405-Duel with Bram

 As I returned to my room for my duel with Bram, I picked up the wooden sword hanging on the wall.

'Hm? That's a wooden sword, right? No way, you're going to use that?

 Eric, who felt uncomfortable with the idea, also asked a plausible question.

 It's the wooden sword I was using at the training camp in Silford territory, too. Naturally, he expected me to use it.

''Yeah, that's right.''

 I'm going to use a wooden sword, not a wooden sword, in my duel with Bram.

"Are you sure you can handle that?

No, not at all. How can you use a sword when you can't even handle a sword properly?

 If it were my sister Elinora or my father Nord, I would be able to use it sensibly, but unfortunately, I don't have that kind of talent.

 It's all you can do is swing a kendo rodent's way and play chambara with Thor.

'So why do you choose a wooden sword?

It's all about making a play.

 As I say this, I pick up the other short wooden sword hanging on the wall.

 The short one in my right hand is thrust forward and the long one in my left hand is pulled and held, then I sit back and prepare myself.

'For now, my real intention is to match the wooden sword's two-fisted setting.

I don't know, but I get it.

 Eric let out a sigh as his head ached as he reminded himself as he took the stance.

'By the way, how's it going? Is my two-facedness good?


 I was clinched by that line and I jumped at it, but because of the unaccustomed two swords, the wooden sword was easily knocked off even though the opponent was unskilled.


 With two wooden swords in my hand, I came with Eric to the outside of the mansion where we were to meet.

 Bram, who already had a wooden sword in his hand, was standing there waiting for me.

 When Bram looked at me, he smiled with a satisfied smile.

''Kukuku, looks like you didn't escape this time.

 If he runs away again, he's going to come after me persistently.

'Well then, let's go for a walk.


 What a thing to say, and Bram takes it seriously and lets out a frustrated voice.

'It's a figure of speech, Bram. We just need to move to a place where it's easier to fight.'

Isn't that the perfect courtyard for you?

I don't want my family and everyone else running to the door.

Well that's true. Then show me around quickly.

 He imagined a future where Alaisia and Ra-chan would interrupt him. When Bram made a pained expression, he did as he said honestly.

 Even if I were to, I don't want Ra-chan to see a duel. Of course, I don't intend to do the bleak and disturbing things you imagine from a duel, but I want Ra-chan to only see the beautiful world.

 For now, the place that's not too far away is the plains near the mansion.

 Of course I'm the one to lead the way, so I start walking forward to lead the way.

 Out of the courtyard and through the gate to the outside of the house. From there, the road goes on and on to the village of Coriat, and I can see the mountains and the forest in the distance.

 The sky was clear and blue, and the temperature was just right for autumn. It's a perfect day for a walk.

 I'd be happy to just go for a walk while chatting, but Bram won't agree with me on that.

 Bram doesn't pay attention to the lush landscape, and he's focused on the duel.

 Eric has undertaken to be the referee, but he is silent, as if he wants to be as uninvolved as possible with the troublesome Bram.

 Despite the idyllic landscape, our air is very heavy.

 I felt depressed just walking around, so I picked up my pace and headed towards the plains.

'Around here, right?'

Yeah, as long as it's this big, there's no problem.

 If it is here, well away from the mansion, everyone else would not notice and come over.

 I'm not going to be able to get a good idea of what I'm talking about.

 In response, I pull out the two wooden swords hanging from my waist.

I'm going to have to wait a minute. If you look closely, it's a single-edged sword! You, what is that?

 Bram realizes that my weapon is not a wooden sword, and he rushes in.

 Thank goodness you noticed it properly. If you didn't notice, there's no point in bringing two swords, either.

''This is a replica of the single-edged weapon in Kagura, it's called a wooden sword.

I know they are exotic weapons, but can you handle two of them?

 Having two weapons may seem like a strong way to increase your reach and number of moves, but the increase in simple movements makes it even more difficult to handle.

 Imagine moving around with different movements on each side at all times, and that's something anyone can imagine. I know that very well, as I can't even handle a single sword satisfactorily.

 But I won't say that here.

''Of course. It's because when I use this wooden sword, it's a sign that I mean it. Right, Eric?

Yeah, that's right. In my practice, I used to use a wooden sword when I had to use it.

Oh, really?

 It seems that Bram, who had been skeptical when he heard Eric's words, believed him.

 The strategy of using a third party's opinion to increase credibility is apparently a success because the composition doesn't make it more powerful.

 However, Eric, who is watching over it as a referee, is looking at it as if he is a con artist. Even he was in the habit of telling lies with a casual look on his face.

''Don't tell me that Bram-sama is not afraid to admit to foreign weapons?

