141 133 Good night

 After some twists and turns, it was decided to make the Minami family's empty room a temporary home, and we moved the clothes, bedding, and a few pieces of furniture that were in the car.
 Since Amana-chan and Amanashi also helped me with the work, it was quicker than I expected.

 Although it was called a vacant room, it was originally the room where Watahira-san and the others slept when they visited, so even though they carried their belongings, it felt too large for one person to use it.

The original room was large, but the luggage that Kaz-san was carrying in the car itself wasn't too much.
My last apartment came equipped with the essentials, like a washing machine and a refrigerator.

 Apart from the fact that it's a ramshackle place, the rent is relatively cheap, and considering that, it was a real steal.
 It's a shame it's gone because of the fire and aging.

'I don't have any recreational interests, and I don't have a lot of clothes, as long as I can wear them.
...There was a TV, but what was that?
'When I first started living on my own, but I gradually stopped watching it, and I would unplug it unless the black sound was coming over to stay.
''Well it was really just a room to sleep in, wasn't it? No wonder I didn't feel like I was living there when I stayed there before.

 Tenashi gave me a pitying look.
 Well, I won't deny it because it's mostly true.

''But Kyouka, this is your oya!
'Haha, yeah.'

 As I'm carrying my things, Amana-chan, who was smiling all the time, as if she was really happy that I've come to live in her house, tells me that.
 While I'm happy to hear those words, I also think it's going to be an uphill battle when it comes time to leave.

 Although I accepted Amari's proposal, I have no intention of staying for long.
 We can only stay here until we find a new home.......if we find a new room, we will inevitably have to leave.
 It could be as early as this month or as late as this year.

 It's obvious that this will make Amana-chan, who was so happy to be able to spend time with me then, sad.
 It's a heartbreaking story, but it's also an inevitable reality that will come sooner or later.

 If that's the case, it would be better to tell them beforehand, but I'm afraid to interrupt them by saying that now.
 It would be a kind of escape from reality, but let's enjoy the days when we can live together for a while.

''Well, I'm going to go get the laundry, so Kaz-san, please rest until dinner.
Well, no, you've got a room to live in now, can I help you with the housework?
'I appreciate the offer, but you're still tired, aren't you? We've had some work to do on the loading and unloading, and you should try to rest for today.
Ummm... okay...

 I offered to help, saying that I couldn't be that indulgent in a situation where they provide two of my food and clothing, but I was sternly rejected.
 In fact, I'm not even close to being exhausted.

 You may not be able to help, but you should be able to at least look at the information on the property.
 All right, then, let's get the data out now...

Tenna. You can keep an eye on Kazu-san so that he can rest properly?
'Yes! I get it!

 ─ Then Amana-chan, who received instructions from Amanashi, shows a lovely salute.
 I can only be surprised by raising my voice after receiving the unexpected first strike.

 Amana left the room, leaving me stunned and Amana-chan, who was tasked with surveillance duties, behind.

''Onii-san, shall we ease up? Do you want to kneel on your knees like you did before?
I'll sleep on the futon.

 I decline that part of the quarrel.
 When I woke up earlier, I was safe because I had switched places with Amari, but I hesitate to ask her to let me take a lap pillow for myself.

 I lie down to sleep on the futon quietly, but........  

I'll be in the futon with Amana, too.

 I didn't expect him to declare me to sleep with him.
 I don't know how many times I've been surprised like this already, but maybe it's a sign of how tired I am.

 But do we have to sleep in the same futon when we're just watching over them?

 I don't understand what Amana is thinking....

You didn't like to sleep with Amana, did you?

"? I don't mind it at all, okay?
Oh, I see...

 I'm not going to do anything about it, but when I checked to make sure, I got a very unquestioning answer.
 I've been thinking about this for a while now, but I have a feeling that Amana's trust in me is tremendous.
 With such straightforward trust in me, is it really possible to betray me?

 .........no, it's impossible.
 In fact, I'd rather kick the guy who committed such a foolish act.

 And so they all sleep on the same futon.
 Feeling the warmth of childlike Amana-chan, I was able to fall asleep earlier than expected.


