160 152 Two reports

 The day after proposing to Amari and getting her approval, and getting approval from her daughter-in-law Amana, I went to work at Umineko Transport, feeling better than ever before.
 I went to work at Umineko Transport in a better mood than ever before.

 I left the house earlier than usual because I had some business to attend to, but I did receive the bento box that Amanashi had made for me.
 I'm looking forward to seeing what's in the bento, which has grown into a lunch box made by my beloved wife after all the twists and turns.
 While I was thinking about this, the person who called me to the parking lot I had designated as the meeting place came over.

Good morning, Wa. I'm here on time for the café~
Good morning, Mr. Kazu.
Morning, you two.

 The other two are Miya and Mao.
 I had sent them a message last night asking them to come to work at this time.
 It's a secret that I was inwardly relieved that they came without ignoring me.

 As I was indulging in such secret emotion, Marao called out to me.

''You said you had something important to tell me, but could it be that you've decided on a new house?''
'Oh - I've been waiting for a report since I started going for a preview! So what happened?
Yeah. I'm not looking for a new house.

 When I answered their questions briefly, they were both stunned.
 However, it was only a moment later, and they quickly recovered their expressions and this time an expectant look appeared on their faces.

''Is it possible that........something happened with Amari-san?''
'Wow, seriously. I thought it would take longer, but enough to stop you from looking for a new house!

 How do you know?
 Am I that easy to show my face?

 Let's explore the identity of the techniques that the length of our relationship can perform later, but for now, let's answer the two's questions.

''Well, it must have something to do with Amari...''
'Yes! I'm also in debt to you for giving me relationship advice with Mao-chan, so I'll give you some advice on how to deal with Wa!
''No, not Miya-kun. It would definitely be better to talk to me, the same s*x, about it.
"Wait, wait, wait, wait, I haven't said anything yet!

 Before I could explain what's going on, I was on to something all at once!
 From the way the two of them talk, they seem to think that I'm pining for Amari.

 The fact that it's not far away, even if it's not a hit, makes me chuckle again.

''Well I appreciate the sentiment, but it's not something I'm going to discuss with you, okay?
''There's no need to be so reserved. It's true that even though Tenashi-san is an unattainable figure, if you're at a distance, Kazu-kun, who's a good friend of Amana, has quite an advantage.

 Not only did I have the upper hand, but I got the okay to propose and won outright?
 There's no way I'm going to lose unless I'm already in a good position to do so....

 I appreciate that you're trying to help me, but I can't respond to you when you tell me about the checkpoint you blew past yesterday.

'Look, I'm glad you're saying things, but just listen to me anyway.
Oh. When are you gonna confess?
That's why I'm telling you to listen to me. I've asked them to get together to tell you two that I'm going to marry Nashi and I'm going to marry her.
Ah, he finally admitted it. Already - if you're married, you should say so as soon as possible... what...?

 Waiting to hear this is going to take up a lot of time, so I'm sorry, but I had to say it first.
 I'm sorry to say this, but I wanted to tell you in a more proper tone.

 Unlike me, who patted my heart for being able to report it for the time being, the two of them made their good-natured smiles stiffen like a stone, and then....


 We all screamed from astonishment.
 Well, that's right.
 Apparently, both of them had noticed that me and Amari were in love with each other, but they never thought that a zero-day marriage would happen.

'Goodness, when! How long have you been seeing him? I mean, keh, marriage!
'We had zero relationship time. I proposed to Amari the day I realized I liked her.
'How much too soon is too soon! Didn't you want to do something more like this, something more loverly!

 When I answered Sanya's question, who came crowding up to me in a great hurry, Mao came tsking at me for marrying too fast.
 Perhaps because it's the same woman, she comes up with an opinion that makes me want to admire it unintentionally.

 Be that as it may, the answer to the crucial question is........

''Hmmm........you can do it after you become a couple, right?''
Yes, that's true, but...

 At my answer, Marao gives me a rather complicated look.

 Let's just say, even before I proposed to her, me and Amana tended to be seen as a married couple.
 Even though the amusement park was also with Amana-chan, looking back on it, it was like a date, and that's the kind of thing that could be made into a lover and not a married couple.

But isn't it hard to kiss and stuff before Amana is around?
'No, that was combined with a reply to my proposal.
"Wow....I feel like the harmony has gone all the way to a distant place at once...
''I'd rather respect you for your positivity, Tenri-san.......''

 Miya and Mao give me a distant look, but I don't deny that Amari is aggressive.

 But at any rate, she and I are going to be husband and wife.
 Even in the future, most things can be managed as long as we take our time with each other.
 You may be optimistic, but it's much better than being strangely cautious.

"Well, there's a lot more to come, but just wait for the wedding invitation.
Oh, yes. Congratulations on your wedding, Kazu-kun. Be happy with Amuri-san.
I'm surprised you beat me to it, but make sure you're happy.
... oh. Thank you.

 The two of them belatedly direct their congratulations at me, and I feel an itchy embarrassment, but I take it firmly.
 I'm embarrassed, but I think this is the happiness I can feel thanks to Amari and Amana.

 And the wedding report, but there was one more thing I wanted to tell them.
 I almost ended up forgetting it, but I open my mouth, relieved to be able to remember it here.

'Sorry. There's just one more thing you should know.
What do you want me to know?
'Honestly, I'm just hungry for the wedding report but what the hell is going on?'

 Next time, I tell the two of them, who leisurely ask back that they won't be surprised anymore, what I told Amari and Amana-chan yesterday as well.
 That is.........

"....I'm going to retire from Umineko Transport.