448-Kotatsu in the family

What are you doing?

 Mother Erna is also in the kotatsu, relieved to be in the kotatsu, when her sister Elinora returns from outside.

 When she saw us coming into the living room, she looked at us suspiciously.

 It seems that she was practicing outside because she was holding a wooden sword in her hand.

 His white cheeks were slightly red from the cold.

 I'm in good spirits even though it's so cold.

'I'm warming up in the kotatsu.


It's Al's idea of a heater.

It's warm?

 When Brother Silvio said that, Sister Elinora came to the kotatsu with trepidation.

 Then, for some reason, she came next to me, even though there was an empty space.

'Come over for a minute,'

'Okay, okay, okay, don't grind your hips with your feet.

 Sister Elinora's sister's legs come to bite her bone-to-bone and it's amazing.

 There are a lot of things to poke around in, but there's no point in complaining about it, so I move over to the side honestly.

 Then, Elinora sister nodded with satisfaction and went into the kotatsu.

''It's warm........!

 Sister Elinora widens her eyes and lets out her thoughts.

 She flips up the futon on the kotatsu and randomly sticks her hands in it, enjoying the warmth.

'I know you want to warm your hands, but if you flip the covers up, the heat will escape.

All right.

 As expected, she didn't want the heat to escape. Despite my advice, Elinora sister obeyed honestly.

 I pull down the futon I had rolled up and sit back down with my arms deep in the air.

 That's when Elinora's cool hand touched mine.

'It's cold!'

 When I let out an exclamation of surprise and immediately let go of my hand, Sister Elinora grinned.

 This is a face that's definitely thinking about something rogue.

 I'm sure you're aware of the danger and want to move away, but Elinora's sister moved faster than I did.

'Give me some body heat for a minute.

 Sister Elinora's arms reach out and enter my neck.

'It's cold and ticklish! We have a kotatsu, why don't you just warm up in there!

It's warmer and more interesting this way!

 The chilly hands seem to be sucking more and more of my body heat away.

 d*mn, it's payback for my cocky advice.

 Elinora's sister seemed to enjoy watching me pant with coldness and ticklishness. A demon.

 It's not in my nature to keep getting beaten, so I endure the tickle and activate my ice magic.

 I put ice into Elinora sister's collar.


 The ice in my clothes startled my sister Elinora and she jumped up and down, screaming like a girl. Her body hit the kotatsu with the gun, nearly knocking over the cup on the table.

'Hey! Don't you two freak out!

 Sister Elinora, who was blushing with humiliation, was about to cover her, when Mother Erna snapped out.


 Honestly, I don't think it was my fault, but if I tried to argue with them, both of us could be kicked out of the kotatsu.

 I don't like that a bit, so me and sister Elinora grudgingly responded with remorse.

 Brother Silvio read a book, Mother Erna ate some dried fruit, and Sister Elinora tried to warm herself up.

 I was lying on my back, slumped over.

 It's hard to do this kind of position when there are four people in the kotatsu, but my body is very small right now, so it's nothing.

 Sigh, it's warm. It's as if I'm soaking in a bath.

 I don't think I'll ever get out of here again. I'm going to be one with the kotatsu here.

 As I was meditating with that determination, I heard a cooing sound from next door.

 The sound was clearly audible while everyone was relaxing and quiet.


 The person who made my stomach grumble said it with a straight face without any embarrassment.

 It's mainly my role to urge him to eat at a time like this.

How about we have lunch here?

'Good. It's not so bad to eat somewhere different once in a while.

 Mother Erna is the first to respond to my words.

 I'm stating a plausible line, but I was spoiled by my true feelings about not wanting to get out of the kotatsu.

 But we all agree on that opinion, so no one has anything to disagree with.

'Al, ring the bell,'


 I floated the bell on the living room table with my psychic to get used to it.

 There was a chillin and a well-passed sound, and Meena's answering voice came from the hallway.

 Normally, the Rowlettes would be more likely to move on their own if the maids weren't waiting in the wings, but they succumbed to the magic of the kotatsu.

'Yes, at your call--what is this?'

 Meena came into the living room and tilted her head when she saw us in the kotatsu, "It's called a kotatsu," she said.

'It's a heater called a kotatsu,'

'The heating system? May I come in for a moment?


 Meena's request is dismissed by us.


Because the last thing we need is for Meena to get in there and get out.

Oh, no, I don't know... the heater...

 This is because it is easy to imagine Meena falling under the spell of the kotatsu and not working.

''Depending on Meena's efforts, there's a possibility that a kotatsu could be deployed in the maid's waiting room.......''

At your command!

 I wonder if it's okay to just deploy the kotatsu and say that it's going to be all right.

 I'm a little worried, although I knew that Meena's character made me work harder at hanging the food.

I'm having lunch here today.

Over here? That would make it tougher with too many dishes.

 Compared to the dining room table, the kotatsu I had prepared was quite small.

 I could imagine that it would be difficult to eat if I prepared the usual number of items.

'What do we do now?'

So how about a pot?

 There was a time in the summer when we ate a pot in my room.

 That time I used ice magic to chill the room to a kink and ate a hot pot in it.

 This time I want to eat it properly in winter. My suggestion came from that desire.

'Right. That would be easy to bring and everyone could eat it.

'I understand. Well, I'll let Mr. Bartolo know that's what I'm going to do.

 With the approval of Mother Erna, the holder of the greatest power, lunch turned out to be an excellent potluck.

'Later, the Nord will be here too--no, it's nothing.

Are you sure?

I'll get him.

 Oh my! It was hard to believe that that Mother Erna could leave without succumbing to the magic of the kotatsu.

 Considering Mother Erna's lazy nature, it was impossible.

 She couldn't believe that she had to leave the warmth of the kotatsu to go call her Nord Dad.

 I wonder if that's how badly she wanted to see her surprised Nord Dad.

 I wonder if the power of love can even screw up the kotatsu, it's scary.

 After a while, Mother Erna returned with Father Nord.

'Is this the kotatsu that Al made?'

Yes, it is. It's so warm.

 For some reason, Mother Erna is proud to say so.

 I don't care who made it, I don't care who made it. I'm glad that the couple is happy.

 Elna sits down and Nord's father sits down next to her.

It's so warm," she said. It's nice and warm, right down to your toes!


 Mom Erna moves closer to Dad Nord while he is ministering to her.

 I see. You went to call for Nord-Dad to make sure he's sitting next to you.

 If I had called him, he would have sat in the wide open space.

 You're a tough kid, Mother Erna.