5 Protagonist and villain daughter

 Well, a month has passed since the entrance ceremony.

 Busy days go by fast, but there's no event worth mentioning for a mobster like me. Today, I'm finally starting to get used to life at the unfamiliar school.

 If we're talking about gameplay, it's about this time when the protagonist has a series of encounters with the men he's trying to capture.

 It's probably around the time that the villainous daughter comes out and tells you to "get off your rocker" or something. I used the skip function in the game, so I don't remember the details of the conversations.

 Well, let's leave the stories about the main characters that I have no connection with.

 As for me, I was finally starting to get used to life in the dormitory, and the friends I was going out with were starting to settle in.

 If I were to talk about them, it would be Daniel and Raymond.

 The two of us are in different situations, but we were raised in almost the same environment. That's why we talk so well together.

 A bench in the courtyard of the school.

 The three guys sit down to discuss the tea party scheduled for early May.

The first day of May, the tea party is scheduled to be held at the beginning of May. We should still choose who we invite, right?

 The holidays in May are a holiday for girls, but not for boys. This is the time to invite a girl to tea in order to close the gap between you and her.

 The difference between this and pick-up is that it doesn't matter who you are, and in addition, you had to hold a tea party that was appropriate for their rank.

 It's a kind of unofficial event in the school.

 When Danielle asked a worried question, Raymond looked depressed.

My parents sent me money, but I can't throw such an extravagant tea party," he said. I don't care about any girl who is willing to join me.

 Academia is expensive. And it's only for the boys.

 I may have savings, but I can't spend it like hot water either. In fact, I don't even want to spend it.

 In the first place, most of the wealth I had was invested in my parents - the estate.

  Rumors would spread that he can't even throw a tea party or something like that, and it would be bad for your marriage.

 Even if they aren't interested, you'll need to have a solid tea party.

 Just as we share information, girls share information with girls. If you make an enemy of the girls, rumors will spread quickly and you'll be in trouble.

 Boys are at a disadvantage in these areas as well.

 And here's the one problem.

 I had won my own business after graduation on merit, and I was considered to be a reasonably rich man by those around me. Therefore, the expectations of those around me were high.

'Do you call it a prestigious tea party on my part? It seems I have to do that. To be honest, it's kind of daunting.

 As the three of us were depressed before the May tea party, we saw His Highness Julius, who could be considered a winner, walking around with his cronies and women.

 At his side was his best friend and a member of the SS, the heir of the Viscount's family - who was also His Highness' milk brother, [Zirk Fia Marmoria].

 I want to ask if the dark green hair is really natural hair. The green eyes are kind and droopy, in contrast to His Highness' sharp eyes.

 He's a court nobleman, a baronet, but it was obvious that he would be given an important position in the future because he's His Highness' milk brother and best friend.

 The girls were talking to each other with faces that looked like they might have hearts in their eyes, and some of the boys from the county and frontier county families were pretending to be cronies.

''Is Your Highness going to have a May tea party?''
I'd like to join you.
Wow, me too!

 We look at the girls like dogs wagging their tails, wanting to be invited to His Highness' tea party, and we are faced with reality.

 Raymond covered his face with his hands.

''........This year, with His Highness and all the famous nobles, the bar is high.

 Daniel's shoulders slumped too.

'We can compare, can't we? I hope you don't, man.'

 As I was looking at the enviable scene, a woman came to me. She has her cronies around her, but there are really a lot of them.

 The other party is the young lady of the duke's family - [Angelica Rafa Redgrave]. Her shining blonde hair was pulled up in an updo and she was wearing a red dress.

 Her white skin was beautiful, but her red eyes were powerful.

 The sharp eyes with power in them immediately showed that she had something different from others.

 If there was anyone who was born with something, it would be her or His Highness.

 Inwardly, I thought that the protagonist must have something amazing too.

 It may be commonplace, but is the aura they wear different?

"You must be the Dauphin's fiancée.

 Faster than my words, the girls surrounding His Highness and Zilk distance themselves from me. Apparently, no one is stupid enough to make an invitation in front of their fiancé.

