196-Similar people

 The next day after I made the slime cushion. I woke up with a strange feeling of discomfort.

 What was it? Is there something stirring under your head?

 Curious, I raised my upper body to find that there was only a slime pillow.

 The pillow moved on its own as I stared at the slime pillow for no apparent reason.

'My pillow moved! Or else, the slime inside just moved out for food...

 You scared me. You were in a hurry to see if a bug had appeared under my pillow.

 I let out a breath of relief as I untied the cord that tied the slime pillow.

 I looked inside and saw a wriggling slime.

 I threw pieces of wood and weeds that I had prepared for the slime to eat into it.

 Then the slime swallowed them and became quiet and motionless as it tried to digest them.

 ........Hmm, does this mean that the time it takes to digest the food changes depending on the food I give it?

 If you know that, the slime pillow will also act as an alarm clock.

 For example, if you want to get three hours of sleep, you can give him food that his slime can finish digesting in three hours.

 As long as our body learns the daily life cycle, we don't need an alarm clock, but it's difficult to manage the time for a nap or a snooze, right?

 It would be nice if we had an alarm clock or cell phone alarm, but there is no such thing in this world.

 That's why I go over the hour or 30 minutes when it becomes an hour.

 The slime pillow could be an alarm clock for such a short nap.

 Next time when I'm not busy, I'll try to record the time it takes to digest my food.


 Excited by my newfound enjoyment, I tied the slime pillow with a string and got off the bed as it was and opened the window.

 With that, the chilly air cooled by my ice magic also went out the window. And as if to replace it, the hot and humid air came in.

 The temperature in the midsummer morning is better than the daytime, but it's still hot.

 I'm sure I'm going to end up sweating even if I stay put.

 I quickly change into my normal clothes, basking in the fierce sunshine that has been pouring over me since morning.

 Then I grab the slime cushion and leave my room to go have breakfast.

 At the same time, Brother Silvio comes out of the back room.

 In his hand, he was holding a slime cushion, which he probably intends to use again today.

''Al, good morning. You're early today.''

 Brother Silvio noticed me and greeted me with a refreshing smile.

 Even on a midsummer morning, Brother Silvio's smile is refreshing. I'm going to be groggy even in the cool morning temperature.

'The slime woke me up today,'

Yeah, it started moving on my end while I was getting dressed.

 The slime seems to have woken me up, but Brother Silvio seems to have woken himself up at this time. I'm impressed that there's still some time before breakfast.

 I'd be coasting until the very last minute of breakfast if I were you.

It was kind of funny to watch the pillows move. It was the first time I ever fed a slime.

 Brother Silvio said while holding his own slime cushion to his chest.

'Until yesterday morning, I was telling you that there was no way you were going to use slime as a pillow.

'Haha, I can sleep well in the middle of summer with it. The slime seems to be safe, and if all goes well, I'll be using it in the future.

 It would be good for Brother Silvio to be able to say his honest feelings here.

 If it's Elinora sister or something like that, he wouldn't take back his words right away.

 Elinora's sister reminds me that there are only two more days until she comes back.

 I guess this is the time when we can have this kind of peaceful time.

''....What's wrong Al? I'm so far out of sight, you know?

 As I'm feeling very emotional, Brother Silvio waves his hand in front of me in concern.

''It's ... nothing. Brother Silvio. Let's have another peaceful day.''


 When I said that, Brother Silvio nodded with a dubious look on his face.

 There's not much time left. It's because there's so little, it's a loss if you don't enjoy it to the fullest.

 I told myself that and headed to the dining room.


'Oh? It's unusual for Al to be up at this hour.

 When I walked into the dining room with Brother Silvio, Father Nord, who was sitting at the table drinking tea, said unexpectedly.

'Sometimes I get up early too,'

'No, I'm surprised that's hardly the case...'

 Rude. As soon as I got back from Kagura, I was going to say that I got up early and cooked Kagura food with Bartolo - but that was because Mother Erna asked me to do so. It's not that I woke up early voluntarily.

 I looked back in my memory to see if I had ever woken up early in any other way, but no such memory came to mind, so I silently sat down with a slime cushion on my chair.

 Seeing me, brother Silvio chuckled and sat down with the same cushion.

 Perhaps he was curious that the two brothers were doing the same thing together, but Nord Dad turned to look at me with a curious look.

