116 Senior Holy Knight and sunny country [7]

 The royal castle that towers over the northern tip of Daglio.
 Piled up with gray bricks, it looks more like a church than a castle.

 The man who has become the master of this royal castle is the Thirteenth Knight of the Oracle, Rain-Grad.

 He sits on his throne and closes his eyes quietly.
 The throne room is empty.
 All that could be heard was the sound of the endless rain.

 Every second, minute, and hour ticked by, and Rain was frozen in place like a stone statue.

 Just then, he heard the sound of hurried footsteps coming from outside the royal castle.

"Hey, Master Rain!

 The man in the black cloak is one of the underlings sent by the organization.

"What's ......?

 I'm not sure if you've seen this before, but I'm sure you've.

I'm not sure what to make of this. I'm not sure what to say. I'm not sure what to say. They're really trying to take back Daglio this time!

 They're serious about taking back Daglio!

"...... So?

 I'm not sure what to say.

"....... We're no match for them, and they've already breached the central village of Lao. ...... Master Lain, please lend us your strength. ......!

 The lowly man bowed his head and asked - or rather, was forced to ask.
 It is the power of Rain alone that has given him effective control over Daglio.
You can find a lot of things that you can do to make your life easier.

 You'll be able to find a lot more information on the web.

I refuse.

 I'm not sure what to do.

"Why not, ......?

 It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for.

You've got to think for yourself. --I'm sure you'll be able to figure it out.

"Well, that's .........

 I'm not sure what to say.

I'm not sure if you'll be able to find the right one for you. I'm sure you'll be able to understand that I'm not the only one.


Don't be naive, you idiot. It's a good thing we're the only ones who can help.

 The quiet throne room was filled with angry voices.

...... So what the hell are we supposed to do now?

 The man who had been severely reprimanded asked in a fearful tone.

I don't know. I don't know. It's none of my business what happens to filthy 'bastards' like you.

"But ......!

 "But !" Rain snapped at the man who was still insisting.

I don't know. I'm not going to (・・・・) move from this castle (・・・・). You can run away or do whatever you want.

 Then he closed his eyes quietly, as if to say, "I have nothing more to say.

 It's a good idea to take a look at the website to see if there is anything you can do to help.

...... Oh, really? I'll take your word for it, I'll run away!

You can do whatever you want.

"....... You're right, you are very strong. But you've got the wrong guy this time! After all, the enemy is that Allen Rhodle! You've heard the reports, haven't you? He's one of the "special forces" that defeated the Thirteenth Knight of the Oracle, Fou-Ludras! And there's another one, the host of the primordial Dragon King Fafnir, Leah Vesteria!

 The Kuro Organization's underling said, "I hope you meet your end in vain! He left behind a discarded line, and ran away at once.

 In the throne room, where silence has returned, Rain muttered to himself.

I'm not sure what to do.

 He stared at the sky with a sorrowful face and laughed to himself.

I'm not sure what the hell I'm confused about,.......

 Then he thought back to what he was doing in Daglio and clasped his head in his hands.

You'll be able to find a lot more information on the web. I'm sure you'll be pleased to know that I'm not the only one who's a bit of a jerk. I'm not sure what you mean by that.

 I'm not sure what to make of it.

I'm not sure what to do. If we capture them, it's over. A quiet Daglio will create a "private paradise" for the two of them. ......!

 I'm not sure if this is a good idea or not.


 We left Rao Village and just kept heading north.

 Along the way, we saw villages controlled by the Kuro Organization. .......
 For some reason, when they saw me, they ran away at once.
 Thanks to that, I didn't waste any time or energy and arrived at the royal castle towering on the northern edge of Daglio.

 I opened the large door and walked down the candle-lit corridor to find myself in a large room.

 And there, on a dusty throne, sat a man.

"Welcome, uninvited guest.

 The one who responded to the voice was Ben, the head of the temporary branch of the Holy Knight Association of Daglio.

"Sorry, I took the liberty of coming up here. --You're the Thirteenth Knight of the Oracle, Rain Glad, aren't you?

Yes, I am.

 The man in front of me answered shortly.


