228. Perpetual motion

 I tried a few more blue flame bullets, and a few more of the new fire fusion bullets.

 I shot a lot of things and burned this and that.
 If the power of the flaming bullets and the blue flame bullets is 1, the power of the fusion bullets seems to be nearly 10.

 It's hard to see after they've fused, so it's hard to tell, but that's about as powerful as it gets.


 When I put my hand in invincibility mode with the Absolute Rock stone and let it plunge into my hand, a stabbing pain came over me, just like when I took a terrific hot water bath.

 Incidentally, I didn't feel hot or anything, even if I created a location that was in flames with ordinary flame bombs and went inside.

Rather, it was a cool Phoenix rising from the flames.

 Standing in the flames in invincible mode, I murmured to myself.

 I'd like to use it in a real battle.

 I know that it has high firepower.
 I'm curious to see how the other characteristic, the 'invisibility' thing, will play out in battle.
 It's late, but I'll go to the dungeon and try it out.

 Even if I tried to do it tomorrow, I wouldn't be able to sleep properly anyway because the excitement is so strong at times like this.

 Just when I was about to get out of the fire, unlock invincibility mode and head to the dungeon.


 I noticed that the other flame, the fusion bullet flame, wasn't extinguished.
 It's hard to tell because it's an invisible flame, but the shimmering flame is still flickering.

 I threw in the barrel of liquor I was going to dispose of later to test it out and it burned up without a trace.

 Had it been this long? This.
 The invisible flames are dangerous if left unattended, so I watched them go out and then tried to leave.

 In the meantime, I look around.
 I fired dozens of fusion rounds, so I look for anything else that hasn't gone out.
 There wasn't another one, this one was the only one.

 I waited for it to disappear, to be relieved ...... but it did.
 No matter how long it took, it never went away.

 I had no more tars, so this time I fired a regular bullet.
 The bullet was consumed by the invisible flames and evaporated.

 The flames are still there.
 Why has it been this long?

 Curious, I shot another flame and azure bullet right next to it.

 The moment they fused into an invisible flame.
 The previous - the invisible flame that I thought would never go out - disappeared.


 I tweeted and shot more fusion rounds to the side.
 A new invisible flame came out, and the one before it went out.

 I waited, the invisible flame didn't go out.
 I shot again, the previous one went out and a new one was born.

 I see, a type of attack where only one can exist at a time.
 And - this time I waited patiently.

 I sat there, firing a regular round every five minutes.
 Even after an hour had passed, the invisible flames had not gone out.

 He waited patiently, this time he stopped firing.
 I waited another hour, the flames were still there.

 I fired a new fusion bullet and it was easily extinguished.
 Only one of them can exist at a time, and it's the type that doesn't disappear naturally.


 I had a few thoughts, so I fired another fusion bullet to test it out.
 It's an annihilation round with a flame round and a frozen bullet.

 Annihilation bullets that disappeared to engulf the space, and then I saw it, and then I saw the invisible flames.

 It had disappeared.
 The invisible flame had disappeared without a hitch and was gone.

 I see.
 So, to sum it up, it's about ten times as powerful as a normal flame round, and once it's launched, it stays there and doesn't disappear until a new fusion round of any kind comes along.

...... This might come in handy.


 Once back in town, I carried a new barrel of booze from the empty filin in the middle of the night and returned to the unpopulated open air to test it.

 He put the barrel down and moved away from the haglemono to a distance where it would hatch.
 Then he shoots a fusion of flame and azure bullets over the barrel.

 Space shakes, and an invisible flame appears.

 I sat on the ground and waited.

 After a while, the ice footman hatched and crawled out of the barrel - the moment.

 I touched the invisible flame that formed directly above me and it instantly evaporated.
 And the new blue flame bullet went into the pouch.

 I did nothing but wait.
 Every time the haglemono hatched, it would plunge into the invisible flame on its own, and the drop would be sucked into the pouch.

 Eventually all the wine became a footnote, and then the blue flame bombs, and the remaining barrels = garbage became Frankenstein, and then the tracking bombs.

 Within minutes of installation, the bullets were fully automated and produced.

 New fusion bullets, they could be used to make a permanent engine.