215-Gift from Grandpa Lazareth


 When I had finished pulling out all the weeds in the courtyard with soil magic and hoeing the rows with a psychic. A carriage came to the outside of the mansion grounds.

 I hadn't heard that Tory was coming today, nor had I heard that any other nobles were coming.

 What in the world could they be doing here? 

 Saara, who seemed to have heard the sound of the carriage, came out of the front door of the mansion and headed down to the carriage.

 A short while later, the carriage left easily and Saara returned with a wooden box in her chest.

 For a moment, I thought a new doll had arrived from Viscount Doll, but the binding of the wooden box seemed plain for a viscount.

''Saara, what is that package?''

'They say it is a gift from Lazares to Alfrito. Inside is a complete frame that Alfrito was making in the royal city.

'Oh! Coma! Let me see it!

 When I urge her to open it now, Saara starts opening the crate on the spot.

 I didn't know that she would actually make a product out of the frame I was playing around with.

 As I wait excitedly, Saara opens the lid of the crate and shows me the box.

 Inside the box were various sized tops, large, medium and small.

 They must have been made in different sizes for adults and children to enjoy.

 The construction of the frames was simple and unadorned, but they were very beautiful in shape.

 If you look at the unshaped panels, you can see that the craftsmen put a lot of effort into each one.

 From my wooden box, I take out a small top that fits in the palm of my hand and an attached piece of string.

 Then I wrap the string around the top and toss it to the cobblestones where it is drawn.

 Then the top that Grandpa had given me started to turn neatly.

 Oh, Grandpa and his craftsmen are doing a good job. He never wavered at all.

Well, you are very handy.

All you have to do is roll it up and throw it, anyone can do it.

 I smiled and told Saara and collected the stopped panel.

 Yeah, we can play this one without any problems.

 Now we have the frame. I guess we'll just have to bump into Thor and the others.

 After checking the condition of the tops, I take two small tops and two adult tops from the box in Saara's hand and put them in my pocket.

'Leave the rest in my room. We can all play together if we have time.

Where are you going?

Thor's House!

 I told Saara that I was heading to Thor's house and ran out of the courtyard of the mansion as it was.


'Oh! Al, man!

 As I was walking towards Thor's house, holding the coma in my hand, I saw Roomba and Gates walking up ahead.

 Roomba is still big today, and Gates is still long chinned as usual.

'Ah, Roomba and Gates. What have you been doing today?

''Oh, I've been slaying the demons around the village with Gates today!

And you were eating at the Celia restaurant.

 Gates says proudly as he follows Rumba's words.

''Well on the road to King's Landing, you were beaten by the High Goblins, are you okay?''

 Even though they are high goblins, I hear that they are a relatively weak category of demons after all.

 There are not many ferocious demons in the vicinity of Colliat Village, but I hear that there are wolves and bears on the outskirts.

 Is it safe for Gates to go to such a place?

''Well that was just an accidental critical hit from the High Goblin's club. Forget it.

 He says with a bitter look on his face, as if losing to the High Goblin was an abomination to Gates.

''Gahahaha! This time, though, he'd be up against a wild boar! Gates' sword sticks in the boar's throat and the boar's tusks strike Gates' jaw, knocking them both down!

'Idiot! Don't say that!

 Ah, it's easy to imagine that already.

 I mean, I think the boar's tusks were pretty dangerous, but there's not a scratch on Gates' jaw.

 For some reason, I feel that Gates is lucky.

 However, I can accept Gates who is fighting with a boar.

 What will they fight against next? Cats? Is it the weasel?

'Don't blatantly look at my chin and laugh. That's rude. Hmph, next time I'll take down a bigger one in complete victory.

There aren't many big shots like that around the village of Coriat.

 Roomba watered down to the next breathless Gates.

 Well, I'm hoping I can beat a bear next time. I've never had a bear casserole or anything like that before.

'By the way, what's that in Al's hand?

 As I watch Gates with my warm eyes, Roomba points to the panel in my hand and says.

 Oh, right. You don't know that because Lumumba and Gates haven't been to Grandpa's house in King's Landing.

"This is a plaything called a top. I made a simplified version and Grandpa in King's Landing turned it into a product.

'Oh, so that's Al's new idea of a game! Sounds interesting!

It's got a strange shape with a cord wrapped around it. Do they play with it by throwing it around like a slinging string?

 I'm guilty of imitating something from a previous life, so I feel guilty if you say it's as if I thought of it.

 Well, it's something I made in this world to have a good time. There was a certain amount of hard work that went into it, so let's break it down and think about it.

'How do we play it? Try it for a minute!

'Sure. We're going to be playing with frames at Thor's house, do you two want to come?

 I'm going to be explaining it to Thor and Asmo from now on anyway.

 Then it would be quicker to explain to them all at once.

'Oh! I don't have any plans for anything in particular!

It's a game that could be popular in the future. I see no reason not to join in.

 The two of them don't seem busy, but as expected, their schedules were free.

 Since Coriat village has a lot of interaction among the villagers, of course Lumumba and Gates and Thor are also acquainted.

 It's not that I don't know these two people who are so prominent.

 It's a good thing that Murat is out today anyway, because he's probably just lounging around at home, taking advantage of the fact that he's out.

 It must not matter if me, Roomba and Gates go.

'Then let's go to Thor's house!


 Thus, the brave Alfried added his two uncles to the party.