37 Departure

 Take a deep breath.

 One of the rooftops in the Royal Palace.

 I looked at the view as the sun rose.

 It was cold as the cold air entered my body.

 That cold woke me up.

 Airships were coming and going from the royal capital, and the residents continued to evacuate the city.

''Master, Paltner's preparations are complete.''

I guess I'm ready for a fight now.

 The evacuation of the royal capital--they continue to evacuate.

 If we were to be invaded by the Principality now, we would be in trouble.

I hope things continue to go as planned.

The communications situation is deteriorating further as the super-sized vessel approaches. If the main body goes around the back side of the continent, I will be able to provide the minimum amount of support for my master. Master, are you sure you're willing to do that?

 The first form of the sphere is the child of the Luxion's main body.

 If the link with the main body is broken, its performance will inevitably decline.

 The communication situation becomes worse, and the reconnaissance that I was able to do until now is not possible.

 We can't understand the movements of the Principality.

 The only thing we know is that the super large is slowly moving towards the royal capital.

''Livia and Angel are there too, so we'll be fine. With the power of their love, we'll blow those monsters away.

'Love? What is the nature of the love that abounds in the world if it really can be managed through love?

How would I know? That's something to think about after you've won.

'More importantly, are you sure that was a good idea? I've been avoiding the two of you since the thing, haven't I?

 I knew they were in love with each other through joke goods.

 There was no need for me to interrupt them both.

'Because I'm too unexpected to say anything about the quirks, either.

'The two of you were looking for a master afterwards.' --! Master!

 Luxion was looking up at the sky.

 A room in the royal palace.

 There was Leon's master there.

 He was preparing tea and serving the two women sitting across from each other.

 Facing each other early in the morning were Milene and Hertrude.

''Your Highness, can't you stop this war?''

'You can't. The Duchy has endured for decades to prepare for this day. Now it's your turn to be overrun.

 Milene closes her eyes when she sees the thin smile on her face.

''I understand that you want to say that the kingdom is evil. But--''

Oh, you're scaring me. It's too late. The magic flute she possesses summons the guardian deities of the principality to the sky and the sea. Once ordered, it won't stop until it does them. It's too late.

 There's no point in using yourself to negotiate.

 When Hertrude told her this, Milene shook her head.

 She placed a much older document she was carrying, and a book on the table.

'What's this?'

"Read this first.

 The document Hertrude read was from the time when the duchy had just become independent. It was about reparations for the barbaric acts that had been committed.

 It was reparations for the barbaric acts committed by the dukedom, not the kingdom.

'Ugh, it's a lie. The Duchy fought for its independence against a kingdom that treated it unfairly! This is a fake.

 Milene turned her gasping eyes on Hertrude.

'You grew up hearing only beautiful things. You would be a wonderful princess for a puppet. Do you think the country runs on pretty things alone?

 What was written in the book was the history between the Kingdom and the Principality.

 The duchy - the Grand Duke - was connected to the kingdom and hostile nations and had attacked the kingdom many times.

 They had gone to the extent of plundering in the territories they invaded.

 The military power of the grand duke family was considerable, and the kingdom was in trouble.

 Even though it would be easy to crush a single grand duke family, they had enemy nations around them, so they couldn't give their all.

 That's why they put a frontier county in place to protect their borders.

'We prepared military facilities, aligned our airships, and brought in floating islands to serve as fortifications. It consumed an enormous amount of money, materials and labor.

 They were so angry with the Grand Dukes that the kingdom treated them as enemies rather than subjects.

 When the Grand Dukes call themselves a duchy, they are temporarily exhausted because they cannot plunder so far.

 The result - in an effort to prepare their forces, they destroyed it by bombardment in order to obtain floating stones from a floating island that was still inhabited.

 A furious kingdom and the duchy's army is defeated by the frontier count.

 After getting them to promise reparations, it leads to a document.

'After this, the duchy continued to attack the kingdom. After deploying the frontier count, the damage was lessened, but the resentment is still there. When we attacked the Duchy before, the people who rode in were the people who lived in the lands that the Duchy had previously overrun.''

 I'm not saying that the kingdom is absolutely right, but Milene confronted Hertrude with the facts.

'Really, the duchy likes to plunder the kingdom, doesn't it?

'No! The duchy fought for its independence. Because the kingdom would make an unequal treaty!

'I was just claiming compensation. I'm sure they had no intention of paying at the time. You paid reluctantly because you lost, and it's the kingdom's fault when life gets hard for you?