'I'm not going to say that! I'll allow you to use two of those wooden swords and all that!

 Bram is a chorpy guy who gets on board as soon as you give him a little agitation.

 Okay, that clears the first stage of the operation.

Now, show me some real two-facedness!

Having said that, you don't need to use two swords against Master Bram.


 I threw a short wooden sword forward as Bram revealed his anger.

 It went over Bram's head and rolled across the ground.

''........pick it up now.''

 I'm very scared as my face is straight through the redness of my face.

 But this is what I need to do to prevent Bram from blowing a duel on me in the future.

 I pretend that I'm not freaked out by Bram's spirit inside, but I'm not fazed by it.

No, one sword is enough.

You're going to make up an excuse for losing?

'No, it's not. It's really enough for me.

'Fine. But I'll make you regret those words!

 'You're not going to convince me any more,' Bram hissed.

'Both of you, take up your weapons.

 When Eric, the judge, said this, Bram held his sword in his hands, anger lighting up his eyes.

 His stance was very much like that. He also has more spirit than when he confronted me for a moment in the royal capital.

 I'm sure he didn't stop training to beat Elinora and me.

 Probably, if we clash head-on, we will definitely lose.

 Well, I know that, so I don't have any intention of going head-to-head with them.

 It's a good idea to hold the sword in place around the waist as if to hold it in place.

 It's a so-called "iai" move.

 In the original Iaiai, the sword is held in its scabbard and the momentum of the sword being pulled out is enough to strike a blow.

 There's no way he could do it since it's not even in its scabbard and it's a wooden sword, but Bram doesn't care since he's not familiar with Kagura culture.

 Would Kojiro or Kaede in Kagura be able to do it?

'I'll be the first to declare it. The moment you get in between me is the end of Bram-sama.


 With an unusually serious tone and atmosphere, I make the techniques from this stance appear as if they are a killing blow.

 Bram seems to have jumped up his guard to see me in a different light than usual. He's looking at me with a serious expression.

 In contrast, this one doesn't move and doesn't make the slightest movement in a waiting posture.

 They continue to stare at each other for a while.

 Even so, I have no advantage in moving on my own, so I have no intention of moving, no matter how long it takes.

 Bram seems to be on maximum alert for our blow, and I wonder if he's assembling his tactics.

 No matter how much I think about it, it's useless, but I want to get this over with quickly, so I challenge Bram with a huff and a smile.

 Then Bram turns bright red and

All right! I'll see you through your blow!

 Bram said and approached.

 Its speed was not even close to Elinora sister's feet, but it was fast enough.

 And when Bram came into the range of the sword, he shouted with a spirit as if he was going to perform a tremendous counter technique.

''-- Inaba style, Ichinokata, iai-slash!

 As soon as I pull out the wooden sword I'm holding up, I psychically pull the shorter wooden sword that's moving into my field of vision.

 Just as Bram swings the wooden sword at me, the wooden sword I quickly pulled back and hits Bram in the back of the head.


 Bram passes out with one hit from the wooden sword.

 I move away and poke Bram with my psychic-operated wooden sword to make sure he isn't faking being knocked out.

He doesn't respond, nor does he seem to be moving.

'Okay, I guess I win this one,'

 This mission is now a success.

 When Eric sees the result of the duel, he asks fearfully.

"I thought you didn't use magic?

No, I didn't make that promise, and I didn't make a deal not to use it.

 I think it's funny that you see me holding a wooden sword and assume that I would never use magic, etc.

 Honestly. I could have defeated him with magic out of the blue.

 However, it would be troublesome if he later flirted with the idea that magic is cowardly in a duel, etc., so I decided to compose it as Bram wanted it to be, that I defeated him head-on with a sword technique.

 It's not a surprise attack with magic, but rather the plot is that he was beaten helplessly by an exotic martial art.

 As is to be expected, having been beaten by swordsmanship, Bram would not easily challenge a rematch. If such a situation arises, it's not too late to launch a strategy to defeat Brother Silvio before defeating me, just like Elinora Sis.

''All the time you were implying that the wooden sword was a sign of seriousness or two-faced, it was all to deceive the opponent?

 It fits, but deceptive is a terrible way to say it.

"More importantly, Eric, I didn't use any magic in this duel. I didn't use any magic in this duel. I used an exotic martial art to defeat Bram. Isn't that right?

You can't just throw a tantrum like this.

"....owe me mayonnaise.

Well, it was a good game, both sides making a deadly effort. The winner is Alfried.

 He whispered a magic word to a stagnant Eric and then changed his attitude and declared the result of the match.

 I'm glad Eric is the referee because sister Elinora and dad Nord are absolutely picky when it comes to this kind of thing, so I'm glad Eric is the referee.