101 Twin sisters

 Inside the Einhorn's ship.

 Marie opened her mouth to look at the scene outside.

 The roots of the tree swung down by the holy tree had reached far away, writhing like a whip. The impact generated caused a cloud of dirt smoke to rise from the earth.

 As the impact reached Einhorn, the interior of the ship shook.

 Then I remembered - wasn't that where the city used to be?

 It's exactly what you see in the game, but the difference is that this is real.

How many people will be killed with one swing?

 A horrible monster.

 Originally, Arberg, who lies on the ship, was supposed to be the last boss, but he's rampaging around, taking in Emile and Ideal.

''How am I supposed to defeat this thing!

 Eryk calls out to Marie, who is kneeling dejectedly.

'Get a grip, sister!

 Her trump card, Luxion, is in tatters, and there is nothing she can do about it.

 Libya was treating Noel and calling out to him.

I'm sure you'll be able to tell. You're going to be okay. You'll be fine, Luc will make you better.

 Noel smiled weakly.

'Just let it go. You're going to get tired.

 Tears were shed and Livia continued to treat Noel.

 Ange calls out to Livia.

Livia, tell me what you need. I'll have it ready for you in a minute.

Thank you. Then I'll need a clean towel and hot water, please.

 Can a fighting Luxion afford to do that?

 Can Rion beat the monster in the first place? How long does it take to beat him?

 Marier had such doubts - but as he approached Libya, he asked to be replaced.

'Get out of my way. I'll take your place.


'I said take a break while I'm at it! Even if you can't do it alone, you might be able to do it in time if the two of you take turns doing it together!

 Livia nodded and took over with Marie.

 Marie put her hand on the wound and checked Noel's condition.

(Weak reaction. I can't handle this kind of thing--brother, be really quick)

 Lelia was standing at Noel's side.

 Clément was at her side.

'My sister--I, I--'

 Noel looks at Lelia.

 Her lips have turned blue and she is very pale. There are shades under her eyes and she's trying to force herself to speak.

 Marie tries to stop her, but Noel says that he really wants to tell her, so he lets her speak.

'Lelia, you're going to have to listen to what I'm going to say.


 Noel talks about the family situation of the Respinus family.

 The Respinus family that Noel remembers - was not a very good family.

 Noelle was born with a twin sister.

 Her sister, Lelia.

 They looked a lot alike, but the crucial difference was their personalities.

'She's cute, Lelia.'

Lelia is a smart girl.


 Her parents adored Lelia, who was clever.

 Even as a child, she knew the secret to being adored by her parents.

 In contrast, she herself was a poorly made sister - there was a difference in the way she was treated in the mansion.

 For this reason, Lelia's name comes up when deciding on the head of the Respinus family.

 Originally, the head of the family was Noel.

 But the demand for the cheerful, universally-liked Lelia to be the head of the house was growing stronger by the day.

 The young knights, too, began to voice their opinion that Lelia was the right person to be the head of the house.

 It didn't take long for the shady people, newcomers and youngsters - all of them gathered in the House of Respinas and a large faction was formed.

 Then one day, Noel was called by his mother.

 Her father was also there.

He said, "Noel, you have the aptitude for this. You are the next head of the family.


 The Holy Tree recognizes him.

 It was nice for Noel.

 He had never been recognized by anyone, but he was happy to be recognized by the head of the family.


''Now you can protect Lelia. If you tell her she's unfit, there will be no one who will want to carry her.

 I heard my father say, "What? He muttered.

 His mother looked down too.

'Right. I don't want to put that child through unnecessary hardship. I'm sure she'll carry on our will admirably, even without the crest.'

''Oh, yes. That girl who doesn't look at Seiju as an absolute, I'm sure she'll believe in what we do.

 Young Noel overheard the conversation between his mother and father, and thought.

(I see, I'm taking Lelia's place.)

 Still, if I had been approved by Seiki, I would have thought so--

 -- and yet that day.

 On the day the Favell family invaded, Noel's mother said to him.

''It's okay. You must protect Lelia for sure. You're a big sister!

Yes, sir.

She'll understand. The family of Lespinus may fall, but our intentions will live on. --Now, let's go!

 That day when they ran away from the burning mansion.

 --The parents were only worried about Lelia.

 Noel finished the story of the past with a pained look on his face.

'From there - oh, you know what I mean, don't you? We ran away from the burning house, and we've lived in peace until now-- ha-ha-ha-ha-- because I told them. I told them about mom and dad.

