148 Luxion Report Part 6

Isn't that spectacular!

 Standing on top of Luxion's main body, Leon laughed at the scene before him.

 Surrounding the main body of Luxion were the rusted and broken weapons of the old humans.

 From there, sphere children with subtle differences from Luxion emerged and surrounded Rion.

 The largest sphere was a meter in diameter.

''I didn't expect the migrant ship to be safe.''

 The big sphere [Fact] is the management artificial intelligence of a broken, rusty aircraft carrier.

 He was the most commanding and representative among those gathered.

''Nice to meet you. I'm Leon Fow Baldfalt. He's a reincarnation. I hear you have a lot of old human genes.

 The spheres around him began to scan the surrounding spheres as Rion showed a light flirtation with them.

 That irritated Luxion.

''I thought I gave you the data ahead of time.''

 Facts are non-negotiable.

'We need to come together for the destruction of Arcadia. In order to do that, we need Rion to become the master of that symbol. We need to find out if he has the genes of the old humans.

 As Luxion moved the weapons on the main body, the surrounding spaceships and weapons moved their weapons as well.

 Rion places his hand on Luxion.



Well, gentlemen. What do you think of the results?

 The gathered spheres would each state that they affirmed.

"I agree.

 The artificial intelligences had been showing sporadic resistance, but their chain of command was already dead.

 They couldn't stop prioritizing the destruction of Arcadia over cooperation.

 To be precise, we don't know what's going on with the others.

 That's when Creare started to persuade them, 'The old human master is alive.

 They had gathered at Rion's side in order to increase their chances of winning as much as possible.

''--I refuse.''

 But he didn't acknowledge only the facts.

'Oh, why?'

"There's Mistress Erica. She's the closest thing to a former human being that we have to our master.

'Erica is not used to fighting. I've made her a master, and now--

I'll tell you.

 Luxion was about to argue back when Leon put his hand in front of him to stop him.

'I'm sorry, but I let my niece sleep. I'm under the mistaken impression that if I wasn't there, there wouldn't be any conflict. I've decided to get it all over with before she wakes up, since she'll be in the way.

"What does it mean to end?

'We will destroy Arcadia. If we don't, we'll be in trouble for all the children to be born in the kingdom in the future.

"unlikely to be destroyed?

'I'll still do it. Ideally, I'd like to get it all done before my niece wakes up. She's so sweet, she should be hesitant to push the newcomers to the edge.

 When Rion said that with determination, the spheres flashed one eye.

''Currently, the one most worthy of being a master is Rion.
"Fraulein Erica is not fit to fight.
"Master is Leon. Erica is the most important protection detail.

 The fact that he heard those opinions made one eye light up.

''Agreed. From now on, we will be under the command of Leon - Master. I pledge to cooperate for the destruction of Arcadia.''

That's encouraging. Now, we need to do some maintenance. Luxion, can you do it?


 Rion would be the master of the weapons left behind by the old humans.

 That in itself wasn't a problem, but Luxion would miss him.

 A floating island that was once the territory of Rion.

 In its underground dock, there are many lost and found weapons of the old humans.

 Work robots are performing maintenance.

 The one who approached Luxion, who was watching the scene, was Clairé.

''Hey, what are you playing at all by yourself?''

 Luxion replies in frustration.

'I'm not playing. I'm giving you instructions on how to improve the efficiency of maintenance.'

"It doesn't have to be you. There are other artificial intelligences out there, you need to be on the master's side.

 Leon was challenging the dungeon again today.

 It was the recovery of the lost items that had been neglected until now.

 Creare asked Luxion.

''You, you withheld information when you were trying to convince your friends.

 Luxion hadn't really called out to his friends.

 He knew that if they gathered together, Rion would take advantage of them.

''What? Maybe you're jealous?

No, sir.

 Cleare is furious with Luxion, who answers immediately.

''Then do it right!

"Claire, it's not the old humans I really wanted to protect.

 Cleare goes quiet.

 He asked Luxion to continue the conversation.

'Oh, is it broken? Or do you think you have some other purpose in mind for the immigrant ship?

 Luxion shook one eye.

'I want to save the old humans, sir. I hate the new humans too.'' --If it weren't for the Master, I would have obliterated this kingdom where the old humans are resurrected.''

'Yes. I'd like to thank the Master for that.

 However, Luxion thinks.

'If we destroy Arcadia, over a long period of time, the old humans will be restored. That would be a victory for us.''

"It's a long time coming. It's very motivating.

"But what I really want to protect will be lost.


 Creare seemed to know the answer to that question.

 He kept quiet.

 So Luxion reveals his true feelings.

''What I really wanted to protect is--the master.