138 130 Pillow that brings you the best sleep

 A lot of things happened yesterday that shocked me.
 Amana found out that I was hiding my fatigue again, and she cried that I shouldn't go to work.
 In addition, Amana invited me to come to the Minami family with the threat of ending my social life if I refused.

 I felt like my fatigue had been blown away by all that, but as soon as I woke up from sleeping in the driver's seat, the exhaustion was overwhelming.
 Although I couldn't help but swoon, it was more than enough of a reprieve considering the amount of work I had to do after that.

 I had originally planned to go with Mason-san to view a potential new house today, but I'm sorry to say that I called to cancel due to Tenashi's threat to not allow me to refuse.
 Although he kept the details under wraps, he said he would reschedule it for another day if it was an errand that couldn't be generously removed, as he had no choice.
 Once again, I'm glad she was in charge.

 That's why I was standing in front of room 184 of the condo Avery Smile, where the Minami family is currently located.

 I'm still trying to figure out why Amari asked me out after that.
 I can only hope that it wasn't for some fancy reason to make up for making Amana-chan cry....
 As for your question, the biggest concern is Amana's condition.

 When I asked Amana after work, she was depressed but had stopped crying.

 I definitely made her angry.........
 According to Amana, she doesn't like the job of tormenting me, but you won't hate me by extending it, will you?


 Well, we're running out of time, so let's make up our minds and press the intercom.

'Good morning Amanashi. I'm here as you asked, is it safe to come in?
"Yes, sir. It's unlocked. Please just come in.

 As the familiar short music played, Amanashi responded.
 The other side seems to be all set up and ready to enter at any time.

 I'm not sure if it's due to lack of vigilance or trust in me, but if the person who invited me says it's good, I'll just go along with it.
 I open the front door fearfully.
 I'm not sure if it's because of the mixture of nerves and fear, but it feels awfully heavy and opens with a unique sound.

 Tenashi, who has come to greet me, comes to look at me.
 Oh, could it be that you're going to call the police...?

''Well you don't have to be so blatantly frightened to call the cops, do you?
Oh, really...?
If it's in his nature to take the piss out of me, that's good enough for me.

 I felt like I was being told something salacious, but I didn't mind because the sense of security of not being reported won out.

 If you look at her outfit, she is dressed in a warm white sweater and a long, pale red skirt, a simple yet profound outfit that comes out well.
 I think they look great on her. 

"Well, what about you, Amana-chan?
'I'm doing my homework in my room. At least I'm staying in my room in the morning.
I see...

 I gently patted my chest that it seems to be holding up better than I thought it would. 

 Anyway, I head to the living room as Amari urges me to.
 The space is as clean as ever, but she sits upright on the carpet on the wooden flooring.

''Come on, Wa-san, please sit down too.''
'Oh, ah...'

 I sit down as I'm told, but I leave enough distance between me and Amanashi for one person.
 I turned to look at her to see if this was okay, but she was jittery about what she was unhappy about.

 Eh, why?

Wa-san. You can come closer, okay?
'No, no. That's not a good idea...
What is it? Is there any inconvenience in having me sitting next to you?
No, no, but...
If you're not coming to me, I'll have to approach you.

 As if it was too soon to say, Amari quickly moved in close to my left side.
 The distance between our shoulders is close enough to touch each other, and the good scent wafting from her dark brown hair tickles my nostrils.

 My nerves are focused on my left shoulder, and my heart beats faster inexplicably.

 Hey, hey, hey, hey, what the hell is going on!

You're Amanashi...

 Just as I was about to ask her a question, upset, she suddenly reached out her right hand to my face...

Excuse me.

 After a word of refusal, I pulled away at once.

 A soft sensation rushed to my left cheek before I understood that my perspective was tilted 90 degrees.
 Plus, I feel like the sweet smell is stronger than before?
 What's this?
 What the hell is wrong with me?

Well, what do you think?
What's the...?

 I can hear Amari's dignified voice from my right ear.
 You don't know what's happening to you, but I don't know what to think or anything?

Wow, my...

 The kneecap, I mean....
Oh, you're on your knees...

 I couldn't hide my astonishment at the situation that I was about to swallow normally for a moment and made my whole body tense up.

 Eh, this is a knee pillow!
 My head is on Amanashi's lap!

 As soon as I understood the unexpected situation, the heat focused on my face at once.

 Yabba yabba yabba yabba!
 What's bad is that it's soft and smells good and all sorts of things are going to cut down on your reasoning!
 What the hell were you thinking, suddenly knee-jerk to someone who is not tolerant!

Why the kneecap?
Oh, please don't be violent. I consulted Mayuzumi, and she told me that this is an effective way to relieve men's fatigue.
Did that little mukimukionee guy tell you to do this?

 I'm glad to hear it, but what's the point of running it against me?

 Although such a question passed through my head, the answer was easy to arrive at if I often thought back to Tenashi's argument.

''Recovering from fatigue........maybe you noticed that.......?''

 I can't move my head, so I don't know what expression Amari has on her face.
 But she answers 'yes' and continues.

''Because I've never seen Tenna cling to her like that before. If you look closely at Wa-san's face, she looked very tired, so...''
I'm sorry... what?

 It seems that the reason why Amari took the action of knee pillow is because I was still getting tired.
 I apologize, but she suddenly tugs at my right ear.

''The reason I'm knee-buckling Kazu-san is not because I want her to apologize, but because I want her to rest well.
I will question him later on why he was reckless until he did so. But for now, can you please take a break?

 It might be easy to resist.
 However, the option of refusing after being taken to this point had completely disappeared.

 It's a good thing that the pillow is more comfortable than the pillow you've been using, but the accumulated fatigue and lack of sleep make you feel resigned.
 The body, which originally came to me through force, has no way to resist.

 I was invited to do as I was led to do, and surrendered myself to an unprecedented smile and went to sleep.