271-Lunch on the beach

 After dropping the sand with the seawater and finally cleaning my body by lightly dipping into the water ball of the water magic method, I was finally able to roll onto the seat.


 I need to rest properly here for moving earlier.

 It's very cool here, thanks to the shade provided by the sheets tied to the trees. It's getting hotter in this season, the temperature is different if you don't have protection from the sun.

It doesn't look like we were using amazing magic just a few minutes ago.

As I was rumbling around, Natasha-san looked at me with a strange look on her face.

 If you only catch the words, it may sound like sarcasm, but I could sense the pure impression in her voice and sound. It's probably because he has a soft atmosphere like Sheila-san.

''It's true that this girl's magic is remarkable, but there's a lot of waste of magic power, and if you can't even predict the results of the magic you use, then you're not ready yet.''

I was confident in my magic, but I couldn't fight back since I showed the abomination earlier. However, the part about wasting magic power is worrisome.

'What do you mean by wasting magic power? Me, I'm very careful about controlling my magic?

'There's no waste of magic in using magic in general. But the setting of the magic scale itself is very wasteful.

Oh? Mother Erna is saying something very wizardly. But I don't understand what she's saying.

What do you mean?

When I nodded my head, Mother Erna danced her fingers and made a water ball with no chanting.

''After all, Erna-sama is naturally unchanted as well...''

I couldn't go on worrying about that, so I went through Natasha's mutterings.

'The water ball Al was activating is about this big, right?


'In this water fight, you can aim at someone's face. Water polo is a good choice because the moment you hit your opponent's face, you can take him to the point of choking.


'Wait a minute. It's just for fun... right? You were aiming that far.....

I was going for it. The choking combo from the water polo. Because this wouldn't require me to get close to it, and it would be the most efficient way to get me to give up. Anyone who uses water magic would be able to come up with this strategy.

But if this was a good choice, what was wrong with it?

''But the human face is much smaller for a water ball. You don't need to go to the trouble of making them the size of a large water ball, this is enough to suffocate them.''

She explains that and makes the water polo bigger than her face.

I think I understand what she meant.

In other words, adjust it finely according to the purpose. Don't think of it as a generalized water polo.

That's the way it is.

Just because it's a water polo doesn't mean that you should give up thinking, but you should think about what size you need at this time and what shape you need to make it easy to use.

As I thought, Mother Erna's words are different, as she had experienced actual battles. Well, I don't plan to go into a real battle like Erna-san, so I don't take it seriously, but I like magic, and I can make use of it in my slow life from now on, so there's no harm in learning about it.

'What? You always complain about how you don't understand when I teach you how to use the sword, but do you understand your mother's unintelligible gibberish?

I guess she was listening next to me, or maybe Elinora sister was flirting with me like that.

The only thing you can understand about Elinora's sister is her onomatopoeia, like Zubahn and Shuh, so there's no way you can understand her.

''Well Elinora is strong, but she's not the best person to teach people.

Do you think so? I'm just trying to make it easier for you to understand and show you the ropes.

 Well, they say that talent for teaching people is different. Especially Elinora's sister, who is more of a feeler than a theorist.

 Father Nord and mother Erna are a rare breed who are also very good at teaching others.

Well, let's have lunch now. We'll talk about magic later.


Don't just answer. Get up. Or don't you want to have lunch?

I'm up. I'm here.

 Mother Erna warns me in a whisper and I instantly get up.

 I've been practicing since early in the morning and I'm starving.

 It would be more comfortable to lie down and take a break here, but it would also be more comfortable after my belly had swelled up.

 At the central point where we are sitting in a circle, Meena and Largo have placed a large basket and are handing out plates to everyone.

 As I received the plates, my mind raced with excitement, wondering what was in the basket.

 Then Meena and Largo, who had finished distributing the plates, opened the lids at once.


 At that moment, I couldn't help but let out an exclamation of admiration.

 The sandwiches in the large basket were a royal treat for eating out.

 However, the ingredients in it were different from anything I've ever eaten before. It was mainly fish.

 Aji, grilled and seasoned with salt and pepper, sandwiched between lemon fillets and vegetables. Large shrimp and vegetables were sandwiched between them, with a thick sauce on top. Some of the sandwiches are made with seafood, such as the one where the meat is broken up and tossed with the sauce, just like tuna.

 This is a repertoire of sandwiches that can only be made because of the proximity to the sea. Because in Koliat Village, where there is no ocean, you can't help but focus on vegetable and meat dishes.

'Wow, great! There's fish in between!

 At this, Brother Silvio, who is a fish lover, raised his voice in excitement.

 Although he didn't raise his voice next to him, Nord Dad was also staring at the sandwich with blazing eyes.

''Do sea fish and sandwiches go well together?''

'Of course, Master Nord. Fish goes well with bread. The rich flavor of the meat is good, but I prefer to eat it with grilled fish and vegetables, which is refreshing. The aji sandwich is the best.

Well, let's have it first.

Me too!

 At Aegal's suggestion, Nord's dad stares at the aji sandwich.

 It's rare that Nord's father, who doesn't show as strong an interest in food as the rest of his family, would turn his attention to a sandwich.

 He's probably curious about the taste of an easy-to-find fish sandwich. I'm sure he's thinking about whether he can eat it in the mansion or not.

 If you freeze the fish with ice magic and bring it back, there's nothing you can't make.

 There is even a magic stove in the mansion, so it's not a bad idea to make fish sandwiches for them.

 As I was thinking about that, Elinora sister next to me asked Luna-san.

''Luna, do you have that?''

Of course I have. This way.

Oh, it's true!

 What was that? I was curious about the conversation next to me, so I looked at what Luna was pointing at and saw that there was a sandwich filled with meat and cheese.