 I'd say he's in his late thirties.
 He is nearly two meters tall.
 He has short dark blue hair that is pulled all the way back.
 He has high eyebrows, intimidating eyes, and a large mouth, giving him the look of a wild animal.
 Around his neck, he wore a damaged gray scarf wrapped in many layers, which was not the right size and looked a little awkward.
 He wore a black cloak over his white nobleman's uniform, on which a familiar pattern was engraved in blue.

 He swept his gaze from right to left, and for some reason froze when he saw me.

I'm not sure what to make of this. I'm sure there's one person who stands out from the rest.

 I'm not sure if the information about my appearance is circulating within the organization, but they immediately guessed my name.

...... And next to her is Leah-Vesteria, right?

 And so it was with Leah.

 A large international criminal organization that disturbs the peace of the world - Ria and I swallowed our spit as we were targeted.

"A 'special class force' and a 'phantom spirit' - that's all (・・・・) we need (・・・・・).

 He muttered something incomprehensible.

He mumbled something incomprehensible, "Hey, what do you guys think about ......? I'll let you off the hook, so why don't you send Allen and Leah - those two over here?

 He offered an unbelievable deal.

"......". You've got a funny joke for an unfriendly face. ...... What?

 Mr. Ben snickered and Rain shook his head.

This is not a joke. I'm tired of ...... it. I don't want to waste any more of my life.

 He sighed loudly and continued.

He sighed loudly and continued to talk. "Hey, can't you just understand ......? It doesn't matter how many of you 'featherbugs' are in a bunch, you can't beat me.

 There was no hint of a lie or deception in his statement.

(......That's a lot of confidence.)

 I'm not sure what to do, but I'm sure I'll be able to do it.

I'm not sure what to do. I'm not sure what to make of that.

 I'm sure you'll find a lot of people who'd like to know more about this.
 I'm not sure what to do.

I'm not sure what to make of it.

 Ben-san deployed his soul armor and drew Rain's attention to it, and then we began our 'surprise attack'.

"Invade: Fafnir the Primordial Dragon King!

"Dye the scarlet cherry blossoms!

Dissolve the Acid Staff!

 I'm not sure if this is a good idea or not, but it's a good idea.

 Following that.

"Dark Box!

 I unleashed a tremendous amount of darkness, enveloping Rain in a circle.

 Immediately after that...

"Dragon's Breath!

"--Cherry Blossom Blizzard!

"Acid Ocean!

 All of them poured all of their spiritual power into their long-distance attacks, and unleashed them with all their might.

(Okay, this one's decided: ......!

 My darkness completely blocks out light and sound.
 In a state of deprivation of sight and hearing, an all-out attack by a hundred people.

 I'm sure even the 13 knights of the oracle would be unable to stop them.

 And that's when I felt a definite response.

"Pierce me with the Last Drop.

 For some reason, I felt a strong chill run through me.

(What the heck is ...... this feeling?

 I don't know what he's done or what he's going to do.
 But something like a sixth sense sounded a rumbling warning.

Something's coming!

 I can't go on like this.
 (Something's coming!) I decided that I couldn't let this go on, so I deactivated the Dark Box on my own.

"What, Allen?

 The next moment, as Ben's eyes widened at the unorthodox action, a transparent arrow of water filled his entire field of vision.

"Fallen Drop.

 I'm not sure if you've heard of this, but I'm sure you've heard of it.

I'm not sure what to say.

What? ......?

Oh, no. ......

 The three faces of Leah, Rose and Ben were colored with astonishment.

I can't... I can't, I can't, I can't!

 I poured all my spiritual power into it and clothed Leah, Rose, and Ben in a robe of darkness.

 As a result.

"......Hmm, good call.

 Just in the nick of time, just in the nick of time, I was able to get them all to wear dark robes.

"Oh, thank God. ......?

 Someone's murmur sounded unusually loud.

"Oh, that was close. ......

If it weren't for this dark robe, we would have been killed. ......

 Leah and Rose turned pale.

I'm sorry, ....... Thanks for the help, Allen, .......

 Mr. Ben thanked them, breaking out in a cold sweat.

"Hahaha ....... No, I'm glad you're okay,.......

 It's a good idea to keep your eyes on the prize.

I'm not sure what to say. I'm not sure what to make of it.

 I'm not sure what to make of that.

 It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for.