110-Interlude at Satan Nemu, Rodnea

 It was only a few moments before dusk fell in the sky.
 Zormnem looked up at the walls of Rodnea, which towered before him.

 This was just one city.
 There were only a few humans learning magic, not a few adventurers hunting powerful monsters or a resident elite of the Imperial Army.
 The brave must still be children, too.
 No one is a threat to this party of strong people.

 So this fear is probably due to ---- heavy pressure.
 The time has finally come to fulfill the purpose of the journey.
 Zormunem had long forgotten that he had this kind of feeling for himself as well.

 The arrangements were already grasped by all of them.
 After driving the students from all sides of the academy and joining them near the main building in the center, they would go straight to further carnage. If a person who looks like a brave is found, each person will send a signal with a special magic tool at that point. Even if they can't find them, if a commotion occurs, they will be able to lure the brave ones away.
 It's too uncertain a strategy, but it can't be helped. I'm sure you'll be able to find a way to get the best out of it.

 I'm sure you'll be able to find out more about this.
 I understand the importance of information, but I could not secure the necessary personnel.

 The map of Rodnea and the academy was the only one that I was able to rely on after capturing a few merchants who went in and out of the academy and having them draw a map and compare it to the map. Based on this, Gal Ganis' transfer magic sent each of them to the planned location.
 It was fortuitous that the merchant's cargo and their own unplanned supply of supplies.

 All that's left is to leave the success or failure to the heavens.

'I'm starting to have a feeling it's going to work out for me,'

 Lo Ni broke the nervous silence.

'Dee and the others and Meade are ready to do it, and besides ... we're as good as anyone.
Yes, you have a good heart.

 Mdelev follows the words of the rabbit man.

He said, "Keep your heart on the straight and narrow. It is necessary to do great things. If the heart is fragile, not only in warfare, but in everything else, nothing can go wrong.
'Munya I've heard that six times...'
Everybody knows that already.

 Zormnem let a small smile creep into his mouth.
 I'm sure we can accomplish this. With this party....

Let's go.

 The divine man tells his friends.

 A few moments later.

 The figures of the demons disappeared with the afterglow of the magic circle.


 After transitioning to the western edge of the magic academy, Gal Ganis learned two things.
 One was that everyone, including himself, had successfully transitioned.
 And the other was this unplanned fog.

 Even though there was no sign of it at all from outside the city walls - the magic academy was covered in a thick fog.
 Even Gal Ganis, who is not a meteorologist, understood that fog at dusk is an extremely rare phenomenon. I had never heard of such a dense fog within the confines of the city walls.

 It's enough to make you feel like you're going to get lost.
 But with a problem of this magnitude, we can't change our plans now.


 Gal Ganis created countless flames in the air.
 Only around it, the fog thinned slightly.
 If the temperature rises, the fog will clear. But as expected, flames to the extent that they were generated by magic were not enough to burn. The buildings in this area are sparse, and even if you set fire to them, you can't aim to spread the fire. The flames were, at best, only a light source.
 But still, it was better than nothing. At the very least, we would be able to see our surroundings.

 Surprisingly, there were signs of humans in the vicinity.
 People walking along the road. People stopping to chat with each other.
 Could it be the students here? They didn't seem to be moved by this fog. Perhaps it was a common phenomenon for them?

 Gal Ganis clicks his tongue.

'Tch, you're losing your peace don't feel bad about it.

 It's an absurd thing to say, I thought to myself.
 How could I not feel bad about it? Who could not curse the fate of being killed suddenly and blamelessly?

 It's too late for sentimentality.
 When I decided to continue the mission that my brother failed to fulfill and save the future of the demon tribe by defeating the heroes, I was already prepared to be resented.

 Besides, this place is the place where my beloved brother died.
 I have my own reason for revenge.

 Gal Ganis aimed at the one schoolgirl who was chatting and transferred one of the flames.
 It should have scorched her lungs and heart, scattering sparks of fire from her mouth and taking away her life in a matter of minutes----.


