162 154 Greetings to Minamiya

 The first time I visited the Minami family was an ordinary two-story house that could be found anywhere.
 Even so, I could feel the age appropriate to it, and it is also a place of memories where Tenashi and her now deceased twin sister, Yuna, spent their time.
 Since I would be visiting the house many times in the future, I was deeply moved by the experience.


 I tried to take a deep breath to calm my heartbeat, which was in stark contrast to the feeling.
 However, despite repeated attempts, the desired effect doesn't appear, and in fact, I even feel like I'm getting more and more breathless.

"Wa-san........you've met your parents before, so you don't need to be that nervous......
You've been having a heart attack all day, haven't you?
'No, I'm even more nervous because I know Watei-san...'

 Amanashi, who looks dumbfounded, and Amana, who is tilting her head out of pure doubt, interrupt me.
 But it's not their fault.
 What's worse........I'm the one who came in front of the Minamis' house for the wedding greeting, but I'm still too nervous to press the intercom.

 After all, Amana's grandfather and Amanashi's father, Watarei-san, is a superlative parent and grandfather idiot.
 From now on, I have to say to such a person, 'Please give your daughter to me.

 He looked at me with murderous intent just because he knew I had interacted with him, he would kill me if he greeted me with a wedding greeting or something like that.
 It's a good idea to be able to get away from it all.
 But if I run away from here, I won't be happy this time.

 I've got to get over this ordeal for the sake of my two irreplaceable family members.
 At last, I've made up my mind, and now it's time to turn on the intercom.

If you don't do it, I'll do it for you!



 I was pushed by Amana, who was so sweet.
 I let out a crushed voice from my own timing and the shock of being out of sync with my timing, and Amana finally sighs at me.

 No really, I'm sorry for being so pathetic.
 As I was apologizing in my heart for that, the front door was opened.

'Welcome home, Tenashi. Tenna. And welcome, Hayakawa-san.
I'm home, Mom.
I'm home, Grandma!
Well, hi...

 The person who greeted me was Mayumi, Amana's grandmother and Amari's mother.
 I greeted her, patting my heart that it wasn't Watahira-san.

 In contrast, Mayumi smiled cheerfully.

''There's no need to be so formal~. We're going to be a family now, right?''
Ha ha ha....

 I couldn't help but smile at the words that I couldn't reply to in any way.
 Before I went over here, Tenashi gave me a report, but he only told me that he had something important to talk about with me.
 Well, if you put it that way, there's only one answer.

 That's probably why Mayumi-san is so willing to welcome me.
 I'm afraid of Watahira-san's reaction, but I've already come to the point of giving up.

 In the living room where I was led with a hidden thought.....

''──It's here.

 Watei-san was sitting with his arms crossed as he spouted a line like some kind of russian boss.

 No, I'm scared.
 It's been a while since I've seen you, but aren't you gunning for it as much as you can?

Hi. It's been a while...

 I tried to say hello in passing, but all I got was a sniffle.
 Just as I expected, or perhaps not at all welcome.

'I'm home, Dad.'
Long time no see, Grandpa!
'Oh! Nice to see you back, Tenri! Tenna!

 As soon as Amari and Amana-chan called out to her, she welcomed her daughter and grandson with a disheveled smile.

 Wow~ The difference in treatment is so blatant.......will they really allow me to marry her.......?
 The edge of my mouth twitches at the horrible attitude.

'I'm sorry? Ever since I heard Hayakawa-san was coming today, I've been stubborn about 'I won't approve of your marriage'.
No, I can predict Watei-san's character, so to that extent...

 His wife, Mayumi, apologizes, but on the contrary, she's just relieved to see him driving normally.
 I'm rather wary of being welcomed.

 Or rather, the conversation seems to have already been exposed as a wedding greeting.
 I don't have a problem with it, but I still want to hold my head up a little bit, wondering if he's going to object to it.
 However, I don't intend to give up on my marriage with Amari just because she opposed me.

 So I turn to face Watohira and Mayumi, who are sitting across the table from each other.

 Mayumi is smiling at you with a smile, while Watahira remains sullen.
 Speaking of this one, Amana is in a good mood as she hasn't been to her grandparents' house in a long time, although she's quiet, perhaps because she's reading the air.
 Amanashi looks a little nervous.
 She said there's nothing to be nervous about, but it's no wonder she's going to report her marriage to her family.