 I want to tell them not to talk to him in the first place.

 Angelica-san's gaze became a little sharper.

''Your Highness the Crown Prince, I would like to have a few words with you about the May tea party. May I join you?

 It is said that you can't wear the status and parental power of the outside world in the academy, but some things are inseparable in the world.

Angelica, don't be intimidated by your surroundings. This is a school.

Yes, I know what I'm doing. It's just that the Dauphin was a bit of a fussy man around.

 Whether in the academy or not, it's the same, and no one is stupid enough to defy the duchess.

 The girls awkwardly averted their gaze from Angelica-san.

''So this is the hero's rival? You're giving off a very strong impression of a powerful enemy.''

 As I'm mumbling to myself, I see one of the girls away from the group. I narrowed my gaze.

 If Angelica-san was a beautiful woman, then she looked pretty.
 The blond-haired, blue-eyed young lady is the daughter of a viscount family.

 Her name is 【Marie Fau Laffan】.

 She was someone I couldn't help but like.

 It's annoying to watch. But it's not a feeling of hatred, it's just annoying.

 Zilk finds me looking in that direction with my blue eyes and informs His Highness.

'Your Highness,'

Hmm? Ah, Marie. Oh, good, I've been looking for you. I need you to come over here.

 The person His Highness smiled at was Marie.

 With a twitch, Angelica-san's eyebrows moved.

 One of her cronies frowned even more when she overheard Marier.

 Marier came to this tense place as if she had no choice but to come because she was called.

 Danielle was holding her stomach.

''Am I not supposed to leave?

 There was a struggle going on near the bench I was sitting on, and if I got up and ran away now, I would be conspicuous. Raymond shakes his head.

'No. Don't move until it's over. But still, is she an acquaintance of the Crown Prince? I don't think she was a famous girl.

 Marie spoke to His Highness in a pretty voice.

'What is it, Your Highness?'

'Actually, the boys have to hold a tea party in May. I don't want to hold it too fancy, so I'm only going to invite people I know.

 Angelica refuted those words.

''Your Royal Highness, there is rank in the tea party. Such a person--''

 His Highness would not stop.

 And I was remembering this scene.

 Come to think of it, there was an event similar to this at a compulsory event, I thought. But it should have been the protagonist who was called in at that time.

 I look around, but there was no one who looked like that.

 Raymond looks at me.

'What are you doing here?'

No, I'm looking for someone... is there a special student here?

 Raymond looked around as well, but he shook his head.

''None. In the first place, there is no way a special student can mix in here. Look, just keep quiet and be still. You just have to be prepared to wait for the storm to pass.

 We can't escape.

 As we tried to enter the courtyard, we caught glimpses of students running away from the bizarre atmosphere, making a right turn. I was envious of them.

 His Highness, who was arguing with Angelica-san, seemed to be a bit annoyed.

''Enough, Angelica. This is a school. I'm here as a student. You're my fiancée, but you have no right to interfere that much.

 Angelica-san pulls back at those words.

''Well excuse me.

 Saying that, Angelica-san leaves this place, she glares at Marie with a final snap and then leaves.

 The surrounding cronies were also casting a tight gaze at Marier.

'I'm sorry, Marie. I've made you feel bad.

'Yes, no, that's fine. But are you sure it was okay for me to join in?

 Zilk shrugged.

'His Highness doesn't like formalities. 'I prefer a lighter tea party. I'd love for you to join us. Besides, it's very rare that His Highness invites you to join us here.

 His Highness averted his gaze to Zilk, who was giggling and looking embarrassed.

'And anyway, join in. Come on, Zilk, let's go too.

 As His Highness and Zilk begin to move away, their cronies leave as well.

 When both Daniel and Raymond were relieved that they were finally freed, I looked at Marier's profile.

 It seems that Marie, who seemed to have been caught off guard, thought that no one was watching, was smiling thinly - smiling.

 Manners class for the tea party.

 The teacher was a male teacher who looked like a gentleman with a neatly trimmed beard.

 The classroom was actually set up with a table and snacks and tea prepared.