 As Hertrude blushed and went to pick up her cup, her mentor moved quickly.

'Your tea has gone cold. Let's re-brew it.'

 Hertrude glares at her mentor in frustration, but Milene insists that she's the one he's talking to.

You owe me a debt of gratitude. It's true that the kingdom has plundered the duchy, but you mustn't forget the events that led up to it. But we cannot allow you to forget the events that led up to it.

 Hertrude was confused, but his master suddenly turned his gaze out the window.

 A siren sounded, signaling the arrival of the enemy in the royal capital.

 Milene stood up.

''You're ahead of schedule.

 The Master looked at Hertrude.

''Is it the rescue of Your Highness?''

It's possible. You can't give them the magic flute. Where's Mr. Leon?

'There's already a Paltner sortie outside. The Mystarion must have gone out to intercept them. That's encouraging.

 Hertrude's legs were shaking.

 The Master has them both down on the floor.

'You will both be excused.

 Immediately afterwards, the sound of an explosion echoes over the royal capital.

 Aroganz lands on the roof of the Royal Palace.

 I get in right away, and Luxion explains the situation to me.

''We've been hit. It's a surprise attack from above.''

Your radar's not much better.

'I said the communication situation was bad. I hope you'll give me credit for noticing it before the attack. 'Paltner, we're launching an emergency.'

 When I saw Paltner sortie to protect the sky of the royal capital, I grabbed the control stick of Aroganz and soared into the sky.

 A siren sounded in King's Landing.

'How many ships?'

Thirty ships. They're dropping airships. And they're dropping bombs on us at the same time.

Shoot him down.

 As Paltner launched his attack, bullets scattered in the sky and hit the bombs. As it exploded in the sky, gray smoke covered the royal capital.

 The sky, which had been beautiful with sunrise, suddenly seemed to become cloudy.

''Master, the Royal Army is requesting instructions. It seems that the interceptors' sortie has been delayed.''

Make evacuation a priority. You and I will take care of those guys until our guys are in the air.

Enemy has launched armor, sir.

 He grabs the control stick and holds it up as he takes the rifle out of the container the Aroganz is carrying.

 He picks up the voices of the pilots in the armor of the Principality's armor as they swoop down. It's hard to hear them due to the noise mixed in with the communication.

'They're coming out! It's a foreign knight.

''Captain, such big armor is approaching with great speed!

 Aiming at the captain's plane, he readied his rifle and pulled the trigger.

I'm not worried. That guy is a coward who can't even kill a man -- huh?

 The armor around him panicked as he shot through his abdomen and his armor exploded.

''Captain oh!''

'I thought he was an unkillable knight!

 I gripped the control stick tightly against the enemy who was pointing his rifle at me.

 What's non-kill?

 The reason I stuck to my non-kill policy is because at that point in time I was still in a manageable situation.

 In this situation - I can't say "no killing" anymore.

 You have sacrificed too much.

You're the ones who pushed me to this point. No hard feelings.

 Aroganz dodges the bullets and bounces them even if they hit.

 Holding the battle axe in my left hand, I slash one of them deeply as they pass me. Kicking away the other armor that approached, I aimed at the engine part of the airship with my rifle at the ready.

 I pulled the trigger, and a little later, the airship spewed fire.

 Duchy soldiers fleeing in the sky.

 I watched them on the monitor.

'It sucks. It really sucks. If you guys hadn't come, I wouldn't have had to do this!'

"If you had run away, you wouldn't have had to fight?

'Then you'll fight it because it's going to be even worse! I hate the kingdom, but I hate the duchy even more! I'd rather have to worry about this one in my marriage!

 As you maneuver the Aroganz through the nausea, enemies gather around you.

 The armor coming at Aroganz.

''Stop him!''

You are a foreigner!

 Apparently, outsider, outsider knight is my street name.

 What's a gaijin?

 The outsider makes me do this - you guys.

"Don't you dare attack me with a grudge!

 He destroyed another unit and pointed his rifle at the airship.

 The sky of the royal city turned into a battlefield.

 Julius was running through the corridors of the royal palace.


 I found my best friend Zilk.

 He's wearing a pilot's suit.

'I hope you are safe, Your Highness!

 Julius looked frustrated as he looked up out the window at Zilk, who rushed over to him.

''What are those guys in the Duchy thinking? What's the reason for attacking the royal capital now?''