''Ah...? What is this?


 It was at the southern end of the magic academy that Lo Ni and Pirislaria transitioned.

''It seems to have worked. But ... it's an awful fog.

 The rabbit boy continues cheerfully.

'Well, I'm perfectly fine with this.

 Lo Ni had an extremely good sense of direction as a characteristic of a beastman.
 This level of poor visibility would not be a problem.

''Lo Ni, you're dependable........''
'Pyrislaria? Are you awake?

 Ro Ni looked back, and Pirithlalia nodded to Ro Ni, both eyes thinly opened.

 It was unusual for her to be awake when it was nothing at all.
 Surely she would be back to slumbering again soon. Still, Ro Ni wondered what was going on, since she would still be able to do battle properly.

'But what is it? I can't believe you're praising me.
Lo Ni you are strong..........
Me...? What are you talking about?

 The rabbit boy smiles bitterly.

'I haven't changed. It's Dee and Meade and the others who are working hard, and myself, I'm still the weakest of them all.

 There was a reason why Lo Ni and Pirislaria were paired together.
 While Lo Ni can handle a large number of monsters, there is no way to do it against an enemy that is stronger than it is. Pirislaria's evil eye is powerful, but due to her extreme abilities, she has many weaknesses.
 So they had to compensate for each other.

 Compared to Gal Ganis, who manipulated transference and fire magic with extraordinary accuracy, Mdelev, who had overwhelming martial arts, and Zormunem, who had mastered both magic and sword, the two of them were weak.

 But still.
 Pirislaria continued as if muttering.

''I've gotten better at using monsters... and... my mind...''
Haha, yeah? But my mind is a little better than that. I was the best user in the village. I thought I was the best in the village. But then I met the captain and Mdelev, and after all the things I've been through on this trip I feel like my guts have been knocked out of me.

 At first, she couldn't admit it, and often took a bite out of Pirislaria.
 He remembered that he was often hostile to her, saying that she wasn't the only one he had beaten, and that he was never the weakest of the party.
 In the end, though, that was a mistake, too.

I also.........became a little more confident.......
You? You were the best user back home too, weren't you?

 Pirislaria shook her head slowly.

'This kind of power it is of no use in a peaceful place I am always asleep and I am always in trouble with everyone. ....it was playing.
'But ... today I feel like I can finally put my heart on the line ... I can't wait to tell my mom and dad ... that I'm brave. ...........................and I beat him.
''Well yes. Well let's make this quick.

 Lo Ni's shadow spread wide, and one by one, a group of Shadow Wolves appeared on the ground.

 I knew that there was a sign of more than one person just ahead.
 It was probably the students of this academy.

''Eek, guys!''

 A shadow wolf galloped forward - and attacked the figures.
 This monster was a struggle even for a high grade adventurer. Amateurs can't compete with it.
 This is the beginning. A pack of wolves would easily drive a group of people into the ground.

 But-----Lo Ni felt uncomfortable.
 The fog made it hard to see what was going on, but it was strange. He couldn't hear the screams that should have gone up.
 Even the Shadow Wolves seem to be confused.

''Wha, what...? Come back!

 Soon, the Shadow Wolves would return.
 Looking at the object in their mouths, Lo Ni scrutinized his eyes.

''What is this...?''


 Mdelev, who had transitioned to the east end of the magic academy, looked around at the surrounding scenery and first muttered.

''Mm, the fog is thick. But we'll make it somehow.''

 Despite the fuzzy words, there is no hesitation in my steps.
 In the midst of uncertainty about even the surrounding landscape, it's just a hunch to decide where to go.
 But it was precisely that warrior's intuition that Mdelev treasured. From his previous experience, it was a reliable one.

 There was no sign of anyone in the vicinity.
 The eastern end of the area that Mdelev was in charge of was a section lined with research buildings, but to his own instincts, it didn't seem as if there were humans in the buildings either. Could it be that this place was not usually used much?