 Afterwards, I was able to sleep until I was woken up by Amanashi, who had finished preparing the bath.
 We finished bathing in the hot tub, which was larger than our apartment, and the three of us sat around the table for dinner, just like lunch. 

'Thanks for the meal,'
Thanks for the food!
Yes, thank you.

 Dinner, too, was a soup of Chinese cabbage and radish, which Amashi had thoughtfully prepared to recover from fatigue.
 The vegetables and meat soaked in flavor were very tasty, and the soup was tender yet refreshing, and if I had to give it a score, it would definitely be a perfect score.

 Perhaps because I had seen them eating it so well, the chef himself was smiling happily as well.

 After that, while I was watching TV and listening to what happened at school, it was late at night and it was past 9pm.

'Amana-chan? Maybe you're getting sleepy?
Yeah but Amana, I want to spend more time with you...

 Ahhhh, don't say something so insanely cute with the vague face of the dreamer, don't say it so smoothly.......

 I desperately suppress my hands while writhing in agony at the cuteness that makes me want to take care of her with all my might.
 Come to think of it, Amana-chan always sleeps at this time of night, right?

 He really wants to stay awake more, but he's already rowing the boat from the sensations seeping into his body.
 I put my palms on my sleepy little head, chewing on the joy of missing him so much. 

'Didn't Amana-chan tell you that at lunch? I'm going to live in this house for a while, so I'll see you in the morning.
'Wa-san. Excuse me, can you take Tenna to her room?
Yeah. It's all yours.

 I was going to do that even without Amari's request, but it was easier to do it with permission than without permission.
 Anyway, I hold Amana's small body in a princess hug.

 With the arm strength I've developed in my daily work, a first-grade girl is really quite light.

 .........although I have a feeling that Amari, who is following behind me, is glaring at me intensely.
 I'm not sure what it is, was it better to carry her on your back or just a normal carry?

 While receiving such a strange look, both of Amana's eyes, which she carried to the bed, are completely closed.
 At this rate, she'll be asleep in no time.

Then, Amana-chan. I'll see you tomorrow.

Yeah, good night.

 The word 'good night' was said to me as if it were a matter of course, and I responded with the same word, feeling an inexplicable warmth.
 As if it was a switch, Amana made a small sleepy sound and started to sleep.
 Soothed by her innocent sleeping face, Amana and I quietly leave the room.

''It's time for you to get some rest too, Kazu-san.
Oh. .........but I'm not really sure if I can sleep now since I slept so much during the day.

 They say if you sleep too much in the afternoon, you can't sleep at night.
 It's probably not a problem, given the lack of sleep I've had, but it will take some time to fall asleep.

 Thinking about that, Amari let out a giggle and a smile.....

''Then shall I do the knee pillow again?''
Please don't do this because I'm not going to be able to sleep for different reasons....

 What a deep blood connection to Amana-chan in the daytime to say the same thing.
 In particular, although I've gotten used to it, Amari is a superb beauty.
 I'm not sure if it was the first time when I was upset and sleepy, but now that I have the luxury of time, it's not so good in many ways.

 The reaction to my obvious wolfishness, Amari continues, holding back a laugh.

I'm just kidding. So you're going to work tomorrow, what time do you usually get up?
'What? Yeah, I'm usually up before 7:00.
I understand. In that case, there's no need to get up particularly early.
Is that for breakfast?

 When I asked Amari, who was relieved to know the time to get up, she looked at me with a slightly proud expression.   

''Yes. I promised I'd make three meals. Of course I'll make your lunch as usual, so please don't oversleep, okay? Then good night.
Oh, oh ... good night.

 With that, she ended the conversation and bowed before heading to her room.
 I was left alone in the corridor and entered the room addressed to me while calming my heartbeat, which was speeding up irresistibly.

 The addictive nature of this life may be worse than I thought.

 Are those father and son planning to come and spoil me thoroughly?
 It's so heartbreaking that it makes me think so.

 It took me a long time to fall asleep, probably because of the strange sensation I can't put into words....