
 There were four people in Silford's house.

 Eric's father, whom I've seen at the party in King's Landing, and a woman who is probably his wife.

 And Eric, who still has the same pouty expression on his face, and a girl who is probably his sister.

 Perhaps this is Luna, who is probably a friend of Elinora's sister.

 As I was thinking this, my gaze met with Luna-san's.

 Somehow I awkwardly avert my gaze, but Luna-san does not avert her gaze. Rather, I feel that she is looking at me with all her strength.

 Wha, what? I feel like a predator looking at me like I've found a herbivore, or is it just my imagination?

 What did I do to deserve this? No, it's true that Eric and I did cut and tie with tongs, but I wonder if I'm going to get this much stares from my sister, Luna-san.

''You've come a long way today. Thank you, Nord-dono.''

No, no, it's my pleasure to be here.

 Eric's father, Mr. Eggal, and Father Nord shook hands and exchanged a few random words with each other.

'Honey, why don't we moderate our greetings and have the Rowlettes sit down first?

 We watched that for a while, and then Mr. Agal's wife softly chided him.

'Right. Let's start with the couch over there.

 Aegal urges us to move to the couch.

 We take turns sitting on the top seat with Nord's father and Erna's mother, while I, the youngest, sit on the bottom seat.

 Hmm, if I'm talking about comfort, I'd rather sit on the sofa in our house. I'm sure the sofa we have must be quite good, since it was bought by Erna's mother.

I'm sure some of you know each other, but I'm sure there are others who don't. First of all, let me introduce myself. I'm Egal-Silford, head of the Silford family.

 I saw Eric's dad at the nobleman's exchange. He is a mature man with brown hair of the same dark color as Eric's, and a stern look on his face. In terms of facial features, he looks perfectly similar to Eric.

 However, unlike the rest of the family, his skin isn't so sallow.

 Seeing that his wife, Eric and Luna have slightly darker skin, the two of them, as children, must have inherited his wife's skin color in a darker way.

'And that's my wife, Natasha, next to me.

It's nice to meet you. I'm Natasha, Aegal's wife.

 Natasha smiled kindly when Aegal introduced her to me.

 She is a beautiful woman with lustrous and beautiful black hair that extends to her waist, giving her a ladylike look.

 As for her skin, she has a slightly darker wheat color than Eric. It's a very good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for.

 The dress that you wear is of the type commonly worn in the Misfirito Kingdom, but there is no doubt that it is embroidered with ethnic embroidery here and there.

 It's not as if Natasha noticed my gaze, but she smiled and grabbed the hem of my skirt with a bashful smile.

''As you might have guessed from the way I'm dressed and the color of my skin, I have Rasulian blood in my veins.

'So it was. Did you have the embroidery on that dress made to order?

'Yes! I had it sewn up in a garment shop run by a Rasulian.

'You can do that too. It's beautiful, and maybe I should ask for it next time.

If you like, I can write you a referral. Please let me know if you want to use this service. I'm sure they'll be happy to help you.

Thank you. I'll definitely ask for help then.

 Is this what a noblewoman's communication skills are all about? In the blink of an eye, the topic of conversation progressed between the two of them and a friendly relationship was being built. There is no room for us men to intervene.

 On the other hand, Elinora's sister, who is also a woman, is just sitting there with her feet together, smiling and laughing.

 It's almost as if I want to shove it in my face and say, "Who the hell are you?

 But when the subject of clothes comes up, they don't intervene in any way, showing that they are not interested in the subject at all.

 It's the same with the other party, Luna-san, who smiled and didn't say a word.

 Maybe sister Elinora and Luna have the same level of girl power. It's also said that the likes of us call friends.

''Then let me introduce my sons to you next.

'This is my second son, Eric-Silford. I am very sorry that I have caused you to have to go through this time.

 It's totally true. I just got back from Kagura because of Eric, and now I have to leave for another trip. It's really a nice inconvenience.

 I let out a small breath as I did my best to do it, and Eric noticed and glared at me, letting out a shaky voice, ".......you.

 It's just a joke, so don't glare at me so much. You're still a hard guy to joke with, aren't you?

'No, no, my son is bad too. Please don't worry about Eric-dono either.

I'm sorry you feel that way.

 Eric told me he was very sorry for your loss. I almost laugh.

 I turn to Luna to escape Eric's gaze, which is directed at me again.

"...my eldest daughter, Luna-Silford. It's nice to meet you.

 She's a girl with black hair cut short, but her expressionlessness makes her look a little different than boyish. She's someone who looks at me for some reason and has an air of not really knowing what she's thinking, but unlike her sister Elinora, I could tell that she's the quiet type.

 After the Silford family introduced themselves, we moved on to the Slowlet family.

''This side is next. I'm Nord-Slowlett, the head of the Slowlett family.''

Oh, that famous dragon slayer...

"I saw the play in King's Landing myself. I couldn't help but be touched by your play!

 As Dad Nord introduces himself, Eric and Natasha shout out with a look of excitement on their faces.

'Doh, hi. It's an embarrassment for us.'

 Father Nord seems to take a step back at the attitude of the two men, but Eric's eyes, colored with a look of respect, show no such thing.

'Did Master Nord cut off the dragon's head with a single blow, just like in the play?

Yeah, well,


 Eric sounded excited at Dad Nord's words with a wry smile.

 This question was by far the most asked at the nobleman's social gathering. I'm sure that cutting off the head of a dragon is unthinkable for ordinary people.

 We've already realized that Nord Dad would never do it. I'm not even going to ask a question because I'm aware of the situation.

'How long have you been aware of Erna-sama, so how long have you been aware of her?

What? I-It's-

Yeah, that bothers me, too.

I'd be very interested in that, too.

 Nord Dad has a troubled look on his face when Natasha asks him about it.

 That bothers me and Erna mom, so I take advantage of the opportunity here.

'Hey, hey, we're in the middle of introducing ourselves now, aren't we?

 Mr. Agal blames the conversation for going off on a tangent.

 This causes the buoyant atmosphere to fizzle out somewhat. Tsk, we were about to hear something interesting.

 As I was feeling disappointed, Mr. Agal grinned and said

Well, we can take our time with those questions later, can't we?




It's just...

 As everyone spoke in unison, Nord's father sounded troubled.

 What's up with this Mr. Eggal, he seems to be a very strict person, but he's actually quite good at what he does.

 After Father Nord's self-introductions are completed, Mother Erna, Brother Silvio and Sister Elinora's are finished, and then it's time for me to take my turn.

 I guess it's because I'm part of the source of this time's culprit, after all, the gazes are gathering.

 With a little nervousness, I open my mouth.

''This is my second son, Alfried-Slowett. I apologize for the inconvenience caused to everyone because of the commotion between me and Eric this time. I will endeavor to ensure that this does not happen in the future.

You just added my name to the list.

 Eric blurts out, but I ignore him. Since it's me and Eric, it's only natural to add that it's because of me and Eric.

''........Hey, you seem to be oddly used to apologizing for a kid.

'You don't look like the kind of naughty kid who would slice and dice my Eric with tongs.

 It's a fine aristocratic skill, too. I'm used to apologizing for the sadness of it.

'Well, we're going to be together for a while. So much for the stiffness! Welcome to the House of Slowlet, gentlemen!

 It was in this delicate atmosphere that the Silfords and the Throwlettes ended their meeting.