352-Completion of the script

 After eating Al Mushroom at the lake, me, Viscount Doll and Tickle left Thor and Asmo and went back to the mansion.

 Since then, Viscount Doll has quickly retreated to the common room to continue writing a script in a frenzied manner, while Tickle has been incessantly practicing manipulating multiple things with his non-magical psychic.

 They are both very enthusiastic, and the only time they see each other is when they are eating.

 That's where we lightly ask them about the situation and give them advice.

 According to Mother Erna, "everyday life like the three Al's living there" passes peacefully....

 And then, on the fourth morning after Viscount Doll's arrival, it was the morning of the fourth day.

''It's done, whoa whoa whoa!

 I was in the dining room drinking my after-dinner tea when I heard a bellow from out of nowhere.


What is it? Was that the voice?

 Brother Silvio shakes his shoulders from surprise, and Meena, who was serving him, makes an anxious noise.

 That's amazing. The water surface of the tea on the table is shaking.

''You're Viscount Doll, aren't you?''

Do you think he's finished the script?

"Meena, will you hold the door open for Viscount Doll to come in?


 Perhaps they've gotten used to Viscount Dorr, but Nord Dad and Erna Mother are not particularly upset. I'm sure my dad is already expecting Viscount Dor's arrival and giving him instructions.

 I'm sure my prediction was correct, and I can feel a huge body approaching from a distance. It's also at breakneck speed.

 As the family watches the door for a while, Viscount Dorr enters as he runs in.

''I've got the script! Al!

 When he looked at me, Viscount Doll held up a thick bundle of paper he was holding.

 I don't need to tell you what it indicates.

'Congratulations, Viscount Doll. You've finally finished your script.

 I conveyed my admiration to Viscount Dorr, but for some reason, his expression was unhappy.

 Huh? It's not a funny thing to say, is it?

'Al, now is the time to celebrate. There is no need for honorifics between me and Al, a comrade in the first place! Say it like you did when you walked in, in the most casual language!

 What? Is that a problem? ........but he's not a kid as close in age as Eric, and he's an established lord. Is it okay to call him comfortably?

 I turned my gaze to ask Father Nord and Mother Erna, and they nodded their approval.

 But I'm embarrassed to reiterate it again. But the Viscount Dorr in front of me is looking at me very expectantly........

'Well, Gregor. Congratulations on completing the script.

'Oh, it's all thanks to Al! Thank you!

 When I say so, Gregor is overcome with emotion or gives me a passionate hug.

 Wow, I've never felt such a secure embrace. I feel as if Gregor's body is going to crush me to death.

"It's you, sir. Alfried-sama's body is small, so if you hug him too tightly........

'Oh? I'm sorry about that, okay?

Oh, yeah. Something.

 My crushing death was spared by Tickle's admonition as he came in late.

 If I had been a little later, I might have passed away as lightly as my spine.

'Al, I'm going to have to ask you to read the script as soon as possible.


 I know the gist of it, but I'm curious to see how it turned out.

 After receiving a stack of scripts from Gregor, I moved to the couch.

'Can I read it too?'

Yeah, of course.

 Brother Silvio must have been curious about it. He came next to me with his permission and came next to me with a shyness.

''I'd like to get some different opinions, so I hope everyone reads it if you'd like.

Yeah, me too.

 Then, as if being pulled after her, Elinora sister came too.

 From the left, Silvio brother and Elinora sister peeked in from the right.

 It's hard to read if it's just the two of you, but as expected, it's hard to read if it's just the three of you.

You're reading it too?

What? Why can't I read it?

 It's not a small, bookish character, is it? I asked, and got a sharp look from sister Elinora.

''No, not no,''

That's good.

 I feel like I've been pushed around with some kind of force.

'Huh, well, we'll have to read it after the kids are done, shall we?


 I flip through the manuscript on my thighs as I listen to Mother Erna and Father Nord's friendly conversation.

 But sister Elinora's hand stops me from doing so.

'Hey Al, you're flipping too fast! I'm not even halfway through!

'Yeah, I'm still flipping through this slowly. Brother Silvio and others have finished reading it much faster.

 This is still flipping slowly to match Elinora's sister.

''What? Is that a proper read?

'Haha, me and Al are used to reading books.

 Sister Elinora doesn't usually read a lot of books, which is why she's a slow reader like this.

''You should get Elinora to read a few more books, too.

'Yeah, you have to be used to reading, because you'll have a hard time with the Order's paperwork if you're not used to reading.

 Concerned about her sister Elinora's reading ability, Mother Erna and Father Nord discussed the educational policy with her.