 Naturally, I'm so nervous that my whole body is stiff and tense.

 However, it's also a waste of time not to talk about it all the time, and since they know it's a wedding greeting anyway, I have no choice but to go straight to the point.
 I make up my mind to do so and slowly open my mouth.

''Well I'm sure you already know that, but let me say it again, let me say it nicely. Today, I'm here to greet my two precious daughters, Amari and my marriage.
''────Cutch. Amari........is this really the right man for you?
I can't think of any other man but Mr. Kazu.

 At the greeting once again, Watei-san quickly comes to release a tongue-lashing.
 When the conversation was turned down, Amanashi was taken aback by her father's attitude, but she responded with a most delightful answer.

''I don't want to be Amana either, unless you're Onii-san!

 In addition, he was joined by backup from Amana-chan.
 As a result, I got a glare from Watahira-san as if he was going to kill me with his gaze at any moment.
 I'm scared.

 But I pretended not to show the slightest bit of it on my face.

 I knew from the beginning that he would oppose me.
 For the most part, even Tatsujin-san, who was relatively accepted, needed to be persuaded.
 Then.........I'll persist until I'm accepted.

''Please give me your daughter!

 I bow my head and beg.
 I could have said something else, but I'm unfortunately far removed from that kind of romanticism.
 I only know how to do it stupidly and honestly head on.

 While Mayumi watched Amari and Amana-chan with bated breath, Watpei thought he could hear the sound of breathing heavily....

''──If you make Amari and Amana unhappy, I'll send you to hell.
'I know you'll object! But if I'm going to hell, I'm going to hell... huh?

 This kind of cliché: 'My daughter won't do it! In the middle of uttering a rebuttal to Watei-san's question, I couldn't help but look up at Watei-san's reply and let out a curt voice.
 It was a rather distant argument, but didn't you approve of the marriage now?

 I make eye contact with him at that thought, but he looks at me with a very stern look on his face.

'What's with that face?'
No, no. I thought you'd object...

 I'm sure he had an incredibly pitiful look on his face.
 But when I told him how I felt, Watahira-san stared at me blankly.
 Oh, I shouldn't have said anything unnecessary.

It's easy to disagree with it.

 Amana nodded her head curiously, assuming that she was involved in the reason why Watei-san approved our marriage.
 I wondered why, and at the same time I wondered why, and at the same time, she told me what was on her mind.

''No matter how much I love my next child, I will regret for the rest of my life that I wanted to do the same thing to this one...''... Yuna, who was once just pregnant with Tenna, said...
'To the extent that I opposed the marriage, I would have narrowed the chances of future children being born. If I hadn't allowed myself to give birth to the Tenna back then, I wouldn't have been able to see this child in good health. Thinking of that, I'll hold back as much of my eagle's willpower as I can.

 Watahira's expression as he revealed this was very kind.

 I wonder why I didn't think about it before.
 The reason she is the way she is today is because Yuna decided to give birth to her when she found out she was pregnant.

 She was only 18 years old at the time, and I don't know how determined she was to make that decision.
 But that thought had thus influenced the stubborn Watahira-san's thinking.
 She really is........a strong person.

 There's also a certain unwillingness to meet and talk to him with his own eyes if possible.
 I heard that he's like his sister, Kurone, so I'm sure we could have a good relationship.

 It was only because of Yuna's determination and the child she will eventually have with Amari that she approved the marriage.
 It's a little frustrating that he wasn't recognized by his own merit, but if Amana-chan's existence was a factor in his recognition, then let's say it's fine.

''──Yes. I will definitely make the two of you happy, even more than the amount you made me happy.
Congratulations on your wedding, Amani.
Thank you, father. Mother.....

 Watahira-san looked away from my words without hiding her frustration, but I didn't miss the tears in the corner of her eyes for a moment.
 But that doesn't mean I'm not going to mention it specifically.
 If he did that, he would withdraw it after all the effort he'd put into getting it approved.

 On the other hand, Amari happily replied to the congratulations given to her by Mayumi.
 But when Wataru doesn't interrupt him, he decides that he must feel the same way as his wife.

 In this way, they were able to get Watahira-san to approve their marriage, which was the first obstacle.