233. Cooking for 5 minutes

 Silicon Dungeon, first basement floor.

 Me, Emily, and Celeste came to a dungeon that was empty of adventurers.

It's full of monsters.
You look ...... the same.

 Celeste, the family's walking dictionary, said that when she saw the monster.
 The caterpillar on the first floor of the silicon basement, a caterpillar the size of a box of tissues, is just like the one I saw on the third floor.

'Looks like it. It looks like the same one we've seen before.
It was a difficult time for me.
"Emily was very helpful. Okay, well, let's see what we have. Can you do that for me, Emily?
Yes, sir.

 Emily stepped forward, carrying the hammer.
 A supermassive hammer at 130cm tall and over two meters, though it was still unbalanced as always.

''You've got some style going for you,''
So that's what it looks like.
Yes. She gets even more turned on from here.

 I stared at Emily, intrigued by the switch that was about to be flipped.

 The air changed, Emily's expression changed drastically.
 She had always been calm and motherly to the family, but in an instant, she took on the air of a brave man of the past.

 She turned Emily's hammer with a grunting, grunting sound, and jumped at the caterpillar.


 A hammer swung down from head-on, boom! The ground rumbled after the explosion.
 The ground underneath the caterpillar's feet cracked into a spider's web, but it didn't seem to have any effect on the caterpillar at all.


 Emily, who was even more enthusiastic, the ground that was cracked into a spider's web went one step further, literally 'shattered' and the space for it became like a crater.

 Emily kicked the ground and jumped backwards in a big way to get a distance, just as she thought she was giving up, she took a light swing of the hammer - the moment she did.


 There was a tremendous explosion around the crater.

'You were able to use magic?'
'No, that was a dust explosion. It's amazing what it can do to shatter the ground that much: ......

 As I was impressed, the explosive flames gradually cleared and a caterpillar emerged.
 The caterpillar crawled towards us in the flames.

''Ugh, it doesn't work at all,''
It's all right. Can you ask Celeste to go to ...... next?
Yeah, I'll try.

 Replacing Emily, this time Celeste stepped forward.
 Unlike Emily, she didn't jump on him, but held up her hand and chanted quietly.

...... It's nothing.
'True, I chanted, but the magic hasn't activated. Are we still in the middle of a magic storm?

 Me and Emily nodded our heads at the same time.
 On the other hand, Celeste, whose magic was a dud, didn't get upset and continued her magic chanting.


 After a more spirited chant than before, a karma flame swirled and swallowed the caterpillar.

''It was proper. It's amazing, the magic is stronger than a little while ago.
Oh, I see.
What's going on here?
'Right after I cast the second Inferno, there were two outbreaks of flame, although it's hard to tell. Perhaps it's a way of delaying the first occurrence and adjusting the timing.

 When I said what I saw and what I thought of it, Celeste turned around and said with a blush on her face.

'As expected. You could see through that much at a glance.
Does the timing give you more firepower?
'Yeah, one plus one makes it about ten times better, not two,'
You mean 200.

 Celeste and Emily were puzzled.
 It's always the case that the little stories from the original world don't work, so I faked it appropriately.

 In the midst of the industrial flames, the caterpillar appeared in a keratinized state.

'No magic either.'
This is a big deal.

 Celeste and Emily gave a troubled look.
 Silicon was originally a dungeon with physical and magic special effects, but yesterday's accident had disabled both.

 I shot an annihilation round at the incoming caterpillar, this one was heard and defeated safely.
 The purple cabbage is still a leafy plant.

That's what I'm talking about, Yoda.
Yeah. But it's not enough.
Yeah, a dungeon where I'm the only one who can beat you is going to be less productive.
To bring it back, you can go to ...... and do the same thing again.

 I took out the ring that the silicon dungeon master had dropped.

'That's the dungeon master's drop?'
You're going to hatch it and make a change in the environment.
Yeah. So do me a favor. I want you to keep burning the caterpillar while I'm fighting the Dungeon Master. As soon as the environment changes and the magic still works, I'll defeat the Dungeon Master. It's a repeat of what I did with the Lantern.
'What? But as long as the dungeon master is on, the monsters disappear.
That's the thing: ......

 I walked out of the dungeon with the purple cabbage I had just dropped.
 I put it right outside the entrance, away and hatch it into a haglemono.

 Then I say to them both.

'Maybe, but it should be fine outside the dungeon.
I see!
You've thought about it: ......
If it doesn't work, then it doesn't work, and I know when the ecosystem has changed. We'll switch to a repeatable strategy.
I'll burn it when I'm under control, sir.
Yeah, I'm on it.

 I left the two of them to their own devices here, and I stepped into the dungeon again. I hatch the dungeon master at the entrance where I can see the two of them and the caterpillar.

 Here's another twist.

 The entire dungeon would stop, which would also stop the production of the city itself.
 It's also a way to get the two of you to test the caterpillar at the same time to bring it back as quickly as possible.

 One more thing we can do to help with that.

I understand.

 Leia, who had been silent the whole time as she merged with me, extended her arm and chanted "Revive" at the ring.

 The next moment, Mothra's Dungeon Master instantly hatched.
 I fired an accelerated round at myself first, then at the Dungeon Master.

 I hadn't used it for a while, so I used a large number of stocked acceleration bullets.

 Maybe ...... this will also accelerate the ecological changes.

 The dungeon master hatched and I fought him.
 An opponent I defeated head-on once, the weakest dungeon master to begin with.
 I fought him randomly, stalling for time.

 All the while, I looked out constantly.
 Emily holds back and sees the caterpillar that Celeste is burning.

 I stall for time while constantly checking on the situation over there.

 The first acceleration wears off, and soon I'm accelerating again, both mine and theirs.
 I did so because I decided that acceleration was effective.

 The inside of the cavernous dungeon has already changed, the walls and ceilings are getting torn apart due to the dungeon master's influence.

 And so we buy even more time. And to repeat, after the ninth set of accelerated bombs ...... at the end of five minutes in real time--

They're here!

 The caterpillar began to burn.
 The karma flame released by Celeste, which hadn't worked until now, was burning the caterpillar at a very high pace even in my accelerating world.


 I used magic to instantly kill a dungeon master that I had once defeated.
 The dungeon master falls, drops a ring, and the atmosphere of the dungeon changes.

Mr. Lyota!
Check it out, please.
Yes, sir!

 The two of them each had their own style of knocking the caterpillar that had reappeared.

 Emily's powerful hammer was still ineffective, but Celeste's magic was still able to burn the caterpillar, just like before.

'Feng, you're back for now?'
Yoda, that's amazing.
I can't believe you can change dungeons again in five minutes: ......

 I was relieved, and my friends praised and rewarded me.