362 Cherry Tree Country Cherin and the Seven Holy Swor...

No, no, no! You're dealing with four knights who used to report directly to the emperor. And he's a terrifying poisoner who has disabled everyone with just one blow! Even if you're Allen, it's too dangerous to go it alone!

But someone has to protect them all. But someone has to protect them from the aftermath of the battle, and most of all from Diehl and Von.

 The enemy is a crime syndicate and the swordsman who sold himself to them.
 You can't expect them to be "fair". If the flag is even a little bit bad, they will not hesitate to target the girls who are stuck in the middle.

That may be true, but ......

And ...... I don't think I can take too much of that right now. If you're not careful, you might end up getting Leah involved. --So can you do me a favor?

 I swallowed down my raging passion and spoke quietly.

(I'm at my ...... limit for this one. ......)

 I'm not sure what to do, but I'm sure I'll be able to do it.

"...... Okay. But don't ever do anything rash. ......?

 Leah said, jumping back and focusing on protecting Rose and the others.

Oh, thank you.

 I muttered briefly and stepped in front of Deal.