451-Thank you maid

 Once the decision was made to clean up, Bartolo and the others prepared each of their cleaning supplies.

 Then they open the windows to keep the dust out.

 The wind coming in from outside is cold, so I decide to keep the temperature up by floating a fireball in the living room.

'Boy, you need to take care of the furniture in the living room first.


 Bartolo asks me to activate my psychic.

 I lift the sofa, table and chairs in the living room into the air.

 There is a small amount of dust in the place where the furniture was placed.

 Although the maids clean the place regularly, there is a limit to where they can and cannot take their time, so it can't be helped.

 When the maids found the dirt, they moved quickly to remove it from their respective places.

 Large dust is swept away with a small broom, and small dirt is swept away with a rag. The stubborn stains that still couldn't be removed were covered with some kind of liquid and left alone.

 As for me, my main job was to float the furniture.

 I keep the magic going by retreating to the cottage to keep out of everyone's way. Sometimes I want to clean the furniture, so I lower it down and adjust the angle, but I don't bother with that level of control at all.

 It reminds me of the end-of-the-year cleaning when I idly watch everyone else clean.

 We don't have a New Year's Eve or a New Year's Eve in our world, but we do tend to do a lot of cleaning during the cold season.

 I guess it's because the winter cold keeps me cooped up in the house, and I'm worried about the dirt in my room that I don't usually pay attention to.

 The other reason is that I have less work to do, so I have less time to do it. When I am busy, I don't care about even the smallest of dirt.

 I don't feel guilty that I'm the only one lounging on the kotatsu while everyone else is working briskly.

 It's a good idea to have a good time with your friends.

 As long as you do what you need to do properly, I think it's okay to be a little bit riddled with things at work.

'Boy, you can take the furniture down now,'

 Bartolo told me so, so I put the furniture back in its place.

'Next time, take care of the common room.


 It's unusually fast considering the size of the room, the living room, but the point of this time is to do the places I can't usually clean.

 Other than that, it's basically clean and can be done at any time, so it's probably not a priority.

 However, it would be cold to get out of the kotatsu, though. There's a fireplace in the common room as well, but of course it can't be running since no one is there.

 ........Okay, I'll move on with the cotatsu.

 I put a psychic on the carpet under the kotatsu and lifted myself up as it was. Then I wrap the comforter tightly around my body to prevent my body from rolling away.

 Applying the method of moving with the futon in place, I became one with the kotatsu.

'Boh, boy...'

 Bartolo gives me a dumbfounded look as I become one with the kotatsu and float and follow him.

 I know what Bartolo is trying to say, but I'm not going to stop doing this.

 I'm not going to let go of my comfortable environment, even if it's a little strange.


Yeah, it's nothing.

 When I asked with a resolute expression, Bartolo shrugged his shoulders and shook his head.

 By the way, Saara, Mina and Mel are used to seeing me like this, or they weren't surprised.

 I wish Bartolo would learn to be as calm and tolerant as this.


 Then we took turns cleaning the common room, spare room, bedroom, dining room, etc.

 The hardest part, moving the large pieces of furniture, was done so smoothly by my psychic that we had all the rooms cleaned before noon.

'I guess that's it!'

So I don't have to help you anymore?

Yeah, we'll take care of the rest of the details.

The last time we did it ourselves, it took about three days, but thanks to Master Alfried, it took less than half a day!

 Meena says as if impressed.

 It would certainly take quite a bit of time to do this work by four people, and by hand.

 It's a modest size, but it's a mansion, so there are many rooms.

''Magic is an amazing thing, isn't it?

'It's not so much the magic, though, as it is Lady Alfried's greatness.

 From my point of view, I just used my psychic to float the furniture, so it's not something that can be praised that much.

 However, Mel and Sarra seemed genuinely pleased with the results, so it was worth the effort.

"It's really helpful that the little guy helped me. Thanks.

Thank you!

Never mind. You'll take care of that for me, okay?

 I say jokingly, feeling somewhat embarrassed that Bartolo and the others are thanking me.

''Yeah, you can't always do that, so just let me know in advance if you want to skip it, okay?


 Okay, now I'll be able to take a break from practice for once. However, it would be another chore, but that would be a breeze compared to the grueling practice.

 I had an unprecedented sense of satisfaction after getting a ticket to avoid the hassle.

 It's as if I've been given a paid holiday with my boss's blessing.

Now, I'm going to go take a bath.

 Even though I've been venting as much as possible, there should be a slight amount of dust on the floor.

 I didn't clean it directly, but I need to take a bath to refresh myself.

'I thought you'd say that, and I've already filled the bathtub with hot water.


 As expected of a maid who can do it, Saara.

 I can't believe she's pouring hot water in anticipation of this. When did you do it?

'Yes, and today is a speciality.

What's special about it?

'That's for you to enjoy when you get in. I'll bring you a change of clothes and you can go right in.


 I nodded my head at Saara's words while smiling, but my expectations were outweighed by them, so I headed to the bathhouse as I was told.

 Then, in the changing room, I could smell a faint citrus smell.

''........Could this be it?''

 When I realized what was in there, I hurriedly took off my clothes and went to the bathhouse.

 There was a bag of mandarin orange peels floating above the tub.

Oh! Tangerine bath!

When I made the dried fruit, I also dried the skin-only ones along with it.

 As I squealed in surprise, I heard Sarla's voice, who had apparently brought me a change of clothes to the changing room.

'I see, thank you for going out of your way,'

'No, it's to thank you for helping us with our work. Now, take your time.

 Saara said, and quietly left the changing room.

 Isn't it fashionable to work up a sweat in the mandarin orange bath?

 The soft scent of mandarin oranges wafted into the bathroom.

 Tangerine peels contain an essential oil ingredient called limonene, which has a relaxing effect. Oranges also contain vitamins and citric acid, which are good for the skin, and can moisturize the skin in winter.

 It also helps to eliminate body odors and moisturizes the skin, making it the perfect winter bath.

 Before getting into the tub, first wash off the dust from your body with hot water.

 The scent of mandarin oranges smells even stronger as the hot water is poured over your body.

 The unusual hot water is a little fresh.

 I washed my hair and body earlier than usual, and then I dunked my body into the bathtub.

 The warmth of the hot water is pleasantly different from that of a kotatsu, gently enveloping you. The scent of mandarin oranges rising from the hot water tickles my nostrils and calms me down.

 I am sure this is the effect of the mandarin orange bath.

 Some people may get irritated by the mandarin scent, but I don't have a problem with it.

 The scent of mandarin oranges surrounds me, and I enjoy it with a fresh feeling.

 In exchange, I had to help out a little later, but it's not a bad deal when you have this kind of hospitality.

 After enjoying the mandarin bath and feeling refreshed inside, I went straight to the kotatsu (Japanese heated kotatsu) and did a double-dip in the middle of the day.