 I wonder if the meat that Elinora-san and Luna-san are pointing at is the one they're talking about.

''Ufufu, as expected, even though seafood dishes are rare, you'll want to eat meat too. Especially after practice, Luna wants to eat meat, so of course we have sandwiches, and of course we have bacon and the like.

 Smiling, Natasha takes out bacon and a knife from a small basket.

 At this, the carnivorous sister Elinora's eyes also shine.

''I'll just cut it up appropriately.

Thank you!

 Maybe it's because of the fact that Erinora's sister thanked her for carving the meat for her.

 That smile is not the grin you see at the mansion, nor is it the smile you see at practice, which is different from the smile you see when you are having fun.

 It's a charming smile with an awareness of the outside world.

 Erinora's sister, who is crass and lacking in feminine power in the mansion, is able to act charming on the outside.... What in the world is going on?

''Would you like to share your sandwiches?''

 Natasha, who was carving the bacon, said as I was surprised at how good my sister Elinora was on the outside.

'No, we're out here, and you won't have any fun sharing your sandwiches. Everyone take your pick and eat what you want!


 Each of us voice our agreement with Mr. Aegal's opinion.

 Mr. Aegal is a man who knows what he's doing. I feel like having a picnic on the beach like this, but having Largo and Meena share it with me would diminish my sense of leisure.

 Besides, there are so many different kinds of sandwiches to choose from. The best thing to do is to take what you like as your interest is piqued.

 I like the moderate looseness of this aristocrat.

 When Aegal-san takes his portion, Nord Dad and Brother Silvio peer at him with interest.

 Even Nord Dad, who usually never gets lost in food, seems to be troubled by the unknown sandwiches.

'We have this one too,'

 Another large basket flows from Natasha's side as the other side is jammed.

 Me, sister Elinora, and mother Erna look at the basket in front of us and peer at it in a friendly manner.

'I'm this one, this one and this one!

 Sister Elinora was the first to reach for it.

 Sister Elinora quickly took two meat and cheese sandwiches and one aji sandwich and placed it on a plate.
It was.

 The meat I like and what Mr. Eggal recommended.

 It was a very easy decision to make, just like Elinora's sister.

Which one shall we have? There's so many to choose from, you'd be lost.

 No wonder Mom Erna would say that.

 Even if the sandwiches have the same grilled fish between them, the type of fish is different, and the ingredients in the sandwiches are subtly different to keep us from getting bored.

 All of them looked so delicious that I couldn't decide which one to try.

Let's just take the one Aegal-san recommended.


 First, I take the grilled aji and lemon sandwiches to a plate.

 Then my hand stops in distress again.

 Yeah, I'm feeling it here! Just take what you see.

 I take the one with the meat sandwiched between the meat that I happen to see and the one with the shrimp and salad in between.

 Then Mother Erna also took the tuna-like ones and the ones with fish and cheese in between.

 When Erna and I finished picking up the sandwiches, Luna-san, who hadn't yet picked up the sandwiches, put them on top of them.

 She's just like her sister Elinora, isn't she?

 As I was thinking this, Eric reached out his hand at the end.

'Eric, eat this.

 However, Natasha quickly handed him a plate and prevented him from doing so.

 What is on that plate is a sandwich that is almost exclusively vegetable sandwiches.

''........Mother, there are only vegetables sandwiched between them that I don't like?''


 Natasha smiles without paying attention to Eric's protesting caged stare.

 Naturally, she seems to know that Eric doesn't like vegetables.

 Eric takes the proffered plate with a reluctant look on his face and pulls out the vegetables between the breads with his hands.

'Hey, Eric! I don't leave out the vegetables in my sandwich!

'How can you treat me like this when you know I don't like vegetables!

Otherwise Eric won't eat his vegetables. Vegetables are good for you, so eat them right.

 Apparently, Eric doesn't usually eat vegetables at all, even when he's not eating them. It can't be helped that his mother, Natasha, would be worried about him since he was a child.

''It's been a long time ago. 'Elinora and Silvio used to not like vegetables either, Silvio would sneak around and dodge them, and Elinora wouldn't eat them.'


 Aside from brother Silvio, it's surprising that sister Elinora, who has the image of eating everything, would do such a thing.

''Yes, Bartolo and I struggled to mix it up--not because of trial and error, but because of the trial and error, we both got to eat it without liking it.

 Erna Mom, now that you're laced with............................well, whatever. I felt like it wouldn't be a bad idea to go into that, so I'll leave it alone.

'It was a long time ago and I don't really remember it, but I hated something about it.

 Elinora's sister, who still uses her intuition to make decisions.

 Probably the hardest part was getting Elinora to eat, because she doesn't like to eat. She has great instincts.

I wonder if it was because the bitterness of the vegetables was so strong at that time? Of course I'm fine now.

 Brother Silvio answers in general, with a slightly embarrassed or embarrassed smile on his face.

 They say you have a strong sense of taste when you're a child. Unlike Elinora's sister, Silvio's taste is delicate, so he must have felt the bitterness of vegetables very strongly.

How in the world did you manage to correct your child's dislike of vegetables? If you have any tips, please let me know. I don't think our Eric will be able to eat his veggies for any length of time at this point.

'Okay. I'll show you how I cleverly mix vegetables into your food.


 Mother Erna stood up and moved next to Natasha.

 Then they huddled together and began to sneak in a strategy meeting.

'Eric, you'd better let the servants poison your cooking from now on, okay?

'Oh, yes. We won't have hot food for the time being, but it's unavoidable.

 Eric nodded at my lighthearted comment with a genuine face.

 No, I said it half in jest, but are you serious? How much do you hate vegetables?