'May I? When you invite a woman to a tea party, think that everything is being watched. They can see what kind of education you have received and what kind of person you are by your behavior. Conversely, the more you can entertain a woman, the more you will be appreciated.

 The boys are learning their manners in a goose chase class.

 My dad said he learned his manners with a beard like that, but he said he forgot about it as soon as he graduated. Sure, you might be able to see their normal attitude to life, but will they look at you that much?

Hey, Mr. Stallion! You need to be more nervous.


 As I responded to the warning, I heard giggles and laughter around me. The people laughing were the heirs of the rich and court nobles.

'This is what the rednecks are for,'
Just because you're a little good at something doesn't mean you're good at it.
Savages are good for adventure, but they don't belong here.

 The male teacher straightened up and continued the class.

'First of all, what's important at a tea party is the overall atmosphere. For now, it's out of the question to say that you've got all the tools and you've held up an empty room! He invites women into a special space by paying attention to every single tool. Just remember that it's less than third-rate, such as preparing a place.

 What does this unimportant lesson mean? When I thought that I wouldn't be using it anyway after graduation, the teacher seemed to have figured out the sorrel.

''Mystarion you don't seem to understand. Now let's put one into practice and see.

 When they called me forward, I was treated as a guest.

 There was nothing important about it anyway.

 I was going to do my best to mock him inwardly while being impressed on the surface.

'Wow, this is going to be fun,'

Yeah, have a good time.

 If you think so--.

 --after the class is over.

 I call out to the male teacher as he leaves the classroom.

'Teacher! Me, I'm impressed!

 The male teacher, who had straightened his spine, turned around neatly and stroked his beard, which he was proud of.

'Mr. Stallion, I see you understand.

'Yes! Me, I was licking the tea thing. Now I'm very sorry about it. I want to hold a perfect tea party like you!

 The male teacher smiled and nodded.

''Very well. But you are mistaken.


 The male teacher turned me around and put his right hand on my chest.

It's the spirit of hospitality that counts. And I still have a ways to go. I've never been able to provide hospitality that I'm happy with.

Oh, no. Aren't you perfect, Doctor?

 The male teacher nodded.

'Yes, I do. I aim for the best hospitality in the moment, in the moment, but I'm not yet at that level. However, I can teach you the basics. Mr. Stallion, let's follow the path of tea together.


 As me and the male teacher were smiling and talking, I heard Daniel and Raymond's voices from behind me.

'Hey, did that guy decide to take some kind of bad medicine?'

You know what? Well, it's not a waste of time, so why not?

 The May tea party.

 I was preparing to rent a room to invite people to the party because I had received a reply from the person I sent the invitation to.

 The school has a number of rooms dedicated to tea ceremonies, and the students usually rent these rooms and entertain the guests.

 We would like to rent a real place, but it is not possible to rent a real place at this time of the year because it is too crowded.

 There were tea sets, tea leaves, and sweets.

 We are in the process of cleaning and rearranging the room.

 Luxion floats in the center of the room, checking out the interior.

''It's quite elaborate. I don't think this is the same master who a few weeks ago was trying to bring in contractors to get it done quickly.''

'May. Let me know if you notice anything.

 As I was doing my final check, I took out my pocket watch and checked the time.

 In ten minutes, the girl I invited would arrive.

 This time, the second daughter of the baron's family is the one we're dealing with.

 To be frank, I don't like the second daughter or anything like that, but it's none of their business.

''It's a world I can't understand. Can't I just choose the best partner based on genetic information?

No one else can confirm that gene, so that's impossible.

"Then I have nothing to say to you.

 When I finished talking with Luxion, the girls came over.


 But the attitude is not favorable in any way, and the attitude is that he came reluctantly.

 But I'm not going to panic.

 Calm down, me. The teacher said that the first thing to do is to treat any person sincerely.



 When I looked closely, I saw two girls behind the invited girl.

 The other one is smiling helplessly.

'Oh, friend. Let me pass the time while you're at it. There's a pretty big tea party going on, but we have some time before we have to attend it.

 The tea party held by the heir of a famous nobleman was no longer the size of a party. They wanted to kill time as they prepared a carriage to leave.