 On board the Einhorn.

 Alberg, who was listening to Noel's story, closed his eyes and said, "That's it, my child," he said sadly. He must have had his thoughts as a parent.

 Lelia's legs were shaking.

(No, no. I'm not to be hated. I was only acting for the sake of the future, and I wasn't going to push my sister away. I was! (I didn't mean to do the "sister" thing!)

 The fact that Noel had told her about it made her realize that she and the sister she disliked were the same.

 I realized that the sister I hated the most and I were the same.

'If it turns out you're the right person - there will be people who will use you. So be careful. From now on - ha ha ha - I won't be able to protect you.

Why are you doing this? My sister has been protecting me! If you did that to me, you'd normally hate me!

 Noel smiles at Lelia's words, sweat pouring off his face.

'You're an idiot. It's because I'm your sister. But I don't think I can do it anymore - so you'll have to do the rest on your own.

 --Lelia stands by Noel's answer, which she would never have thought of herself.

 She realizes that Noel, who was making fun of her, was kinder - and more mature - than she was.

 As Noel spits out blood, Marie stops him.

'That's it. Don't talk, conserve your strength. Your brother will take care of it.''

 Noel was smiling.

'Your brother is so sweet. I wish I had - a big brother - too.

 As Marie continued her treatment.

'You must be so jealous. 'I'll give you some tips on how to spoil him when he's better. As long as you don't piss him off, he's pretty chill and he spoils you easily. So, until then, good luck.

 Noel has lost consciousness and has stopped talking.

 Looking out, large insects were spreading throughout the Republic.

 Julius - the masked knight - was giving them instructions one after another.

'Monsters? You were only known as the Holy Tree. Get your armor out! Keep defending the airship!

 Eryk runs out.

'I'll get out too. Sis, get Noel--I'll take care of Noel!

You never fail to come home! I won't forgive you if you don't come back!

 Serge, who had seen Eryk smiling bitterly as he left, called out to the masked knight.

''Lend me your armor, too. I can't just sit here and watch.''

 But the masked knight was cold.

''I'm sorry, but I don't have any spares for you. You'll be quiet.

 Serge's arms are restrained, and he turns over.

 Alberg calls out to him.

'You will watch in silence. This is a consequence of what you've done.

I was... he lied to me.

 No one listened to Serge's excuses.

 After getting rid of the tree roots and ivy tangled up in the Luxion, I stood on the hull of the ship and looked up at the Sacred Tree - the Rathbone.

'Sacred tree, that doesn't sound like a holy tree.

I concur.

 Luxion is attacking Holy Tree's feet as he burns away the insects around him one by one.

 Saint Tree's ankles were cut off and he was falling over - but he was quickly regenerating and trying to get back up.

'I wonder how Noel managed to defeat this guy?

 Originally, Noel would have dealt with it, but now he's seriously injured.

 I don't want to spend a lot of time trying to save him as soon as possible.

'You want to use that?'

 To my words, Luxion immediately - replies in a strong tone.

''--I can't admit it.''

That's not it. That's an order. Just get on with it.

 I give the order to Luxion, and out comes a syringe with a liquid in a tube. The needle is not visible, and when it is set into the insert in the pilot's suit, a 'pshhhhh' sound can be heard.


 The liquid that enters your body is a status-enhancing item, game-wise.

 My body heats up, and my veins rise to the surface. My muscles swell and my breathing becomes ragged.

 My heart is pounding and pulsing hard.

 Well, that's it. Simply put - it's doping.

 I concocted a drug that enhanced my status, and Luxion prepared the best drug for my body.

 As a result, a great potion was created in terms of performance.

 It will improve my abilities both physically and magically. In terms of maneuvering, reflexes, judgment--and many other benefits.

 It's one of my best moves.

 However... it also has a disadvantage.

"Both physical ability and magical power have been improved. However, it is deemed too hard on the body. After use, you will be placed in a medical pod.

I'll come in as soon as I get my affairs in order.

 It's like a flood of power from his body - and his muscles are bulging and his surroundings seem to be gradually slowing down.

 Apparently my reflexes are also improving.

'An enhancement item is doping--is this how the world works?

 I grabbed the control stick and flew the alloganz, and one by one, the bugs gathered.

'Too late!'

 When he swings the great sword and slashes through it, the insects around him turn into black smoke and disappear. The large sword is covered in a magical light like a flame.

''It's just like a monster. This isn't a holy tree then, it's probably a demon tree or something of that type.

