115 Senior Holy Knight and the Sunny Country [6]

 Just as I was catching my breath after the battle with the Kuro Organization, Leah and Rose arrived at Rao Village.

Oh, Allen, are you okay?

You're going a little too fast, you ......!

 You're going a little too fast for your own good.

"Oh, sorry. But don't worry, we've already killed them all.

 When I saw the critical situation in Rao Village from afar, I asked Ben's permission to go ahead of him.

 A little while later, the senior holy knights arrived.

"Oh, come on, Allen ....... You didn't do this all by yourself, did you ......?

 Mr. Ben rolled his eyes at the sight of over fifty unconscious swordsmen.

'Yes, it looks like we managed.

 Fortunately, none of these swordsmen were in the class of the oracle's thirteen knights, Fou-Ledras or Dodriel, who attacked the Thousand Blade Academy.

I'm not sure what to say. I'm not sure what to make of this.

...... What?

 I immediately responded to Ben's rude remark.

No, no, no. ......! I didn't kill any of them. ......

What about ......?

 And then he opened his mouth and reached for the neck of the nearest black organization.

"...... have a pulse? You're not really letting them all live, are you?

It's not a surprise. I'm not going to kill you that easily!

 I'm not sure what to make of this.

I'm not going to kill you that easily! 

 He swallowed his spit with a gulp and smiled dryly.

He gulped and laughed dryly. "Ha ha ha ....... It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for. This is why it's so scary that you're still in school. ......

"Hello, ......?

 I'm not sure why he suddenly praised me, but I gave him a blank answer.

And anyway, this is a big deal, Allen! --Hey, you guys! I'm not sure what to do. Don't let them kill themselves! Don't let them kill themselves! We need to squeeze them hard and get them to give up whatever information we can!


 I'm not sure what to do, but I'm going to do it.

"Oh, Allen, ...... look at that thing!

 I'm not sure if this is a good idea or not.

 There - the girl I had just saved was holding a sword against an unconscious man.

No, I have to stop her!

 I called out to Leah to stop her as she tried to rush out.

"...... No, it's okay.

 I'm not sure if it's a good thing or not.
 But in the back of it, there was a warm and gentle light.

I'm not sure what to do.

 I'm not sure what to do, but I'd like to know what you think.

I'm so glad .......

 Leah let out a sigh of relief.

I'll be back in a bit.

 I went to the girl.

"What? Oh, yeah.

 I shuffled my feet so as not to startle her, and sat down so that I was in her line of sight.

...... Are you okay?

 I asked her in a gentle voice, and she raised her tear-stained face.

 And then.

I couldn't do it,....... It's my mom's revenge,....... I was so scared ......, my hands were shaking ......!

 I sniffled, my voice choked, and struggled to speak.

What's your name?

"...... My name is Mirei.

Well, you're strong.

...... What?

It's not that you couldn't do it. You've made your own choice - a choice that doesn't make you an outsider like these guys. You didn't let your emotions get the better of you and made a decision based on reason. That's your strength. And ......, can you watch me for a second?

 I snapped my fingers a little loudly and removed the dark cloak that had protected the villagers.

...... What did you do, big brother?

"Look at that, look at that.

 I pointed to a point.

 There's a...

"Oh, my God, ......?

 I'm sure you'll be able to understand why.

"Well, Mom, ......?

 She opened her eyes wide and ran off at once.

"Mom, wake up ......! Please open your ...... eyes, ......!

 I shook his shoulders frantically and said.

I shook her shoulders frantically and said, "......Ah, what? I ......?

 Mirei's mother slowly opened her eyes and sat up as if nothing had happened.

"Oh, Mom!

"...... Mirei? --I'm sure you've heard of it.

 She took him in her arms and looked around quickly.

It's all right! This brother of mine took out all the bad guys! And he even fixed my mom's injuries!

No, no, no. ....... How on earth did you ...... get such a deep wound?

 I'm sure you'll agree that it's a great idea.

I'm not sure what to say.

 I'm not going to lie, I find it most annoying when people ask me about treatment methods.
 The truth is that I healed myself with a mysterious power that I don't understand, but I can't tell you the truth as it is.

(...... can't be helped, can it?)