''Oh, I see. So, what time do you want to leave?

'About thirty minutes. We were talking about how bored we are, and then I remembered that I had replied that I was going to join the tea party.

 The other two people took the liberty of setting up chairs and taking a seat.

 They began to eat the snacks they had left on the table.

'Oh, and a cup of tea, too.'

 As it was, the three of us gathered around the table, and there was no more room for me to sit. The three of us are having a great time talking about the tea party we are about to attend, and I'm busily preparing more tea and sweets as if I were one of the three servants.

 When the time came, the three of us who had eaten all the food left the room without even thanking them.

Then, good night~. The sweets were good, but the girls won't be happy if you don't buy more expensive ones.

 The three of us walked out.

 I slumped my shoulders.

'How much do you think these snacks cost for a set? I got these snacks made today at a proper store. No more expensive than this...

 I look at the leftover sweets.

'....Sensei, the road to tea is still going to be long and steep.

 As I was cleaning up, almost crying in frustration, I heard voices from outside. Several female students were saying something to each other.

''Well you're disproportionate!

But the invitation...

Be sensible there, commoner!

 I hear a flurry of footsteps.

 Several female students leave, saying things like, "Let's go quickly, the carriage is leaving". From the voice that said commoner earlier, I walked out of the room, hoping that maybe the hero was there.

 I'm sure she's more aura and beautiful than her rival Angelica-san - and I was expecting that much, but there's one girl sitting in the hallway.

 Her light brown hair was cut in a middle bob, and there was a normal girl there with no hegemony or aura to speak of.

 Her eyes were also brown and she had a kind face, but compared to Angelica-san, she was the opposite. She was a plain girl.

 She was beautiful but........normal.

 There's a torn invitation in the hallway.

 Luxion, who had been silent and devoted to the ornament earlier, was on my shoulder, looking at the situation.

''........This is bullying, is it? I've heard that she's a special student, but she's not of the noble class. I guess she can't allow ordinary people to attend this academy.''

Well, sort of. But it's kind of ... too normal.

 I looked at her as she sadly picked up the invitations and turned my gaze into the room.

'Can we still invite at least one person?'

 I thought I could treat at least one person from the leftover snacks and tea leaves, so I called out to her.

'Hey, there she is! I won't go to tea!

 The girl who looked up - the protagonist looked a little surprised to see me.

"Hmm, I received an invitation from the heir to a frontier county.

''Yes. I was told that it wouldn't be a bad idea to talk to a special student, but you all told me to turn it down because it wasn't appropriate.

 Inside the room, unlike earlier, things were calm.

 She smiled as she ate the sweets and looked at the tea I had prepared.

''Isn't this an expensive tea leaf?''

It's expensive, but I was just about to have a drink by myself, so it's just as well. It sounds like a lot of work, though.

 I don't intend to get too deeply involved, but I wanted to know who she was involved with. It's not bad to know what the protagonist will do in the future.

 Speaking of the frontier count, it would be [Blood Faugh Field].

 He's a narcissist with long purple hair, and a rich man with a large piece of land as a lord nobleman. Anyway, it's a large scale house.

 My family's house isn't even a match for me.

 Brad himself is more of a military strategist type of person than a front runner. He's also called a staff member, but he's smart enough to lead an army.

 He himself is not very strong, but as a lord and nobleman, he has a complex about it.

 In a word, he's a troublesome fellow.

 No, if you think about it, all the boys to be attacked were troublesome guys.

 The main character 【Olivia】 with a cloudy face became depressed.

''I, should I really not have come here? I'm trying really hard, but I can barely keep up with the people around me... and I don't know how I got in.

 Come to think of it, it's a time when the school part of the school is also a struggle because of the low status at first.

 The bastards, led by His Highness, would follow us around, but it seems that Olivia-san is basically alone now.

 We don't get involved either, and I thought we were doing well to begin with.

 But from what I've heard, she's been alone for nearly a month.

 The situation was even more dire than mine.

 Well, from the point of view of the boys in my class, she couldn't be the one to marry. After all, her status was too low. From the point of view of us boys who were desperately looking for a marriage partner, she was someone we didn't have time to get involved with.

