28 Intermission Luxion Report Part 2

 Luxion watched Rion as he slept in his own room at his parents' house.

 Leon, who had been given a private room in the rebuilt mansion, was happily sleeping on his bed.

 When he was awake, he was repeating his abusive comments to Marie, but at this rate, Luxion thought he might forget and play around again tomorrow morning.

'I'm happy to have a master who says it's impossible for Marier to be a saint and yet I'm happy to have a master who misses every expectation.

 Luxion, uttering an inaudible sarcasm, reflected on the second semester.

'A lot of things have happened, though,'

 Since there were so many school events, I think Rion was very busy with them.

 I'm not sure if he realizes that he was busy with half his responsibilities.

''And because I burned the meddling in the gym festival, I got promoted.

 I convinced Zilk's ex-fiancee to give me the opportunity to promote him.

 Normally a promotion was something to rejoice over.

 But for Leon, both the title and rank were an obstacle.

 The high status means that you have a lot of responsibility.

 The reason why Leon went out of his way to have a factory is because he has no choice but to contribute to the kingdom in the future. With the territory that Leon has, it's impossible for him to be expected to work as a baronial family.

 However, he was promoted further and his plans needed to be further revised.

''A viscount and fourth rank below, huh? You've been promoted quite a bit, haven't you?''

 At the school festival, he seduced the queen, Milene, and slayed the air bandits at Kara's behest. That's why she was promoted.


''I'm wondering what Milene had in mind when she promoted him. Well, I don't know since I wasn't asked to look into it.''

 I can predict it, but I don't try to gather information. Because I'm not under orders.

'I told you I wouldn't be promoted for slaying air pirates.

 As far as he was concerned, the goal was to recover a valuable item.

 He probably thought that he could do whatever he wanted if he pushed his achievements on Brad and Greg who were following him, but that gave him the opportunity to get an extra promotion.

''What we do is not the direction we're aiming for, or rather...''

 After slaying the air bandits, it's a school trip.

 I shouldn't have won against the dukedom that attacked me there.

 It could be said that it couldn't be helped, but it was well settled anyway. For that reason, the kingdom has underestimated the dukedom.

''The master's efforts have backfired at every turn, haven't they?

 However, he was shocked to be cornered by the Black Knight, and he resumed his training.

''It was a good medicine, wasn't it? Well, I was able to save you, so I watched over you.''

 The credit for deposing the black knight itself was put on Chris, but Chris' parents' family couldn't complain to Leon because of it.

 He sold his debt to them poorly and it came back to him in the form of a promotion.

 No one complains about Chris's achievement because they mistakenly believe it's a condition of reconciliation between the two families.

 Kensei also had no choice but to keep quiet because if he complained poorly, he would be embarrassed even more if he complained, so he had to keep quiet.

 No matter how much he hated her, he couldn't touch Rion right now, no matter how much he hated her.

 Then Luxion's interest shifted to other things.

''I'm glad that Olivia's case is safely over.

 For some reason, it was Luxion who couldn't have hostility towards Olivia.

 Originally, Luxion was a lost item - the legacy of the old human race, and it was not surprising that he would have hostility towards Olivia, who was considered a newcomer.

 That's why it was strange that he couldn't harbor any hostility.

''Is this the power of Olivia that Master says she has? I mean, I wish I had told you a lot of things beforehand. If I'd known, I could have taken measures.''

 Rion is very self-contained in his own mind, and Luxion has a lot of information that he learned later. That's why the matter of Marie was on the back burner.

''Well, I don't mind. Even if the kingdom is destroyed, we can still save the master and his people.''

 If it comes down to it, you can run away.

 Luxion also only thought of it to that extent.

 He wasn't very interested in the existence of the kingdom.

''........But it's strange.''

 Luxion reflects on the second semester.

'How could those five people that the Master pushed away grow mentally tougher and stronger, and conversely, how could Olivia and Angelica become mentally fragile?'

 Especially Libya's mental fragility came out this time.

 The relationship between the three of them was also broken, but it was Luxion who was relieved to be back to normal again.

 On the contrary, it was those five people who had grown up strong - mainly the three of them, but also Brad, Greg, and Chris.

''Did you grow up mentally by escaping the environment of being an heiress? Well, the woman's taste in women seems to be as bad as ever, and I was fooled by a con man.'

 Luxion thought the woman who looked like a female version of Leon was Marie.

 The same incarnation.

 And that attitude of acting for herself.

 He judged their personalities to be similar.

 It's ironic that the five people that Rion pushed out of the way have grown more as people.

 Both Livia and Angel had grown up more after they had created distance from Rion.

''Was Master really in the way?''

 Luxion puts that conclusion to rest for a moment.

 I feel sorry for Rion, as it were.

''Even so, the power Olivia showed was amazing. I would have liked to analyze it more if possible, but--''

 That barrier that was shown on the school trip had an ability that even Luxion was astonished by.

''According to the master, it was not the saint's power that would be needed in the end, but Olivia's own power.......Doesn't Marie know that information? Or did you know and still decide that you could handle it?'

 Rion often said that it was a world of maidens and that it was a hardship, but it seemed to Luxion that this world with two foreign objects in it was more of a hardship.

 If it weren't for the two of them, would an uneventful and happy world be waiting for them?

 Luxion then looks back on the second semester and summarizes.

''........You called those five people troublesome, but Master was a troublesome enough person too. Isn't this what it means to not be able to talk about others?''

 Rion was as difficult as the five people he was attacking, or even more so.

 He sulks, distances himself from them, and in addition, he cherishes his strange self-imposed rules.

 The reason why he limits himself to using Luxion to win is probably because he's drawn to the values of his previous life.

''Well, it would be better than gleefully committing genocide, though.

 It was likable, Luxion thought. Rion, who was no good as a human being, was important to Luxion.

 Luxion approached Rion and looked into his face.

''Well, I wonder what will happen now, Master.''

 Then Rion turned over and slapped Luxion. Luxion slammed to the floor and slowly floated up as his eyes glowed red eerily.

 Rion slept with a happy look on his face.

 Luxion moves directly onto Rion's abdomen, dropping himself and hitting him.


 He could hear Rion's voice, but he was breathing in his sleep again.