'Are you both laying down cushions?'

'Yes. But it's more than just a cushion.

 Brother Silvio replies to Father Nord's words with a smile.

 I guess he wants me to guess what's inside this unusual cushion.

 Having understood his intentions, Nord-Dad looks at the cushion again.

''Well from the looks of it, it seems to be made of demon leather, but is the content special?''

 As expected of a former adventurer. It seems you can tell it's demon leather just by looking at it for a moment.

''That's right.''

Hmm, some kind of demon bird feathers?

 Demon bird is the word for a demon with wings, such as a harpy or slashhawk.

 Nord Dad saw a cushion that was a demon and leather, so he thought the contents were from the same demon.

'Hmmm, close, but hazed.

So what is it, then?

 I reply, and Dad Nord tilts his head in contemplation.

'I think you'll find out when you poke the cushion.

 As I say this, Nord Dad stands up, leans over to me and pokes the slime cushion with his finger.

''........could this be slime?''

Bingo. I trap the slime in the leather and use it as a cushion.

 When I elaborate on this, Dad Nord gives me a dumbfounded look.

 You look as if I've done something weird again. Well, I'm the one who made it.

'Al, is that okay with you?'

'It's all right. I'm feeding it so it won't move, and I've tied the leather up neatly with a string. It won't come out.

 I tried to explain to him about the safety of the slime cushion, but he was very sensitive about it.

"You should try it, Dad. I think it will help you with your office work and your back and buttocks.

Oh, yeah?

 Father Nord looks somewhat relieved when Brother Silvio says it.

 What's the difference between the two of us when I'm theoretically explaining the safety of the system better than you are?

 Oh well. Once you use it, you'll realize how wonderful the slime cushion is.

 I grin and watch as Nord Dad sits on top of Brother Silvio's slime cushion.

''Ah, this is more comfortable than I thought it would be.''


 My brother Silvio replies with some pride to my father, who shouts in surprise.

 It's exactly like yesterday's scene with Brother Silvio and me.

 He sits back down to enjoy the feel of the slime cushion, lifting it up and pushing it with his fingers.

 Apparently, he likes it. It's a great thing to have, and I would recommend it to others. I'm glad to hear that Dad likes it too.

"Good morning.

 As I was looking at Dad Nord with a smiling expression on my face, Mother Erna came into the dining room.

""Good morning,"

'What? Is it possible that I overslept? I can't believe you're slower than Al.

 As soon as we return our greetings, Mom Erna shouts her surprise.

 She seems to think I've overslept because I'm always late and I'm always in my seat.

'Some days I get up early,'

'Really? That's confusing.

 Mother Erna muttered and walked gracefully to take her seat.

'Saara, tea, please.'

Me too.

Me too.

I'm sorry, sir.

 Me and my brother Silvio ask for a cup of tea as well, taking advantage of Mother Erna's quick grab of Saara as she enters the dining room.

''Huh? It's already in place!

 Then Meena followed, and as soon as she walked in, she was surprised.

'Yes, so please be quicker than usual,'

I understand!

 Meena hurries out of the room after being told that by Saara, who is preparing tea.

 It's rare that the whole family is up early today. We have to hurry up and prepare breakfast. Meena must have gone to tell the kitchen about it.

'I feel like I'm causing trouble if I get up early. I knew waking up early wasn't the way to go.'

'That doesn't mean it's good to be late, though. It's best to get up every day on time.

 It's true, but there are times when people just can't get enough sleep.

 I can't let go of the blissful morning light sleep and second nap time. It's impossible to get up on time every day.

By the way, I was wondering, what are those cushions that Nord and Al have on their hips?

 As I was thinking about this, Mother Erna noticed it and asked me.

It's a slime cushion made by Al. It's quite comfortable to use because of the slime in it.

 Saying this, Mother Erna accepted the cushion that Father Nord offered her without fear and laid it on her bottom.

'Oh, I love it,' she said. 'I like this one, Al, you should make more of these,' she said. I'd like to have a lot of these around the room, so they're always ready to go.

 As expected of Mother Erna, she adapted to the situation without being evasive like Brother Silvio and Father Nord, and yet she made a new proposal.

 When I look at Erna's pursuit of a comfortable environment, I'm convinced once again that she's my mother, after all.