230-Erna mother's ability

 Sister Elinora and Mother Erna were facing each other in the meadow, about ten meters away from each other.

 We men watched them with a worried look on our faces.

 Elinora was dressed in her usual training clothes and held a wooden sword in her palm.

 Her counterpart, Erna Mother, is dressed in a one-piece dress and holds a staff as long as her own height.

 Is it made of demons or ore? It was made of an unfamiliar material, shaped like a supple line, and had a large crystal at the tip.

 Probably by using the demon's magic stones and so on, they can get the benefit of increasing the efficiency of magic power and strengthening magic power. That's why the wizards in the world use wands.

 I don't use magic in succession early on, and I'm a person with a lot of magic power, so I don't particularly have one.

 But when I see Elna's mother carrying a wand like that, it makes me wish I had a cool wand at least.

''This is the first time I've seen my mom holding a wand.

It's true.

 I could only nod in affirmation as I had the exact same feelings as brother Silvio's words.

'Has Father Nord also not seen Mother Erna holding a wand in a long time?'

'Yes. It's not like Erna has been really serious about using magic lately. But this time, though, she's only using it for the sake of her stick-arts.

 I ask, and Dad Nord replies with a somewhat distant look in his eyes.

 I wonder if he's reminiscing about the old days.

 I thought this would be my chance to hear some of Mother Erna's precious old stories, so I waited in silence, and as I waited in silence, Nord Dad said with a wry smile, perhaps in response to my expectations.

'Even after I retired as an adventurer, I used to hold a wand pretty well before Al and Silvio were born, you know? When I came to the territory here, there were many vicious demons and a few bandits scattered around. Elna and I tried our best to make it easier for you to live here.

'What? There was a violent demon in this village too!

And the thieves?

 Dad Nord's words startled me and brother Silvio.

''Of course they were there. There were few people on the edge of the kingdom in the Slowlet territory. There were a lot of demons and bandits.

 I'm not sure if our reaction is funny or not, Nord Dad chuckles and says with a chuckle.

 Speaking of the area around the current Coriat Village, there are almost no ferocious demons in the area. I thought it was always like that, but it looks like I'm wrong.

''There used to be a lot of demons in the past.

We wouldn't be here in peace if it wasn't for your father and mother's hard work.

 Me and brother Silvio said admiringly, and dad Nord laughed with a wry smile, "Haha, thanks.

 What's that? I feel like the expression on Father Nord's face right now is the same as when he was praised by the nobles in King's Landing about the Dragonslayer's saga.

 It's nice to be praised, but I can't be honestly happy about it because I actually have some embarrassing real-life situations and pasts to deal with. I feel like there are such circumstances.

'Hey, Nord Dad. Can you tell me again the details of what you just said--

See, rehearsals are about to begin!

 When I tried to get more details, Dad Nord said loudly to cover his words.

 I knew there was something there, didn't I? My instincts tell me that there's some interesting information if I can get to it.

 But if I asked now, you wouldn't tell me. I'll take another opportunity to gather information. There may be some books on the origins of this village in the mansion, or they may know about the village chief or the old stories.

 With my newfound enjoyment, I dare to return my attention back to the two of them as Nord Dad said.

'....Mother, do you need to change your clothes?

Yes, I'll be fine in this. I mean, I don't have my practice clothes.

 The current appearance of Erna's mother is plain clothes. As expected, she's not wearing a cardigan, but I would say that it's an inappropriate outfit for her to practice in from now on.

''It's fine, but don't get mad at me for saying I've made a mess of your clothes, right?

I don't have to worry about that.


 Mother Erna replies to Sister Elinora's words with a spare smile.

 If it's someone like Sister Elinora, she won't get her clothes dirty. I guess that's what she's saying.

 Me and Thor cursing at each other looks cute. As usual, women's cursing is still scary because it is quickly mixed with venom.

'So, are you ready then!

 The tense atmosphere must have become unbearable. Meena, who serves as a signal to start, raises an upbeat voice.

'Yes, fine.'

I'll be fine, too.

 Sister Elinora holds her sword in front of her, but Mother Erna doesn't even take a stance. She just stands there with her staff in her right hand.

 Seeing this, Sister Elinora looks doubtful, but her expression changes to a serious one, as if she has decided not to pay attention to it.

'Are you sure Mother Erna is okay? I think it's time to stop, but...

 I'm still worried, as I've usually tasted Elinora sister's unreasonable abilities. No matter how much we are in the same party as the Dragon Slayer, wouldn't it be difficult for Mother Erna to beat a pure swordsman who was taught by Father Nord?

'It's okay. Erna won't lose to Elinora.

 If I wanted to stop them both, now was the last time. I asked beyond that meaning, but Dad Nord only smiled.

 I saw that and decided to sit on the sidelines and just let it go.