 When you think about it, the reason the characters who were engaged to be attacked were involved with the main character is because they could afford it.

 I'm jealous of that.

 But it's a bit odd.

 We should have met the characters to be attacked by May. There was also some sort of forced event. Remembering that much, I think of Marie.

 Marie's profile, which was smiling, was inexplicably creepy.

''Eh, eh,''

 Olivia was upset because I was silent and she was worried. She's blaming herself for having done something rough.

 'I wish the other girls who are selfish would learn from me.

'I was just thinking about it for a bit. Well, it's my first time in the school, so I'm a bit of a handful, and now I just have to do what I can.''

 Olivia nods at my advice, "Yes, right?" but she doesn't seem to be convinced. In the first place, there's no way I can give her an answer that will impress her with a single word.

 Even though I have a lot of life experience, it's a good thing I'm an amateur when dealing with women.

''........Is it okay for me to be here?''

 I answer those questions immediately.

'What? Of course it's good,

 You are the hero of this world to begin with.

 Who you choose to capture has no small part in my life... None at all. Well, I at least wanted to know who you were dating for the sake of the story.

Why? Because I don't deserve to be here every day.

 It may be obvious to me, but it may be strange from Olivia's point of view. I'll explain it to her for a suitable reason.

'No, because, you see ... yes! Your enrollment is at the behest of the Academy and the Crown! So, the students don't have the right to decide, and neither the palace nor the academy is the one that allowed them to enroll! It's not your fault if they complain.

 Olivia's eyes were fluttering.

'And yet, all around--'

'If you just can't take it, you can expel me from school. You can't tell the guy who told you to leave because that's what the higher-ups want. But why don't you tell them that you've had a complaint?

 I'm sure the hero will be protected by the boys who are attacking him anyway.

 So it's going to be okay.

 I'm sure.......maybe.

 Now it's a different flow from the game, but the flow of getting Luxion was also quite different. After all, it is different from the game in some ways.

 That being the case, it was necessary to pay attention in the future as well.

 Olivia-san speaks pensively.

''I........I want to learn more about magic. But I'm not familiar with the rules of the school, or the tacit understanding of it.......

 There are unspoken rules within the boys and all that.

 But girls will have a hard time with girls.

'The unspoken rules ... oh, come to think of it, I have one person in mind. We can work it out.


 I've decided to call my second daughter.

 I need him to be useful for a while. I don't know how much we paid for her but we'll get her to pay us back.

 Pinch me for money and I'll make her do it.

 I'm sure she'll tell you something you don't want to know.

I'm sure she'll tell me.

 I made tea for my second daughter.

 To be honest, I wanted to do it roughly, or to serve her a cup of tea, but I thought of the teacher's face, so I decided not to do it. It is wrong to do such a thing at the tea party.

 The second daughter who looks abominable.

 Behind her, a cat-eared, muscular servant stood with his arms crossed.

'You've grown so big for calling me out, foolish brother.

 I snicker.

'I commend you for being reasonable enough to answer the call. Come on, get on with it and teach me about the rules of girls.

 Olivia looks apologetic, and I tell her not to worry about it and take a seat.

 The second girl puts her hand to her forehead.

''Well it's fine to teach, but what's in it for you by putting your shoulder to the special students?''

 What's in it for me?

 But it wouldn't be a bad idea to keep it at least an acquaintance. If so, I'm sure that Olivia will be able to provide me with a lot of information in the future.

 A debt of gratitude is someone who has no loss to sell. And it's at least an atonement against her who might have originally obtained Luxion.

''This is why I don't like people who operate on profit and loss. How about a kinder heart?''

 When I agitated her, my second daughter stuck her tongue out at me.

 Thanks to me, the fine slave behind me - my mistress - was able to purchase it. She seemed to know that, and looked at Olivia-san.

'Did you say hello to the girls in your class ... the most important ones, anyway?

 Olivia shook her head.

'I couldn't get close enough.'

