255. System development

 Lantern dungeon, 20th floor underground.

 I came here with Mao Mee, the head of the Filin Society.
 I look around, we are the only adventurers in the room.

"We have the whole place to ourselves!

 Mao said with an innocent smile that suited his petite body very well.

'Renting out?'
That's right. I did you a favor and got rid of all the other adventurers and rented it out for the day.
Are you sure you want to do that?
'It's okay. There is no way in the world that anything higher in priority than what you ask of me should exist.

 Mao said something amazing with an innocent smile.
 It doesn't exist, it can't exist even higher than that.
 It's amazing that he can say that much.


 At the time, the Cyclodungeon Society, President's Office.
 Cell and his men were working on paperwork.

Are you pleased with yourself, Master Cell?
I have an epiphany.
It's a revelation that you have to stick together, that you have to show what you believe.
I'm not sure, but good luck with that.


What's going on? I have a scary face.
I just got a weird chill in my mouth: ...... or am I imagining it?

 I feel like there's something terrible going on that I don't know about, but I'm scared, so I decide to forget about it.

''More importantly, what are you going to do with that sword?''

 Mao looked curiously at the sword I was holding.

'I did some research, and it seems that swords are the most common weapons used by adventurers.
Yes, it's a very conventional, easy-to-use weapon for everyone.
So this is it.
I don't know, but I'm rooting for you.

 I gripped the sword again.
 A feel that didn't feel very comfortable in my hand.
 I'd gotten guns and special bullets from Hagremonos as soon as I came to this world, so I'd rarely used weapons that were otherworldly.

 But now I need this.

 The flaming Kunoichi, the monster on the twentieth basement floor.
 This monster is characterized by Kunoichi's highly revealing outfit and the flames it wears all over its body.
 The flaming Kunoichi came sprinting towards me and slashed at me with a ninja sword held in its reverse hand.

 I catch it with my sword, a metallic sound and sparks fly.
 I push Kunoichi back and step in further, slashing back.

 Zash! The slash cut down Noichi like the flames he was wearing.
 The monster disappears and the sake drops.
 Ignoring Bodley Ryota and the branded liquor, I review the current battle.

 After doing the whole thing, I take on the next flaming Kunoichi.
 I didn't take it down right away, I let my opponent attack me to some extent and then we'll figure it out.

 Flaming Kunoichi was easy to understand.
 There are two patterns of attacks from a lunge, depending on which foot comes out first.
 If you start from your left foot, it is a slash of the ninja sword; if you start from your right foot, it is a shuriken while you charge.

 When he turns around, if there is nothing to see, he will perform a swinging slash, and if he glances at you, he will throw his shuriken before attacking you.

 After assessing the attack pattern all over the place, he optimizes it with his sword.
 The ability is suppressed, and the assumption is lowered a bit to C strength and speed.
 The optimization is done with the movements that the ability value can do.


Okay, that's a time savings of nearly 20%.

 Mao crackled and clapped.

'You've been watching this the whole time?'
'Yes! It was so cool, it was like dancing at the end of the show, I was just mesmerized.
'Maybe it's a dance, or maybe it's just a matter of figuring out the pattern.

 I thought to myself, recalling the optimization pattern I'd assembled after various tests, and it certainly could look like a dance.

 I used the paper and pen I'd brought with me beforehand to write down the optimized pattern and, as an added bonus, the entire pattern of Kunoichi's attacks on the flames.
 I handed it to Mao.

'What is this?'
'This is the safest and quickest way to defeat the flaming Kunoichi when using the sword. Give this to all adventurers for free.
It's a waste of time, because even a novice fighter like Mao could see that it's such a great move, it's a waste of time to show it to the public for free.
It's free.

 I said and stuck out more paper.


 Mao stared at the paper with a straight face.

'Could it be that something unreasonable was happening somewhere?'
Well, they don't seem to think it's unreasonable.

 I remember Mattia's face.
 The family that Mattia was part of, its boss.
 I didn't even know what he looked like, but I remembered that guy, whose face I didn't know, but I knew he was a jerk.

 Mattia quit and looked radiant, but I couldn't stand the idea of what I made for him being used to make money.
 So I came in like this, studied the movements of the most used swords by adventurers, and created a pattern that was 20% more efficient than the previous one.

 And it's free to the public.

I don't know who you are, but I'm sorry for your loss.
But I've had it coming.
'Everyone tells me not to be unreasonable in your presence, and then some guy who did it had it coming.

 I hope it works out that way.

 Mao took the note from my hand.

'Mao will be responsible for spreading this to all the adventurers in Filin.
Thank you, please.
You're welcome. I'm rather honored to be a part of it. I'm so excited to be a part of Lyota System!
I'd appreciate it if you'd drop that name as much as possible.

 And it's embarrassing.
 Nevertheless, Mao is willing to do it, so I decided to leave it to him.

 After a while, the Lyota system for Lantern 20 floors went viral.
 He heard rumors that the family Mattia was with had failed to make a profit and had lost credibility because people laughed at him for trying to sell them a crappy method.