''That's all well and good, but I'm in a bit of a bind.

 Mdelev didn't want to kill a human without a fight, either.
 He was a strong man who deserved to go all out himself. In addition, only enough for himself to eat. He thought that was enough to put his hands on. Useless killing should be avoided by both man and beast.

 Only, for now, he couldn't say that.
 He needed to create a commotion and roast the brave men.
 To do that, he had to make the humans scream.

'But there's nothing we can do if they aren't there. This is a miscalculation on Zormnem's part and...''

 Stopping his soliloquy, Mdelev abruptly raised his club.
 With a sound like slamming an axe into a giant tree----two throwing swords pierced Mdelev's club.


 Mdelev looked at his own club and exclaimed in admiration.

 This club, carved out of an ancient demon tree that he had once cut down, had only been injured by swords, spears, and magic countless times before.
 But I wonder. A small knife, no bigger than Mdelev's finger, is now thrust in, albeit slightly. It's called the impact transmitted from the club, and it's not an ordinary technique. The fact that it was caused by magic was immediately apparent.

"Come on, stiff, identify yourself.

 Mdelev called out to the other man with a smile of delight on his mouth.

 It was a small human.
 A woman, a child. She has unusual gray hair, and in her hand she holds a large battle-axe, unbecoming of her small body.

 The girl does not say her name, but asks quizzically.

'You, what.'
"This is the ogre, Mdelev. The one who will strike you down.
Where did you get hired? There was no one like you at the Chamber of Commerce.
Chamber of Commerce? Gahahaha, I don't know what you're talking about!
...whatever. I won't let you go on from here..........

 The girl closed the gap between the two at once and swung her battle axe at him.
 The series of moves Mdelev had anticipated, but they were much faster than expected.

 The battle-axe swung down was received by the reinforcing gold ring part, fitted into the raised club. The impact resounded in the core of my body. A heavy, high-pitched roar of metal hitting each other.
 If I had received it on the bare wood, the blade would have bitten deep into me.

 The girl quickly draws the battle axe, followed by a ground-crawling blow aimed at her leg.
 She stands the club up on the cobblestone and prevents it again. The fist that was released as if to cleave away was ducked as she ducked down.
 The girl now swings her battle axe as if to leap up. It is still fast. In addition, the fist of the demon (ogre) that smashes a person's head shows no signs of flinching.

''Gahahaha! You are defending yourself!

 Mdelev laughs.
 While shrugging off the girl's onslaught, the demon (ogre) warrior was thinking calmly.

 This technique is impossible.
 The blow is too heavy. On the other hand, his body language is light, and he doesn't seem to get swept up in the weight of the weapon.
 Her muscle strength can be made up for by her magical power, but not her weight. The girl is too small. It would be an impossible movement to achieve unless she was stuffed with lead in her body. Under normal circumstances.

 A smile is deeply etched on Mdelev's face.
 It's nothing.
 The warrior of the demon (ogre) was precisely the one who wanted to struggle with a strong person with such an uncommon skill.

 The girl's war axe is swung down at an angle.
 Mdelev, this time, dared to receive it ------ with the wooden part of the club.


 With a sound of mishiri, the blade of the battle axe bites into the club.
 It doesn't lead to amputation, but it's not shallow by any means. Such depth.
 The girl's expression distorted slightly. And the weight she had felt from the battle axe suddenly becomes slightly lighter.
 Mdelev quickly - with the entire battleaxe that was bitten into, he swung the club wide.


 The battle-axe is ripped from the girl's hand and flies away through the fog.
 Whether or not she removed her hand from the hilt on purpose is not something to consider now.
 The girl jumped backwards and kept her distance, and before she knew it, the throwing sword was in her hand. With a flowing motion it was released.

