149 Invitations and Demons [13]

 Having lifted the curse placed on me by Tenshi-sama and the others, I head into the forest to capture Zere.
 The collapse of the Leengard Palace has caused a complete panic in the city of Orest.

 People were trying to get away from the palace anyway.
 Those who are in a hurry to close up store.
 Others were cowering in place, unsure of what to do.

 We ran through the chaos of the streets and arrived at the forest where Zele had fallen.

"Okay, this is the place. ......

 I walked quickly through the dense vegetation.

(I'm pretty sure it's around here. ......)

 It looks like the guy who took the direct hit from the underworld fell here.

(He couldn't have gotten very far with that wound, though. ......)

 Demons have a terrible ability to heal.

The demon race has a terrifying ability to heal. (It's been a long time since then. We don't have much time to waste. ......)

 If they regain their wings, they can fly away at will.
 As I walked deeper and deeper into the forest, careful not to miss Zale, I saw an extraordinary sight.

This is ......!

 What spread out in the open space was a tremendous "trace of destruction".
 Trees cracked, rocks broken, the ground caved in.
 It was as if gravity had increased a hundredfold in that area, and there was a strange trace of destruction.

"Could this be the work of ...... Zele?

 I gently stroked the deeply gouged earth with my fingers as I considered the various possibilities.

(...... It's damp. It hasn't been that long.

 If the surface hasn't dried up yet, that means that this terrible destruction happened only a short time ago.

(Zere or a different enemy entirely: ......)

 I quietly drew my sword and looked around.


"Oi, you little shit.

 I heard his voice in my brain.

"What's ......?

"There's something written on ...... under that tree.

"'Under that tree' is .......

 "Under the ...... tree?
 You'll be able to find a lot more than just a few trees.

"...... What's this?

 Under one of the trees, there was a 'strange line' that I had never seen before.

"Are these ...... 'letters'?

 There seems to be some sort of regularity to it. .......
 I've never seen letters like this before.

(Are they used by demons? ......? Or is it a code of some kind ......?

 When I was thinking about it.

"...... I see. Oi, that's enough.

 He suddenly said, "That's enough.

"What do you mean 'enough' ......?

"It means we don't have to worry about those demons anymore. --I'm going to bed.

"Hey, hey! I'm going to bed." "Hey, come on! Explain it to me!

 After that, no matter how many times I talked to him, he never replied.

He's really a selfish guy. ......

 But still, ...... I'm sure he'll be fine now that he's assured me.

(To tell you the truth, I'd like to know ...... why he decided not to worry anymore, but ......)

 Unfortunately, he's not that nice.

Huh. ....... Oh well, I guess I'll just go home. ......

 And so, without doing anything in particular, I decided to head back to the palace of Leengard.


 I turned back to the path I had just taken, feeling a little uncomfortable.
 After a few minutes of walking, I arrived at the Leengard Palace, where the entire upper floor had been blown off and only the first floor remained.

(But when you look at it like this, it really is in a tragic state. ......)

 The Tenshi-sama's palace had turned into a ruin.

(Demon tribe, huh? ......)

 Even thinking back on it now, he really was a horrible guy.
 He had powerful spellcasting powers, amazing physical abilities, and most of all - he had no hesitation whatsoever.
 They look down on us humans as an inferior race, so they attack us with the intention of killing us without mercy.

(I believe ...... that the Holy Roneria Empire has signed a treaty of friendship with five demons. ......)

 There are four Zerekuras left, or .......
 I'm getting a headache just thinking about it.

(And this one is a clear "act of war." ......)

 The Holy Lonelea Empire has taken a bow against the Leengard Empire.

(I don't know what Tenshi-sama's response will be to this matter, but ......)

 In the future, there will be a fierce clash between the five major powers and the Holy Lonelea Empire.
 It could really be the start of a major war on a global scale.

(I'm getting heavy-hearted. ......)

 As I walked into the palace of Leengard with these thoughts in my mind.

"Oh, Allen! Thank God, you're okay!

 I'm sure you'll be glad to hear that.

"Oh, thank you. Tenshi-sama and the others seem to be ...... okay now.

 I'm not sure what to make of it, but I'm sure it'll be fine.

I'm sure you're right. I'm sure you'll be glad to hear that.

I'm glad to hear that.

 As Leah and I were talking, Tenshi-sama slowly walked towards us.

I'm not sure what to say, but I'm sure you'll understand. You have done a wonderful job of defeating the demon race and lifting the curse, and you deserve a medal. On behalf of all the people living in this country, I would like to express our gratitude.

 The cat-wearing Tenshi-sama smiled like an 'angel' and gave me a word of praise.

No, I was just doing what I had to do.

 When I replied, she approached me and gave me an earful in a quiet voice.

I love your humility and straightforwardness, ....... Let's (・・・・) hang out (・・・・) some other time (・・・・) somewhere (・・・・) -- right, Allen?

"Ah, ha ha ....... Please be gentle with me when you do. ......

I'll think about it.

 In the event that you're looking for the best way to get the most out of your business, then you're in the right place.

(Haha .......) I'm not sure what to make of this.

 It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're doing.
 It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for.

...... Allen-Rhoddle, you seem like a man with some backbone.

 It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for.

"Lo, Mr. Roddis, ......?

I'll admit that I'm not a fan of .............


"Hmmm, you're not very perceptive, are you .......? It's about your relationship with Xi.

Oh, yeah, I see. ......

 Oh, by the way, did we ever talk about that .......?
 I had completely forgotten about it due to the ridiculously large incident of the demon tribe's attack.

You're the one who saved the Leengard Empire from the danger of destruction. Because of your achievements, I'm willing to accept you as one of the mediocre ones among Shi's starry-eyed friends.

"Oh, haha, thank you .......

 I'm not sure if it's finally from a "friend" after working to save the country. .......

(I guess I'd have to take over the world to hang out with her. ......)

 As I was thinking about this, I saw a suspicious group of people gathered in a corner of the palace.
 They are glancing at you and then whispering something to each other again.

What are you doing ......? It's a great opportunity for ...... you to think about!

Allen-Rodr ....... There are a lot of rumors about Allen-Rhoddle, but ...... he is a real force to be reckoned with.

But isn't it dangerous? He is also connected with the Blood Fox. ......

No, no, no! I'm going! I'm not sure what to make of this. There is no harm in having a connection with ......!

I'm not sure what to say. You can't let just one of us get away with this. ......!

 I'm not sure what to make of this, but I think it's a good idea.

I'm not sure what to say. I'm not sure what to make of this, but I'm sure it's a great idea. Oh, I'm actually like this.

"No, no, Mr. Allen! I'm sure you'd like to join me instead of this useless moneylender.

What the heck! In the town of Orestes, Garbest Real Estate is well known to everyone. I'm the owner of Garbest Real Estate, and I'm the one who's connected to...

No, no, no, no...

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

 So they got a business card or something like that, and things got heated up on their own, and eventually, for some reason, they started fighting.

"Well, let's see, ......?

 When I was puzzled by the incomprehensible situation, Leah tugged on the sleeve of my dress.

"Hey, Allen. I'm sure you'll be able to figure out what's going on.

I'm sure you're right about that too. ......

 It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for.

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