Write a proper letter. It is the rule to greet people with a gift. If you have a large group, ask someone to help you. If you have a large group, ask someone to be an intermediary, someone who is in a very important position as a follower. You give her a letter, and you give her a gift as well. Oh, and be sure to check out what they like when you bring gifts.

 I listened to my second daughter and thought.

"That's a bribe!

You're fussy. The world is fine if it works. And don't do it because you don't have any money or class. The other person will be angry. You can't have sweets from a popular shop or tea leaves. These things can be troublesome if you take them in the wrong direction.

 Olivia's hand stopped as she took notes.

'Wow, I don't have that kind of money--'

 My second daughter looked at me and lifted her chin slightly.

'You can have this foolish brother buy it. You called me up, you should at least let him do that.

 I'm upset that he's suddenly talking to me.

 I thought it didn't matter anymore, and I was just asking about how hard it is to be a girl.

''What, what........''

 The second daughter continues her story.

'Either say you want to meet them in person, or if you get something in return, that's it. As long as you don't do anything else to distract them, you'll graduate safely.

 Olivia looks at me with eyes like she's about to cry.

''Well I'll take care of the bill.

Thank you. I'll definitely pay you back!

 When I saw Olivia thanking me, I wished the people around me were as kind as she was.

 I look at my second daughter, who is sitting on her haunches and eating her sweets, and I shake my head. As I let out a sense of relief, my second daughter motioned to her servant.

 The macho man reaches for me and I quickly run away from him.

 I can't have a power comparison with a beastman.

 Later in the day, Olivia was summoned by Angelica.

 While looking at Olivia, who looked nervous, Angelica was elegantly drinking her tea. Both the cup she was holding and its contents were of a higher grade than the one Rion had prepared for her.

 Angelica, who seems to be a normal person to use them, turns a sharp look at Olivia as she puts down her cup.

'I don't know who put you up to this, but I'll give you credit for coming to say hello. It's about living life to the best of your ability, and living your life to the best of your ability. This is no place for people like you. But if you have an understanding, I'll allow you to be quiet in the corner.

 The school was a slightly strange place, isolated from the outside.

 There are unique rules and rules that cannot be understood outside.

 The "greeting" to Angelica is one of those rules.

 It's not really necessary, but it was necessary in order to facilitate school life.

 Olivia has no power and no backing.

 It's a really weak position in the school.

''Uh, um, will that allow me to stay in the academy?''

 When Olivia was in trouble, Angelica looked a little giddy.

 There were a few girls in the room who were Angelica's cronies, but she let them out of the room and left them alone.

 Then she began to speak in a somewhat gentler tone than before.

That's all there was to it. You're the one who asked the questions, which would have complicated the conversation.


 Angelica let out a sigh.

 She looked a little tired of something.

'Did you think I was going to forgive you or anything, or that I was going to get rid of you? Honestly, I'm not interested in the special student thing. I don't have time to get involved with you, either.

 When Olivia was troubled, Angelica blurted out a few words.

'Better than that woman who slips up on the Dauphin?

Oh, um, what is it?

No, it's nothing.

 Angelica gave Olivia a small smile.

 Her appearance seemed appropriate for her age.

 Normally, Olivia had an image of a more domineering and easily agitated person. In fact, Angelica had shouted at her several times in the school.

''Special student, who taught you to talk about greetings? Yeah, don't get me wrong, I didn't mean to imply that there was a place for it. I'm just curious about the guy who helped you while everyone around you is distancing themselves from you as a special student. This is a personal interest.

 The boys are too busy looking for someone to marry and can't afford it, and the girls don't like her as a special student. They want to know honestly who helped her to do so.

 Olivia is a little troubled, but she mentions Rion's name.

 She said that Rion had introduced her own sister to her.

'The third son of Baldfalt. That's the odd one out, isn't it? Well, I have a good feeling about him.

Do you know him?

 Angelica giggled.

'You don't know that, do you? He's definitely the most successful guy of our generation. We'll see how many more guys will be able to stand on their own like that guy in the future, but as long as he's not too bad in person, I'm willing to take the opportunity to talk to His Royal Highness the Crown Prince.

 Olivia looked at Angelica, who smiled at that, a little curiously.