We knew this would happen when we created the magical stone, though.

 When Aroganz grabbed the great sword, it cracked from the center and spread out to the side, generating light.

 When it became a weapon like a great sword made of light, it slashed through the giant holy tree's arm.


 The voice of the holy tree is the voice of Ideal.

 He seems to be in pain.

 I move like a stitch in the air, avoiding the tree roots and ivy that are coming at me, and aim for the head.

'If you cut off his head, you'll be able to handle it.

 That's what it said in the note Marie gave me about how to defeat the Holy Tree. It would be amazing to think that Noel and the others were able to do that against this.

 I'm using Luxion's help and even doping on the Allogantz, and they're holding back.

 Then one of the large head's eyes looked at me.

'A guardian of a different individual - if only you weren't there! If only you'd gone! I've got to beat you and I've got to beat that--that thing!

"That guy?

 I didn't know what they were talking about.

 One of the eyes flashed, and I instantly rose from the spot and a beam of light passed over the spot I was in.

 I call it a beam - what the hell is this thing?

 I know what I'm talking about.

"Get the hell out of here! You can't help Noel, though!

 As I slashed at him, tree roots and ivy blocked my path.

 Floating around Luxion, Chris, who had been working with the insects, watched Aroganz move.

'What was that move?'

 As Greg skewers the bug with his spear and knocks it down, he yells at Chris.

'Don't look at me, fight!'

I know, I know. I know, I know, but - is that how people operate?

 I can see the arogants' movements from a distance so I can keep track of them, but I knew if I got close enough, I'd soon lose sight of their bullshit movements.

 I still lose sight of it from time to time.

'Maneuvering like that, your body won't hold up. Is this what you're really doing, Baltophalt?

 Chris knows that the Arroganz is highly efficient, but he judges that the burden on the pilot is also high.

 Chris is amazed at Leon's ability to fly the Arroganz.


 At that time - Julius, who was in command at Einhorn, was shouting at Leon's friends, who were crying and screaming.

''How do you expect us to win against that thing!

Stop whining!

"This is the Republic's business! We should be allowed to run away!

 It's true that this is true, but--

I'm not going to be able to deal with a monster like that if it comes to the kingdom! If we don't defeat them here, the kingdom will be burned to the ground just like the Republic!

 Just because Luxion and Ideal fought, the surroundings have been burned to the ground.

 Just thinking about what would happen if they were attacked by the kingdom made my head hurt.

 In the first place, they couldn't leave the monster-spreading Holy Tree alone. Even now, a great number of monsters are spreading throughout the Republic.

 There are so many of them that it's almost eerie.

''We will defeat them here and now. This is a battle for the kingdom! I need your help!

 Such were Julius' words.

"I don't care about that! I'm not going to sacrifice my life for the kingdom that has oppressed us so much!

 Hearing the voices of Leon's friends, even Julius is frightened.

(Phew! (Will we still be avenged by what the kingdom has done here?

 The kingdom's fleet is losing coherence.

 In the midst of all this, Marie, who had replaced Noel's treatment with Livia's, took the microphone.

''You guys know what will happen if you go against Leon, right? I don't care if I can't use the airship you gave me!

'Yes, no, that's a problem. I don't want to!'

Then fight! Not for your country or for anyone else. Fight for yourself! I can't sleep with my pillow up high if I leave that stuff out!

 Confused and then shaken by Marie's words, Leon's friends.

''No, no, but, you know what? But even so, what is scary is still scary. We don't even know if that thing will come to the kingdom, so we'll just keep our distance for now--''

 Leon's friends who desperately want to escape.

 To rouse them up, Angier took the microphone from Marie.

'This woman is right. And then - are we allowed to run away here?

 After a pause, Angier continued his speech.

'My fiancé is a man who never fights a battle he can't win. Why would a man like that bother to fight that monster?


 Someone raises their voice as if they've noticed.

'What's behind this?'
It's the Rion. It's Leon. He's got to be up to something!
"He's a godsend to ride a winning horse. Well, in that case...

 Angier raises his voice.

'Follow my husband! The promised victory is at hand! Whoever fights here will be rewarded with an honorable warrior's medal for generations to come!

"This is what I see when I go out with that guy!
I'll get paid! I promise!
"I'm gonna turn this battle into a saga, and I'm never going to war again.

 Julius chuckles under his mask as he comes together at the mention of Leon's name.

(Baldfart, you're awesome. Your name alone is enough to convince your allies of your victory.)