60 59 End of the second day

 After the delicious hamburgers that Kuroon had made as dinner, while the two of them were taking a bath, he called Amari to report on the day's work.

''Yes, it's Minami,''
Good evening, Amari. Good evening, good evening, and good luck on your second day on the road.
"Thank you too, Hayakawa-san, thank you for seeing Tenna today.
'Oh, about that...'

 The greetings were moderate, and the events at the shopping mall were briefly told.
 Amari was smilingly ministering at the crap about the game center, but the part about letting her get lost in the quicksand made her much more impatient. 
 But she was relieved that the men who had picked up Kurone were understanding that it was wrong, and also that they had spoken words of concern for her sister.

 And as for the fact that Marao helped Amana-chan, she told me that if she had the chance, she would want to thank me too.
 Since we work in different departments, but in the same office, it's difficult for us to meet in person.
 So I'm going to tell her that I'm going to tell her so we'll just settle it.

 By the way, Kuroone-sensei wants me to keep the homemade cookies a secret.
 It's a good idea to keep these things as a surprise, but I decided to go along with it rather than revealing them in a strange way to make people uneasy.

'Thank you again and again for treating Tenna so well. Hayakawa-san's sister helped me a lot too. She's an only child, so I'm sure she's just as happy to have an older sister as she is to have one.'
He likes Amana-chan too, so he doesn't mind. They get along like sisters, so it was a relief to watch them.
''You're so easy for kids to like you, you're once again like a brother and sister.
'I wasn't aware of it, but maybe it's more than I thought.

 After such a trivial conversation, I hung up the call with Amari and finished my report for the day.
 As if that was my cue, I felt the urge to urinate and headed to the bathroom to do my business.

 The moment I took a breath........

'Wow, your sleep is in the bath!

 The voice of an innocent angel could be heard through the wall, and I couldn't help but turn my head to the wall.
 That's right, right next to the bathroom.......that's why I can hear the voices all over.......

 I mean, eh?
 Do girls' breasts really float?
 I listened absent-mindedly to the conversation, which was quite interesting to a virgin, if not a bit, and I listened to the conversation.

'Hey, hey, can I touch it?'
"Hmm? It's okay. It's not like it's going to decrease.

 In this case, which is the correct answer: envying Kuroone-who is taking a bath with a young girl-or envying Amana-chan for touching those big tits?
 No, what am I thinking stupidly........

''Wow, your nipples are so fluffy!
"Even your skin is very smooth~

 .........oh no.
 I'm going to feel weird if I stay here any longer.

 At any rate, thank you for the onelori feast.
 I thanked God for that as I left the restroom........


Amana-chan, let's get to bed.

 After we finished bathing, we watched TV, but just before 10pm, Amana started rowing the boat.
 She nodded to me if I proceeded to go to bed, but for some reason she grabbed the hem of my nightgown and wouldn't let go.
 The gesture is very cute, but unfortunately, I'm still not sleepy.

"Amana-chan, what's wrong?
'Well, you see....

 When I asked the question, unable to see the true meaning of the action, Amana worked her sleepy, thoughtless mind hard to come up with a reason.

'Can't I sleep with you and your sister in your bedrooms...?

 What's that, and I'm super welcome?
 No, no, no, wait.
 I was about to unintentionally say I'd be delighted, but even though I didn't intend to do so, it's probably not TPO to sleep on the same futon as my big friend (literally).

 It's a request, but you have to maintain moderation as an adult here.

"Let's see, that's not.....
Yes. Will you let me sleep with you?
I'd rather be with my brother...

 What is this d*mn cute little angel?
 The moment I tried to refuse, you didn't just hug me and increase the level of adhesion, but you didn't break your demands at all....
 Do you really want to be with me that badly?

 The black sound that's casually revealed as being outnumbered by likability is glaring resentfully at me?
 You were taking a bath with Amana, weren't you?
 It's Akiko, Aiko.

 I did say it was okay to be lenient, but this is not right.
 This is the first time I've ever seen it so obvious, isn't it?

 The moment I thought that far and suddenly realized something, I felt like punching myself for having the question just now.

 Because Amana-chan, who hugged me, was trembling a little.
 Even though it was only for a short time, this girl was lost in a large shopping mall.
 No matter how smart and calm she was, she was still a first-grade girl.
 Of course she was feeling lonely.

 She was trying to act like it was nothing so that she wouldn't worry Mao or us, but I guess the fatigue and sleepiness, plus the fact that she was back safely, broke the tension.
 In an attempt to distract her from the loneliness she remembered from removing the plug, Amana wanted to sleep with me.


 For now, I stroke that little head to reassure Amana-chan.
 The softness of her hair, due to the fact that she has just finished bathing, is transmitted through the palm of my hand, and there is a good scent in the air that I can't believe I used the same shampoo.

 I was startled by the unexpected petting, and my eyes met with the lapis lazuli eyes that had been blown out of their sleepiness.

"...yeah, I guess so. Since it's a sleepover, why don't we sleep together?

 When I mentioned my agreement, Amana nodded with a big smile on her face.
 I hope this makes me feel a little less lonely.

'Aniki, that's not fair! I want to sleep with Amana-chan too!
Are you going to be able to join us, Onii-san?
'Oh. If that's what you want to do, Amana-chan, that's fine.
Heh, well, that's just what I'm talking about.
Yes, of course.

 With a pouting black sound, they get into the futon in a line in the shape of a river with Amana between them.
 I felt as if it wouldn't help if Maou misinterpreted me as family, and I smiled irresistibly.

'Onii-san, onee-chan. Good night.
Good night, Amana-chan.
Good night.

 In return for Amana's greeting, which shows no sign of loneliness, Kuroon and I close our eyelids.
 Unlike usual, this day was the fastest ever for me to fall asleep, I thought later on, looking back on it....