 To Julius, who was suspicious that they had ridden in with only the Duchy's army without monsters in tow, Jirku expressed his thoughts.

''Your Highness Princess Hertrude - and you are trying to get the magic flute back, aren't you?

 Julius thumps the wall with his right hand and doesn't even try to hide his annoyance.

'What the hell is Baldfalt doing here!

They're out to intercept. Your Highness, please stand back.

Don't be stupid. I'm out.

 Milene and Hertrude - and their mentor - appeared at their place, protected by their guards.

 Milene spoke to Julius in a strong tone.

That won't happen.


 Julius turned around and asked Milene to let him go out with a tightened face. He felt that he couldn't sit idly by in this situation.

'I'm going to sortie too. Your mothers must evacuate at once.''

You don't have the power to fight, Julius. And your job is to survive.

'Zilk will fight! Do you want me to just run away!

Yes, I know. All you can do is run away.

I'm not asking for an airship. Just get me a plane of armor and--

'Julius, I don't have anyone to armor for you.

 Julius was surprised and turned around, wondering why Zilk was changing into a pilot's suit if that was the case.

 Like himself, Zilk must not have any armor.

'I asked my parents to get one for me. The same goes for the other three. Your Highness, please leave the rest to me.

 Julius shook his head emphatically at such a jilk.

''Why. How could you guys betray me! You said you were going to cooperate. You lied to me. You said we were going to protect Marie together!

 When I blamed the prone Zilk, Milene stopped me.

''Julius, there is no more armor or airships in the royal palace. You have no power to fight. You will take refuge here with us with an open mind.

 The armor and airships that the palace had in its possession were out.

 There was no armor to turn to Julius.

 But Julius remembered.

'There is! The duke's airship must still have had some extra armor on board. I heard that they are looking for knights. If I head over right away--

What have you done to the Duke of Redgrave? The Dukes aren't your supporters anymore. Zilk, the duke's army is descending. If you want to launch a sortie, do it quickly.

'Ha! Your Highness, if you will excuse me now.

 Julius ran from the scene as Milene looked away, saying, "I wish you good luck in the war,

 Inside the royal palace in turmoil.

 Angier was running with Libya's hand in tow.

 Looking out the window, Libya looked anxious.

'How could I not notice it until we were approaching the royal capital?

'The noise on the communicators is worse than usual. If Luxion can't find us, we can't help ourselves. Anyway, we'll travel to the royal ship.

 When Angier looked out the window, he saw Paltner's figure.

 A single ship is guarding the skies of the royal capital.

(Where is that guy from Rion?)

 After they were admitted to the royal ship, Leon disappeared.

 If you listen to the story, he was depressed, but the two of them who had been chosen for the royal ship were too busy afterwards to see Leon after all.

 Livia looks down.

''Did they run out of affection for us who were floating around?

'Well, I don't think so - no, we were certainly wrong. But we didn't think you'd be gone without an apology.

 After that, I noticed that the robots that Luxion had arranged for came over and started to work on the royal ship.

 It was a big deal as they pried open the door and went in and began to maintain it.

 From the skies of the royal capital, the sounds of gunfire and explosions could be heard constantly, as well as the sound of something falling on the royal capital.

(Neither your father nor your brother are here. The timing is too bad.)

 In the skies of the royal palace, the airships that had been sent out to escort them appeared.

 Three of them were airships that the dukes had left behind for Angers. They were prepared to let them run away if the need arose.

 They are also a force to be reckoned with for Angier.

 Then Julius appeared in front of Angier and the others, breathing on his shoulder. He is looking out of the window and when he notices Angier, he approaches him.

''Your Highness, what are you doing here?''

 Julius bowed his head to Angel, who suggested hurrying away.

''Angelica, I have a favor to ask of you. I want you to lend me the strength you have--the duke's fleet.

 Livia was cringing.

 Angel was surprised for a moment, but quickly cooled down and shook her head.

'They are my guards, not my subordinates. The only person who can give them orders is your father or your brother - or Rion.

 Julius's frustration showed on his face at the mention of Leon's name, but he still asked for it.

'I'm not asking you to lend me your airship. I don't care if it's just one piece of armor. I don't want to be a coward.'

 At Julius's words about not wanting to run away from the battlefield, Angier shook his head again.

'No. Your Highness, you must take refuge with us.''

 At Angel's words, Julius looks up.

''Do you hate me for betraying your feelings?''

