295 Cherry Tree Country Cherin and the Seven Holy Swor...

 After arriving at the Arkstria family's villa, we all enjoyed a delicious dinner together, gathered in one room to play cards and board games, and chatted while cooling off on the terrace upstairs - a very peaceful and enjoyable time! It was a very peaceful and enjoyable time.

 When I looked at my watch, it was already 11:30 in the evening.
 It's already 11:30 in the evening, and considering that I'm going to learn the Sakuraga Itto Ryu from Mr. Bacchus again tomorrow, I think I need to rest up.

It's already this late ....... I'm sure you'll be happy to hear that.

 I'm sure you'll agree with me.

I'm sure you'll agree. It's already eleven o'clock in the morning,......?

I'm sure you'll be happy to hear that.

 This is the first time that I've ever seen such a thing.
 It seems that all three of them were absorbed in the chatting.

I'm not sure what to say. I'm sure you'll be happy to hear that.

"Yeah. When you're doing something boring, it seems so much longer. ......

Yeah, totally.

 Leah and Rose shrugged their shoulders.

I'm a little sad to see it go, but ....... That's it for today, we'll pick up where we left off tomorrow. --I'll take you all to your rooms. It's up one flight of stairs on the third floor. Follow me.

 Then we were taken by the chairman and each of us was assigned a very luxurious room.

"This is also amazing .......

 There were expensive looking paintings hanging on the walls.
 The paintings on the walls looked expensive, and the furnishings were gorgeous.
 There is an expensive looking sofa, an elaborately decorated king size bed, and a beautiful chest of drawers with heavy wood grain.

 This room is too good for me.

I'm glad you like it. --Good night, Allen-kun.

Good night, Mr. Allen. Good night, Mr. Chairman.

 We gave each other a small wave and parted in front of the room.

 Then we quickly got ready for bed and sat down on the bed at the far end of the room.

"Oh, this is nice ......!

 The bed was soft and had just the right amount of rebound.
 The bed is soft and resilient, reminding me of something from the world of time.

"Wow. ....... Yeah, I should probably go to bed. ......

 I switched to indirect lighting and slowly closed my eyes.

 About ten minutes later.

"I can't ...... sleep.

 I tried lying down, on my back, on my stomach, and so on, but I couldn't fall asleep at all.

 I couldn't help but feel upset and restless.

 I'm still like that.

(Oh, that was really amazing. ......)

 When I drop my eyelids, the memory of that time (・・・・) comes back to me vividly.