249 Cherry Blossom Country Cherin and the Seven Holy S...

 I followed the Chairman for a while and arrived at the beach on the east side of the Billion Year Cherry Tree.
 There was a beautiful sea and white sandy beach, but there was not a single swimmer.

 That's because

(That's quite a white wave. ......)

 As Rose had said, the tide was very fast.
 It would be difficult to swim, or even launch a boat.

 And as I stared blankly at the rough surface of the sea.

"Hey, look, Allen! Look at how big these shells are!

 Leah's eyes lit up like a child's, and she pointed to a large mussel buried in the sand.

Oh, this is amazing!

 "Oh, this is amazing!" He said, "It looks like something from a store.

"That's a 'razor clam'. "That's a 'razor clam'. It's great when you put butter on its mouth and steam it. I used to eat them with my grandfather after my training. ......

 Rose said this with a distant look in her eyes.

 And then.

"Shellfish, buttered ...... and steamed ......!

 Leah's appetite got the better of her, and she looked around quickly with glazed eyes.

"Come on, let's look! I'm sure there's plenty more where that came from!

I've just eaten, ......? And I don't think we can find any now. ......

 In the event that you have any kind of questions regarding where and how to use the internet, you can contact us at the web site.

 They are all pushing a cart, on which is placed a large object of about one meter square.
 The gray sheeting on the cart makes it impossible to see what's inside, but ...... it seems to weigh a fair amount.

I'm not sure if it's a good idea, but it's a good idea.

It's a great way to make sure you're getting the most out of your vacation.

I'm sure you've heard of it. ....... I remember you saying something like that before we left the Leengard Empire. ......

"Hmmm, I'm sure they'll be surprised, won't they?

 She smiled mischievously.

"Hey, over here!

 She smiled mischievously and waved at the servants.

I'm sorry to keep you waiting, miss.

 The old gentleman, whom I had seen several times before, bowed deeply with an elegant gesture.

Thank you, you've been a great help.

"No, sir. However, if I may be so bold as to say so, this is a product that has passed safety tests, but it is still dangerous. Please be careful when handling it.

Thank you. But don't worry. Everyone here is not so soft.

Is that so? Please forgive this old man's outburst. --I wish you a pleasant flight.

 The old gentleman then led a group of black-clad men home.

「「「「「...... air travel?」」」」」

 If you're not sure what you're looking for, you can always ask your doctor.

 And there it was.

"Ta-da! It's a super small flying machine, commonly known as a 'flying machine'!

 It was a very modern machine shaped like a dragonfly without a tail.