger.

 If it's the weakest one like the slime, the tracking rounds are faster than the repetition.

 So, I'm firing a lot of tracking rounds while looking for the culprit in the city.

"Oh, I found the culprit.
Neptune ...... and .......

 Neptune, whom I encountered, suddenly called me a criminal.
 He was accompanied by his two lovers, Ran and Lil, as usual.

 The familiar-looking Yuuo smiled a little more nastily than usual and went to his two companions.

''See, I told you. I told you the killer would come back to the scene of the crime.
You're right, that's awesome.
'Don't be dignified. That's the story I told you in the first place.
I know. But what's mine is mine, and Lil' himself is mine.
f*ck you. What are you talking about?
What about me? Hey, what about me?

 Neptune started flirting with the two of them.
 I couldn't keep up, so I ignored him and tried to walk away again.

'Hey, wait a minute. You're being horrible for ignoring me,
I'm not the guy who did it.
I know that. Everybody in the city knows that. Maybe the real killer is the only one. You don't think this is going to work in your favor.

 Neptune turned into a smiling face, how amused he seemed to be.

'Hey, let me give you one piece of advice.
"When you find the real culprit, punish him properly. Never show mercy.
You don't do them any favors by being merciful.
...... Hmm.

 I'm not sure I understand.

"One more thing.
That's because you're too quick to take him down. He's going around telling everybody it was you, isn't he?

 I huffed.
 I was careless.
 Yes, that's what it's all about.

 There's a monster haggler out there who's trying to blame me for a monster haggler that's out there.
 He's trying to do some damage and blame me for it.

 I can't just run into a monster and kill it as fast as I can.

"Thanks for the help.
Yeah, it's tough being famous.
I'll thank you next time.

 I said goodbye to Neptune and went after the killer again.

 I ran around the streets of Cyclo for a while and found another monster.
 Two of them this time, the slime in the first floor of the Tellurium basement.

 I suppressed my desire to defeat them immediately and went towards the slime.
 The slime bounced around and slammed into me with a bang.

 I heard the onomatopoeia in my brain, a pettish sound.
 It was fresh in a roundabout way.

 I hadn't been attacked by a slime in maybe a year.
 After I got some strength and experience, I didn't take any damage from the slime at all.

 -- and that's not the time to be unconcerned.

''Uh ...... Ugh, wow!''

 It was an embarrassing act that would have killed me if someone I knew had seen it.
 I let out a barbed scream and fall to the ground.
 The slime swarms in, attacking me.

 It doesn't hurt, in fact, it's hard to hold back from accidentally fighting back and knocking them down.

 For a while, I let the slime do what it wants while I'm down, and occasionally I'll say "wow" or "ouch
I showed him a scream.

 I was so embarrassed that I felt like fire was going to come out of my face, even though I wasn't used to this at all and no one was looking at me.

 But it was worth it.

'There's another monster in here! Ryota Sato is haggling again!
There you are!

 I turned toward the voice.
 I saw someone leaning out from the corner, screaming.

 I pulled out my gun and shot the guy while he was down.
 A strapped bullet.
 A rope of light catches the guy.

"What the hell is this?

 I used my magic to defeat the haglemono slime and slowly approached the guy.

 It was a middle-aged man who was bound by a restraining bullet.

''Who are you ......?''
Who are you?

 The man yelled at me.
 I was about to say my name and ask him why he did this to me, when he said.

'Boss ......'

 I heard a sigh and how dismayed I was from behind me.
 I turned around, and this time it was a familiar face.

"Mattia." "Mattia!

 ...... Huh?

 He turned around again, and the man was glaring at Mattia, who had appeared, in a form of anger.
 He knows Mattia, and Mattia called him "boss".
 This is .......

'The boss of the family that was here before?'

 When I asked, Mattia nodded with a face that looked like she was biting down on a bitter bug.
 Oh, I see.
 If that's the case, I instantly understood the story.

''It's backhanded, isn't it?
'Yes. I heard the story and I was chasing after it if I could, but I didn't realize it was really the boss: ......

 Mattia sighed further.
 So, it's good that I disclosed the method of circling the Lantern's 20th underground floor to keep him from making money, but he resented me for it, and that's why this happened.

''I'm sorry Satou-san, I'm sorry this happened to you.
No, it's not your fault.

 The only one to blame is this man, Mattia's former boss.

 He started a business with a random idea, and if it fails, he blames his subordinates, and if he succeeds, he takes the credit.
 And yet he does this out of spite against a mere business enemy.
 This man is completely to blame.

 This guy, I mean.

"My powers are slipping away: ......

 It was kind of a crappy case that I didn't even want to give him a bang for his buck.
 In the end, all this guy did was spread hagrete and call my name.

 None of the cyclone people believed in him, and the monsters he dispersed were weak.

'Why was it a slime or something? The monsters,
'No! Of course it's because being a strong monster puts me in danger too!

 A man who makes a strong argument for pathetic things.
 It's so relaxing.

What should we do, Sato-san?
'I feel like I don't really care anymore. I'm not going to do anything from me.
Are you sure?
Okay, then I'll report the incident to the authorities.

 Even if I'm the one who took off the force, distributing the haggler to the city is a classic crime.
 I'll report it to the authorities, and that may be all that matters.

I've been briefed. I'll make my decision.
'Wow! Ce, cel, when.

 I'm surprised by the sudden appearance of the cell.
 He's still a godsend.

'There's a commotion in town, and as the head of the association I can't just sit back and watch it happen.
Well, I suppose that's true.
Especially those who try to blame Sato-sama for the crime.
This is not a matter for the head of the association to worry about...

 I smiled bitterly, and the next moment, something fell from my cell sleeve to the ground.
 I hear a heavy sound, and it's my figure, and-.

Why is it that I'm being attacked by slime?
Gosh, really.

 Cell picked up my figure and reinserted it into his sleeve and glared at Mattia's former boss with a stern face.

'You're the lordship of the Sept Family, and I'm pronouncing judgment on you.
No, I'm not...
'From now on, all Cyclo buyers are prohibited from buying from the Sept family. The dungeon's license is also revoked.

 The verdict handed down by the cell was probably the heaviest of all.

'Well, wait a minute! This is different!

 The bound sept was desperately different - he wondered what was different, but he complained that it was different anyway.
 But Cell walked away without turning around at all.
 His back seemed to exude anger.

 Um, I knew this was it.

'Ah. That's why I told you.'

 I heard Neptune's voice from right beside me, and before I knew it, he was here too.

You told me being merciful was not in their best interest.

 Neptune said, smiling smugly.