388-New slippers

 After welcoming Alaisia and Ra-chan, we enter the front door to show them to the mansion.

 However, since we can't accompany even the guards and guide them all at once, the guards are being guided by Saara first to the remote mansion where they should stay.

 The other party might be a nervous opponent for the duke's guards, but if it's Saara, she'll do it without a problem.

''When you go up to the mansion, please take off your outer shoes and put on the inner shoes and slippers that are here.


 Hearing Mother Erna's words, Ra-chan tilted her head slightly.

 In the Misfirito Kingdom, there are many cases of outside shoes in the house as well. As far as Aleixia is surprised, they must spend their time in their mansions with outside shoes.

''Look, there are animal ones over here too.

Oh, my God, he's so cute!

 The slippers are designed to be quiet for our guests, but there are also my Gekota and Pyonkichi series.

 When I held out the slippers to her, her eyes lit up and she bit into them.

'Take off your shoes and put your feet in them like this,'


 When I put on Pionkichi's slippers, Ra-chan imitated me and put his feet in them.

'Oh yeah,'

'Wow, he has a cute little frog on his leg!

 He liked the Geko-Ta slippers. Ra-chan jumped up and down adorably when she saw her slippers.

 By the way, when I showed them to Viscount Doll, she was just as excited as I was, but the cuteness was much more pronounced.

'I was a bit confused at first too, but it's easy to get used to it.

Haha, it's Eric's slippery pig!

 Ra-chan is happy to see Tonkichi at Eric's feet.

 It's no wonder that the people who made these slippers are so happy with them.

Alacia-sama, come in.

Oh, I'm the only normal one?

 When Brother Silvio recommended Alecia to wear slippers, he replied with such a line.

 Brother Silvio seemed puzzled by this, so I, being an acquaintance, asked him.

"Well, do you want to wear animal slippers too, Miss Alecia?

'Yes, because these are prettier. Besides, I feel sad that I'm the only one wearing something else, like I'm an outcast.

 Alecia tries to make an expression of a sad maiden.

 The gesture is very impressive, but it's somehow false.

 The Elinora sister who is watching behind me seems to be a little annoyed by the camatotomy. It's a good idea to be able to have a look at the same thing as a girl.

'Hey, Alfried. Don't you have another cute slipper to wear?

 For some reason Eric says that when he sees Alecia looking sad.

 So you're my boss.

 I'm sure you'll be able to find the same kind of slippers as we did, though I thought you'd prefer the normal ones.

 I had no choice but to look for a new pair of slippers in my shoe box.

 It's no fun to get the same or different colors. The dragon slippers are for my Nordic father only. I'll bring out my new slippers.

Well, which one do you want, the alligator, the hippopotamus, or Chu-kichi?

Crocodiles and hippos and rats!

 Yes, as Rah said, the new slippers I made were in the shape of a crocodile, a hippopotamus and a mouse.

'When did you make them!

Oh, you're looking lovely this time.

 Sister Elinora and Mother Erna are curious to know that a new animal series has been created.

'They seem to be shaped differently from the other slippers, how do they work?'

'Oh, they're like boots. You can't take them off or put them on as easily as you can in other slippers, but they feel close and comfortable.

'Oh, it's true. It's like a boot and it's nice and fluffy on the inside. And they look funny, like you're putting them in the mouth of a hippo.

 As I explained, Alecia put on the Kababi slippers without fear.

 Yes, the hippopotamus are full of humor, as when you look at them from above, they look like they have a big mouth, and you put your foot in their mouth.

 I had tried this type of slipper for some time, but the cotton and cloth were of poor quality and made my skin prickle.

 However, thanks to Gregor's provision of fluffy cotton and soft cloth, they became comfortable to the touch, and this form of slippers was completed.

 It's nice to know that you can see through the creator's commitment.

How about that maid in the back?


 As Alecia put on her hippopotamus beauty, I recommended it to the maid who was waiting behind her.

 Then the maid opened her eyes in surprise.

 Not only that, everyone who was around was also surprised.

'Whoa! ........You were there. I hadn't noticed that at all.

That's terrible. People get hurt when you say things like that.

 I note Eric's overly honest dialogue.

 Maybe it's because I'm also often told that I'm not very present, or that I'm too shadowy or plain, or that I shouldn't show up so suddenly.

 Alecia's maid has long black hair and purple eyes.

 Her skin is white and she has a beautiful face, but it's hard to get an impression of her because of her small facial parts. I wonder if it's called a happy-go-lucky face.

 I'm not sure if it's because there's a beautiful girl named Aleixia who is easy to impress, or if it's because she's even less noticeable.

 I understand how this maid feels because I'm also buried under the beauty and beauty of Elinora's sister and Silvio's brother, so I know exactly how she feels.

''See, Lim. You should choose one too.

So, here's a rat thing that looks like it's easy to move around in...

 She wasn't used to being the center of attention. The stiffening maid was urged by Alecia to put on Chu Kichi's slippers.

 They were the only slippers in the new slipper range that weren't boot-shaped.

 The sticking point was the shaped ears and the pinned tail that extended from the back. They are a bit sharper in shape than the other slippers. It is true that for maids who often move around due to miscellaneous work, the boot type would be a bit inconvenient.

 In the future, I need to recommend something that takes the other person into consideration.

''Huh, it's interesting to see something like this.

 I think it's because the slippers were a rarity. I'm sure you're in a very good mood.

 I'm sure the two duke's daughters would find a spacious mansion a natural environment.

 You can't just sell it, so maybe they'll be happy to entertain you with something unusual like this.

''Well, the Silford family is in the dining room, so I'd like to say a quick hello.


Eric's dad and mom?

Yeah, I have a sister.

Yeah. Fun!

 When Mother Erna urged her, Alecia was in a good mood and Ra-chan walked off in good spirits.