 The throwing sword aimed precisely at the neck----Mdelev received it with her left arm.
 The blade stopped, not even reaching the flesh of his thick arm.
 The demon man (Ogre) looks at the girl with a smile on his mouth and says

''Sweet! This much....
You're sweet.

 Countless shadows suddenly erupted from the projectile sword that stood out on his left arm.
 The band-like shadows wrapped around Mdelev's entire body, tightening and restraining him tightly.

 The demon man (Ogre) warrior muttered with a slightly troubled face.

I can do this, too. Be quiet.
'No, I'm sorry, but...'

 When Mdelev forcefully opens his arms - - the shadowy restraints are torn off without a second thought.
 The demon man (Ogre) says to the girl, whose eyes widen.

I've been told by Zormunem that I have resistance to magic of all attributes. Gahahaha! Don't come by force, but by force. With such a skill, how can I say that I am not good at using my hands?

 The girl quickly reached for the storage device on her thigh and grabbed the throwing sword and threw it.
 Mdelev had already taken a big step forward.
 She swings the club as if to leap up and knock away the throwing sword in the air.
 Then, as he cut back, he swung the club with his powerful speed down to the girl's head.

 The girl's expression is intensified, but she is not moving. I'm not going to have time to duck.
 The thick club that was fitted with a gold ring was supposed to smash the girl's small head with the inevitable flow of the club.


 The cudgel cut the sky.
 The cobblestones at the end of the strike with the force of the momentum shattered with a flourish.

 There was no sign of the girl.
 She vanished without a trace.
 I looked around to see if a counterattack was coming, but there was no sign of that. There was no sign of human presence anywhere.

 All that was left was a single spell.

 Mdelev picks it up.

 The spell was ------ oddly enough - cut out in the shape of a person.


 Zormnem stopped and looked around.

 It was an open space with no buildings around it. This is not the planned meeting point.
 We should have carefully checked our current location in the fog, but somehow we ended up in a place like this.

 There's something else that's odd.
 The students and teachers, who I had expected to be there to some extent, were nowhere to be found.

 What was there instead was ------.

Mr. Sol?

 Turning to the familiar voice, the one who appeared from the fog was Gal Ganis.
 The young man of the demon tribe said with a puzzled look.

''Here, near the main building..................isn't it? I don't know why my foot was on this side of the table...
Yeah, I'm the same way.
Mmm, is that Zolmnem?
Hey, Cap'n?

 With a voice, the figures of Lo Ni and Pirislaria appear in Mdelev.
 Zormnem's suspicions deepen.

'You guys too?'
Are you guys here? This isn't where you were supposed to be, is it?
'Hmm, perhaps not so far apart...'
Mnya....more importantly....there's something wrong with the humans...
I knew it. Same here.

 Zormunem said and took out a piece of paper from the garment sac.
 It was a spell in the shape of a man, cut in half.

''Slicing a person, there is no response to any of this. Instead, it's just a spell like this one that has fallen off. It must be some kind of magic...''
The same goes for me. I faced a strong man and just when I thought I had finished him off, he turned to this spell.
Oh, that was us too!
I've got it.

 Following Mdelev, Lo Ni and Gal Ganis also took out spells that had been pierced or burned into their fangs.
 Lo Ni says in an anxious voice sound.

''Captain, what do we do........? It's just not normal. This.........

 Zormnem hesitates.

 There is an unusual situation going on. That's a certainty.
 Perhaps ... it is waiting. By someone.

 If we don't defeat the brave man now, there will be no next time. It is impossible to wait for another opportunity in a hostile land with no supplies. This journey will end in failure.

 But even so - if we force the operation under these circumstances, it will surely be fatal.
 Zormunem's intuition told him so.

 It's a disgrace. If we return home, we may be rebuked by our own people.
 But I will not let the lives of my people dissipate without a fight.

 Zormunem opened his mouth to tell everyone.
 And then...

 I heard a voice.

"Whoever comes to him, be warned, the child has taken up his fang, and the fire is still burning.