 A heavy, tense atmosphere washed over us.

Then let's begin!

 Meena shouted out to start, and sister Elinora's figure disappeared from the drawing board.

 And the next moment. Sister Elinora was rolling around beside Mother Erna, rummaging around.

 Mother Erna only changed her position slightly, but she didn't make any kind of movement.

''........Eh? Why?

 Elinora's sister screams dumbly as she lies down on the grass.

 You have a look of confusion on your face, as if you don't know what's going on.

'Oh my God, is it over? That doesn't even mean you're physically active.

"-What? Again!

 She must have come to herself after hearing Mother Erna's words. Sister Elinora quickly stood up and held her sword at the ready.

''What happened just now?''

Hmm. Al, you know what I mean?

'Why? One more look and I think I'll get it right.

 Brother Silvio tilts his head and Nord Dad nods his head hawkishly.

 It seems that they want me to properly watch their next move and try to give them an answer.

 When I turn my gaze more carefully than before, Elinora sister is circulating magic power inside her body.

 The flow of magic power is smoother than before, perhaps because she has honed her body strengthening through exercises with the Royal Capital Knights.

 The moment the magic power enveloped and stabilized her entire body, Sister Elinora sprinted as if to explode her magic power.

 At the same time, Mother Erna takes a step forward as if she were walking down the road and extends her long staff as if she were holding out a long staff.

 Then, as if absorbed into it, Sister Elinora rushes forward.

 With her foot on the staff, Sister Elinora rolled over the grassy field in the same way as before.

''You've perfectly timed your approach with the flow of magic power.

That's right. I knew Al had a keen sense for magic. It's something that normal wizards wouldn't notice at first.

 Really? If you use magic on a regular basis and feel the magic around you, you'll know how others are using it....

''What do you mean?''

 As me and Father Nord are talking, Brother Silvio, who doesn't understand the situation, asks me.

'Elinora approached Erna with her magical physical enhancements. Do you understand so far?

'What? Really? No wonder I thought it was faster than usual.

 Brother Silvio is surprised by Father Nord's words as he asks him to confirm them.

 It may seem like a joke, but Brother Silvio is quite serious.

 Elinora sister's movements are always too fast. You can't blame us for this, as we usually know the inexcusable nature of it in our practice.

 If you don't understand how the body is strengthened by the perception of magic, you'll understand that Erinora was running at a speed that we can't see.

 When I first saw her, I thought she had disappeared, and I thought it was only natural that Elinora sister had disappeared.

 One of the reasons why Brother Silvio couldn't think of physical enhancements is because of Sister Elinora's too-standard specs.

 Father Nord must have come to that idea as well. He explains with a slightly complicated look on his face.

''Well, at that kind of speed, it's more natural to assume that it's due to physical enhancements caused by magic power.

'What? So, is it because of the magical body strengthening that my dad becomes faster and less visible during practice?

'What? No, I'm not.


 Here was another factor.

 That's right. Nord Dad is a funny guy who doesn't use physical enhancements, but he's faster than Elinora sister who uses physical enhancements.

 I had a hint of this, but I guess me and brother Silvio and my senses are out of sync with the world because of the substandard people around us.

The first thing that comes to mind is the fact that it's a good idea to be able to use your own personal computer to help you get the job done. This time Elna was able to read Elinora's magic flow and find the right moment to start running.
The "kassa

That's right. I don't see the flow of magic at all.

It's the only thing that requires a few skilled and experienced wizards or wizards to feel it.

So your mom and dad and Al are awesome at figuring that out.

 I think it's great that Brother Silvio is able to honestly praise others here.

 Somehow, me and my Nord dad got embarrassed.

'Look, Elinora. How long are you going to be lying there in a daze? Now stand up.

I know!

 Sister Elinora stands up at Mother Erna's suggestion.

 However, she couldn't understand how her movements were seen through her expression. Such confusion was evident on her face.

 Even though you're confronting the other party, if you have such an expression on your face, the other party is going to become even more bullish. You see, Erna's mother is smiling.

Come and join us anytime.

Let's go!

 I think he has a good character when he provokes her without telling her the cause of the problem.

 After being provoked, Sister Elinora approaches patiently. She feints and changes her course.

 However, as long as Elinora sister is using poor physical enhancements, all of her efforts are in vain.

 Mother Erna simply watches the flow of Elinora sister's magic power and waits, sometimes stepping in and holding out her staff.

 With that alone, Sister Elinora was forced to roll over the grassland again and again.

 Finally, Elinora sister ran out of energy and rolled onto the grassland, breathing hard.

 There, Mother Erna walked leisurely and pointed her wand at Sister Elinora's face.

''........well, I'm here.''


 Mother Erna nodded with satisfaction at Sister Elinora's regretful words.