 When asked if that's why he wouldn't lend his strength to the fight, Angier realized.

(I wonder ... no more hate or regret.)

 I was more concerned about whether Rion was safe than I was about getting revenge. At the same time, I couldn't wait to see his face.

''It's true that I hated him. But I already--I love Rion.

 When he smiled as he said that, Julius was a bit disconcerted (woozy).

 Just as he was about to say something, the knights of the duke's family rushed over to Angier and the others.

 Angier immediately ordered.

''We're heading to the basement now. Bring your highness with you.''


 The knights surrounded Julius and then began to move towards the crypt.

 Livia takes Angel's hand in hers.

'Are you okay? Um, um--

Don't worry about it. I'm fine. I've blown things out of the water.

 Julius looks at Angel, who smiles at him and turns over to look at Julius.

 Livia looks at Julius.

How can I help you?

 Julius mocked himself.

'I've never seen Angelica laugh like this before. ... that's all.

 I heard Julius say, but Angel is worried about Rion.

(Rion, stay safe.)

 The airship of the Duchy Army.

 On the bridge of the ship was the figure of Gerrat.

 Gerrat looked down at the royal capital from high in the sky and bit his thumbnail.

'You interrupt me again, outlaw knight! You volunteered for the surprise unit because you thought they would definitely come to the main force.

 They thought that the kingdom side would challenge the main force of the duchy army to a decisive battle in a bet of one or eight. And they thought the spearhead of the battle would be Rion, which was Gerrat. Or he thought that the upper echelons of the kingdom had taken away his airship and were unable to sortie.

 Either way, he thought there was a high probability that he wouldn't come out.

'We have to get the magic flute before the main army arrives!

 The main unit is working with the super-sized gods that are said to be the guardians of the sky.

 They hadn't yet arrived at the royal capital due to the disadvantage that the place of appearance was far from the royal capital and their movement speed was slow.

''That magic flute is a valuable item that calls out the guardian god of the earth. We can't lose it--''

 What Gerat wanted to recover was not Hertrude, but the Magic Flute. It was a treasure of the duchy, and his own future was at stake if it was taken away.

 Therefore, he forced himself to say that he was going to rescue Hertrude, so he borrowed thirty airships from Hertruda and launched a surprise attack.

 A soldier nearby reported to Gerat.

'Count, ten ships have already been sunk. Their armor has been shot down one by one.''

'I know it when I see it! That outgoing knight, he has no desire to be a knight, to give up the unkillable! 

 Gerrat decided to retreat immediately, but it was already too late.

 The bridge of the airship - the one who appeared in front of it was Aroganz.

 A voice could be heard from the armor.

'This is the flagship?'

 Gerat covered his face with his hands in front of the muzzle of the gun that was pointed at him.

 One of the Allogants' containers was released, and the missiles loaded on it struck the airship as they were fired.

'In a place like this!'

 The moment Alloganz pulls the trigger, Gerrat's consciousness is cut off.

 One of the refugees in the royal city.

 It was Clarice who was protecting the people who were trying to board the airship.

 He boarded the airship and gave them instructions.

 It was an airship owned by the Atlee family, and they had just helped the refugees to escape from the royal capital.

''Protect the refugees at all costs!

 The refugees were hurriedly accommodated, but the momentum of the Duchy's army was winning.

 On the ground, the knights and soldiers were barricaded and fighting, but they were being pushed in.

 In the sky, students on air bikes were engaging the air bike troops of the Duchy Army, and there was a lot of noise on the ground and in the sky.

 The armor protecting Clarice and the others on the ground could be seen being destroyed by the Duchy's armor.

 Clarice thinks about surrendering, but the enemy attacks the airship.

'I don't care if they are refugees or not. Kill the outcasts of the kingdom and make them pay for their crimes.'

 Clarice gritted her back teeth in frustration at the sound of her enemy's voice.

'You didn't go on a rampage all you wanted either!

 Then, a single armor plane jumped up and appeared in front of the bridge.

 As he swung down the axe he was holding, a cut was made in the ceiling. A vulgar laugh could be heard from the armor that forced it to spread out there.

''There's a woman in there! And she's a noblewoman!'

 Clarice broke out in a cold sweat at the unpleasant feeling.

 Her body shuddered at the anticipation that followed, knowing what would happen if a woman was captured on the battlefield.

 As the armor reached out to Clarice, the nearby crew members attacked her with their rifles, but the armor was popping bullets.