 I agree with them. I think Elinora should learn common sense, open-mindedness and kindness through books.

'Ugh! Then you should read it out loud, Al. That way everyone can hear what you have to say and it makes it easier for me.

'Oh my, that's interesting. It's been a long time since I've listened to someone else read to me.

 Yes, I wondered why I bothered to say every single thing out loud, but the highest authority, Mother Erna, seemed to be on board.

 If sister Elinora, who belongs to a high ranking hierarchy, Elna-mother agrees, most things are pushed along as they are.

 All I can ask for is for Gregor to shyly dismiss them.

 I turn my gaze to Gregor as if to ask for help.

'Uh-huh, it's embarrassing to be read aloud, but not bad. Don't mind me, just read it aloud.

 d*mn it, old man, why do you have to be so shy to allow this?

See, from the beginning, read it out loud.

All right.

 Sister Elinora poked me and I read the script from the beginning.


Thus, Gekota and his merry band of friends were able to protect the rich forest. The end.

 As I read the last sentence of the script, applause erupted.

 I was lazy to read the text all the way through, but as a reader who was genuinely entertained by the story here, I too applaud Gregor.

''Thank you ... for that. I feel great.

 Gregor says as he exhales, and then he starts to jingle and shake, as if he is soaked in sentimentality.

 I stopped clapping and watched for a moment, and then a calmer Gregor started to move.

'What did I think of my script? I'd love to hear your thoughts.

'It was very easy to read and interesting!

 It was simple, but that's why sister Elinora's words were so heartfelt.

 Indeed, when it comes to cracking it down and giving my impressions, that might be the case. In a way, maybe Elinora sister's opinion is the most correct.

'Your character's conversation was interesting and lively. It made me giggle just listening to them.

'Even in a pinch they were fighting, but in the end it was hot to see them working together in harmony.'

 Dad Nord and Brother Silvio describe the specifics of the fun, but it's a bit subtle for my current state of mind.

'Viscount Dor, I've always wondered about this, but Gekota's friends Tortor the mouse and Earthmo the caterpillar are based on Al's friends, Thor and Asmo, right?'

'Hmm, I was having trouble with the character's shape, and I ran into him while I was taking a walk with Al! I was attracted to their twisted yet somehow straightforward lives, so I decided to use them as my motif.

 Right? I mean, Tortor and Earth were just Thor and Asmo. It was a bit complicated for me because I know those guys on a daily basis.

 But I can relate to the analogy of Thor as a rat and Asmo as a caterpillar, so I didn't feel it was strange for them to appear in the story.

By the way, Al's in there too, right?

What? Really?

 Was there ever a character based on me?

"Alf the Town's Fat Cat.

 I nodded my head, and all the family members, except me, spoke up.

 Then Gregor nodded his head in agreement.

'Yeah, I'm Alf!

 Alf, a cat that lives in a man's world, is a cat at the height of depravity, flirting with humans, pampering them, getting good food, and taking naps.

 He is a noble character, and even when Gekota and the others asked for his help, he brushed them off because he didn't want to ruin his comfortable life.

'You could see the Al-ness in every word and action.

That's what I thought of Al.

'It's just like him in that he can do it, but he doesn't even motivate himself, he slumps down and slumps down. I was annoyed that he didn't even cooperate with Gekota when he was desperate for help.

 Something about Elinora's sister is so harsh with her words because of her emotional attachment to Gekota.

 That character was pretty sympathetic for me, too, and was ideal for me.

 The best part was when she refused to help Gekota to avoid getting involved in the incident, but based on Elinora sister's reaction, it's probably best not to say it.

'Well, don't blame Alf for this, Miss Elinora. He had something he wanted to protect too, you know.

Oh, really?

'Right now it's in concept, but we're going to portray Alf as the main character in our next script. I'm sure that will change people's opinion of him.

'What! Gregor, I'm not going to stop doing that!

 It's kind of embarrassing just to imagine a character that's based on my motif as the main character or something.

''Haha, no! I'm sorry Al, but I've decided to make it!

 I suggested the cancellation, but Gregor dismissed it with a pleasant smile.

As far as I'm concerned, it will be fun to see what happens next!

If and when the script is finished, I'd be happy to read it.

'Hmm, of course I'll send it to you when it's finished. But first, let's talk about Gekota. If there's anything that bothers you after listening to it, please point out to me.

 When Gregor said that, each of us listed the parts that bothered us, and Gregor wrote them down.

 At times Gregor would argue and disagree, but the end result was a script that was easier to understand than the first one.