215. No. 1 in the world

 Tavern, Villadièche.
 I came by myself at night and ordered a beer, which I was told was today's recommendation.

 I ordered a sausage platter as well, and we drank the night away.
 The beer and sausage were both delicious, and I was feeling tipsy and in a good mood.

Lyota Sato.

 Phillip appeared with his friends in tow.
 He came into the store from outside and headed straight for me.

'I've been looking for you,'
What can I do for you yet?
Let's face it, last time we played, we lost.

 Let's do it. ...... Isn't it too dignified to lose? I don't mind.

'But that stuff doesn't mean anything! We're adventurers, the real game is what you earn in the dungeon.
Haha. ......

 He stuck his finger on the tip of my nose with a beastie.
 If everyone in the family was there, I'd be pissed again, Philip's this.

'And I can't lose the money I make in the dungeon.
Okay, all right. Game on.

 I responded with a line of dialogue that Philip would have liked, because if I stimulated him badly, the conversation would get complicated.
 It didn't help that I was somewhat of a stick in the mud.

"Phew, that's the way it should be!

 As he intended, Philip smiled with satisfaction, turned himself around and left with his companions in tow.

 I looked away at it with my eyes - the moment.


 I gulped involuntarily, sobering up quickly.
 A woman passes Philip as he walks away in high spirits.
 An adult woman who wears a dress as if she were at a party.

 But the atmosphere was different.
 I know, it's clearly different.

 I'm sure you're probably the same as me: ...... A woman who seeks and wears strength outside of status.

 I was completely oblivious to Phillip and she came straight to my seat.
 Then she stopped in front of me, smiling gracefully and with a smile.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Rebecca Neon.
Oh, yeah.
You're from Aurum, aren't you?

 You are twice as surprised.
 And then you realize she has one more thing going for her (、、、、).

"You are .......
Your name has been added to the neon signs.
...... neon?!

 I didn't notice the name because it was so common, but I noticed by the people of Aulum and the words that I got from Neon.

 Atomic number ten, Neon.
 Definitely by one of the names of the dungeon.

'You were with a genie?'

 Rebecca smiled again, quietly.


 Rebecca Neon.
 Also known as The Perfect.

 I found out the meaning of the alias on the portable now board she used.

Level: 50/50
Power A
Strength A
Intelligence A
Spirit A
Speed A
Dexterous A
Luck A
--------- ...

Plant A
Animal A
Minerals A
Magic A
Characteristic A
--------- ...

It's just perfect.
Thank you, sir.
'By the way, was your status like this all along?
Yes, since level one.
It's getting more and more amazing.

 Me and Rebecca sitting across from each other at the same table in the bar.

 I was tongue-tied at the status she showed me.

 It's Margaret's upward mobility.
 Margaret's first one is all Fs and her second one is all A's, but Rebecca has A's all over the place on both the first and second cards.

'How did that Mr. Perfect get to me?'
You're the Aurum man you told me about.
''I was wondering what it was like for those of us who have met and received blessings from the same spirit. From what I've heard, you seem to be quite fond of Aurum.
Oh ...... I see.

 That may indeed be true.
 I've changed the rules of the Aulum dungeon a few times for me.
 That won't happen unless you get along with the spirits very well.

It seems like they like you a lot. He even gave you a name.
We hit it off. She was like a sister to me.

 He is a very big person.
 There aren't many people who don't act needlessly arrogant or humble themselves when praised, but that doesn't mean they can't act.
 The reason for praising him is that he is the highest level of existence in this world, a dungeon spirit that can do just that, so I thought he was pretty big.

But I'm amazed you got to meet the spirit of the dungeon.
I'm blessed. Actually, I was born in a dungeon.
...... When do we know when we're going to take it down to make way?
'Yes. I slept in the dungeons for three months before the timing of it came.

 If you think it's upward compatible with Margaret, it's also upward compatible with Alice.
 Since Alice was born in a dungeon, her drop ability is low, but she knows when to beat them and when to drop them.

 In other words, it's an ability that you can use in a lottery or roulette to read for sure.

 Drop A, and dungeon birth.
 So those two things combined to meet Neon.

Thank you, sir.
And strong.
'I'm so specialized in neon that I've had to bury my bones in there now, though.

 Rebecca smiles at me.
 She's still quite a human being.

'Speaking of which, what did you get for your neon blessing?
The "One and Only
The only one?
I'm the only one who gets to drop it in Neon.
...... Oh.

 It was even more amazing than I expected.

'Does that mean you're hogging a whole dungeon?
Yes. Neon and I have a rapport.

 The word was said earlier, but it meant something completely different.
 It's not even close to fitting.

'It's the Aulum thing, and I was wondering what kind of person would threaten me next year.
Scaring you?
"Buyout Ranking,
"Oh, yeah, that ...... that says I'm number three in the world, no way!

 I opened my eyes and looked at Rebecca.
 She was still smiling serenely.

 World number three, threatening, dungeon hogging.

'You're number one in the world?'

 Rebecca nods flatly.
 I didn't expect, I didn't expect to see the world's number one here.
 I didn't expect that to come from the other side as well.

 I guessed it would be quite a person, but it's more than I expected.

'Oh, and what are you going to do?'
Nothing. If I had to ask, I'd say it was about Aurum. As a matter of fact, I'm curious to know what the other spirits are like.

 It sounds seriously intriguing.
 What can I say, my view of her has changed since I found out that she's number one in the world.
 She began to look like a supernatural, one-ranked being.

 Then she suddenly opened her eyes.
 She stared behind me with a startled look on her face.

 I wondered what was wrong with her.

'Yoda-san Mikke,'
We've been looking for you, Master.

 Two women who call me in a unique way.
 Emily and Leia appeared behind me.

'What's up, what's going on?'
There's nothing to it. I heard Yoda was coming over for a drink and I thought I'd like one.
I'm a chaperone. If the Masters should fail, I'll make sure they get home.
I don't mind that. You can have a drink with me if you want. It's more fun that way.
...... Yes, I have a few things to say then.

 Emily and Leia's appearance reminded me to talk to both of them as I normally would, but Leia's gaze reminded me that she was sitting with Rebecca.

 I should make introductions, I thought, and when I turned around, Rebecca's eyes widened even more.
 Come to think of it, why did she look like this when she saw Emily and Leia ...... but why?

'You guys are also ...... blessed by the spirits?'
...... Yeah.

 Pong, I clap my hands.
 Come to think of it, that's right.

 Emily and Leia have received Arsenic's and Seren's blessings respectively.
 I'm sure you'll be pleased to know that I'm not the only one who has received the blessing of the spirit, in the sense that all four of us here are.

'Introducing, Emily and Leia, my associates. Your guess is as good as mine.
It's nice to meet you. My name is Emily Brown.
It's Leia.

 When they introduced themselves, Rebecca was even more surprised - it was beyond the limit, and her expression returned to normal.

'That was far more than I expected. I didn't expect three people with spirits. And ...... you who follow it.

 Rebecca stood up gracefully.

'I'm glad I came today,'

 He walked away, still with a graceful gait.

How is it, what's wrong, Yoda? Did I do something wrong?
We were warned. Master, are they our enemies?

 I was warned, huh?
 I can't say it's a good thing to be spotted by the world's number one. ...... Well, I guess I can't help it.