'That's not how a pea gun works. You'll pay for your own sins with your own body!''

 As Clarice almost reached the armor, the armor was roughly ripped off the bridge.

 When he looked up, he saw Aroganz there.

 He pointed the rifle in his right hand at the Principality's army and pulled the trigger as it was.

 The bullet pierces the belly of the armor, and when the enemy stops moving, a voice comes from Aroganz's grip on the armor.

 He was flailing about, unable to get away from Aroganz.

'Let go! This--

 A shockwave was released from Aroganz's left arm, and no voice could be heard from the pilot of the armor.

 Clarice let out a small sigh as she watched Aroganz toss the armor and fly off to the next battlefield as it was.

''Well I took it too far.''

 The armor that was thrown away and fell to the ground.


 In the cockpit.

 I don't know how many times I've thrown up in my etiquette bag.

 The tang of stomach fluid is sickening.

 The surrendered Duchy troops are rampaging through the streets of King's Landing.

''Surrender! Why are you rioting? It's already been won.

 We crushed their flagship.

 I smacked them on the head, and yet they continue to resist.

'Surrender, I suppose?'

 Some of the battlefields were shot and killed by the kingdom's army without recognition of the surrendered duchy army.

 Smoke was rising from all over the royal capital during the city battles.

 I wipe my mouth and then look around.

''Where's the next battlefield?''

 I asked Luxion, but it seems that the time has come.

''........Master, it's apparently time. I can only do the minimum amount of support from this.''

 His usual voice sounded apologetic.

'Right. Good luck with that.

Are you sure you want to do this?

Just go ahead. You're the only one who'll do it.

 Luxion looks at me with one eye, then moves one eye to bow once.

'The maintenance of the royal ship has been completed. The thing has been assigned an artificial intelligence separate from me to support it. If you need anything else, you can turn to--''

 A noise mingled with the electronic sound, then changed to Luxion's voice, which was a little different from his usual voice.

''The link to the mainframe has been severed.''

 The mechanical tone of voice makes me regain my grip on the control stick, a little uneasy.

''--please, buddy,''

 The gap between the earth and the sea.

 The column of water growing out of the sea is the earth pumping up seawater.

 Apart from that, the earth was pierced by several tentacle-like arms that stretched out from the sea.

 Emerging from the surface of the sea was a large human face.

 That monster, which looked like an island, was a super-sized one, the guardian god of the sea.

 The airship - no, the spaceship Luxion is over seven hundred meters in size. Such Luxion looks small.

''What a big monster it is!''

 With only one ship, Luxion was calm in front of the monster called the Guardian of the Sea, diving under the continent.

''Well, there's nothing wrong with continuing to defeat them.''

 As Luxion's main cannon flashed, all the arms that had been piercing the earth were severed and turned into black smoke.

 As the eyes of the large face looked at Luxion, tentacles appeared one after another from the surface of the sea and entangled themselves around Luxion.

''Don't touch me.''

 As he says this, a series of laser launchers appear from the gray hull. The tentacles are cut off by the lasers released from the firing port.

 As the missile launchers emerge from the hull, they release a single missile.

 When it hits, it causes a huge explosion that blows up the super-sized ship.

 Black smoke spread out to cover the surrounding vision.

''It's gradually reviving. Does that mean that the information from the master was correct?''

 As the tentacles appeared again from the surface of the sea, they shot out of it one after another.

 The surface of the sea rippled greatly when the monster, which looked like a squid with a human face, appeared in front of Luxion.

 Seeing such a figure - Luxion shoots through it with his main gun and turns it into black smoke again.

''As long as I'm here, your objective is unlikely to be achieved, isn't it?''

 The problem is that Luxion can't take on another one.

 That one would have to be left to Leon and Paltner.

 Repeatedly attacking the enemy that was repeatedly resurrecting and regenerating, Luxion had completely shut down the movement.

 But at the same time, I decide that Rion was right.

''It's true that we won't lose, but it's also impossible to win. The problem is that the other one on the other side.......the Master's chances of survival will be lower than expected.''

 Luxion's main body began refurbishing the Schwerdt..............Leon's air bike in the ship's factory.

 In order to repair it, Luxion had transferred it to the main body.

 The repairs were done, but it was in a state of storage, so he started refurbishing it just in time.

'Schwert, be reborn for your master.

 In the space between the earth and the sea, Luxion is dealing with a super-sized monster.