 I was at a loss for an answer, so I decided to tell a small lie.

I'm actually a ...... restorative soul wearer.

I'm sure you'll be more at ease if I say "restorative soul gear" rather than "mysterious power.

I'm sure you'll be happy to hear that. I'm sure you'll be happy to hear that. It's not just my daughter's life that you've saved, you've saved mine as well ....... I don't know what to say to thank you ......!

 Her mother bowed her head again and again.

No, don't worry about it. I'm just glad you're okay.

 As I was talking about this.

"Allen. I'm sorry, do you have a minute?

 Mr. Ben said and patted me on the shoulder.

"What is it?

I didn't expect you to have such a powerful soul suit. ....... I've decided to rethink my strategy a bit. --Sorry, but I need your help.

Yes, I understand.

 ...... This isn't my soul suit, though.

 It seems that I need to explain that to you first.

I'll be back.

 After that, I explained to Mr. Ben about the power of darkness at the dormitory in Rao Village.

....... I didn't think that thing was even a soul suit. ....... Allen, you really are a hell of an irregular .......

 I'm not sure what to make of that.

"Oh, ha ha ....... I'm sorry ....... 

But it really is a rare power. ....... I've seen hundreds of soul wearers in my life, but I've never seen such an unusual ability. ......

"Oh, really? ......?

 I've seen hundreds of soul wearers and I've never seen such an unusual ability.

"Yeah, definitely. Did you see how they (・・・・) reacted? That's the answer.

"Oh, I see. ......

 As Ben said, the senior holy knights who saw my darkness for the first time all rolled their eyes.

Anyway - that darkness is quite rare and it's a hell of an ability. After all, it's something that I envy!

Haha, thank you very much.

 Just as the conversation came to an end, there was a rough bang on the door of the room.

"Oh, come in!

 As Mr. Ben said this, a holy knight with a scary face and stubble stepped into the room.

"Hey, Branch Chief! The residents of Rao Village have all been confirmed safe!

"Oh yeah, that's great!

 It seems that, miraculously, no one lost their lives.
 It seems that no one lost their lives.

(......That's a really tremendous healing ability, by the way.)

 To be honest, ...... I didn't think Mirei's mother would make it.
 There were three times I saw the sword plunged deep into her chest.

 I didn't expect her to heal from that condition in an instant without any noticeable after-effects. .......

(......) There's no doubt about it. Everything (・・・・)...... is (・・・・)...... going up.

 Strengthening of the body, offensive and defensive capabilities, and the ability to heal.
 As the output of the darkness increases, these powers seem to jump all at once.

 This is a great way to make sure that you don't end up in a situation where you're not the only one.

(...... What does this have to do with anything?

 I pinched a strand of my hair, a mixture of black and white.

 Lately, my body has been going through a number of changes.

 My body's ability to perform without darkness.
 My body is terribly strong.
 And most importantly, my hair is suddenly a mixture of black and white.

(Isn't this ...... starting to look a little bit like him?

 His physical abilities are the best I've ever seen.
 His body is so tough that no blade can penetrate it, and above all, his hair is pure white.

I woke up this morning and they took my body.

 I woke up this morning to find my body taken.
 I'd like to think ...... that's not true.

 I'm not sure what to make of this.

I'm sure you'll be happy to know that I'm not the only one. Their goal is the Reisho Stone that lies dormant in this country!

 I'm pretty sure it's a rare ore that's only found in a limited area.
 I'm sure you'll be happy to know that I'm not the only one.

In the event that you have any questions regarding where and how to use the site, you can contact us at the following address: ...... It is said that the Thirteenth Knight of the Oracle, Rain-Glad, reigns in the Royal Castle at the end of this road. I'm not sure what to make of it.

 The 13 knights of the oracle, Rain-Grad, .......
 I'm not sure what to make of it.

I'm sure it's a far superior opponent to .......

 It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for.

 And so, after hearing the report of his subordinates, Mr. Ben issued an order in a loud voice.

I'm not sure what to do. Then first, gather all senior holy knights to this dormitory! Then I will explain to you the new eradication strategy that will fully utilize the special class warrior Allen-Rhoddle!

 After that, we put into our heads the new eradication strategy that Ben had devised, and headed for the royal castle at the northern end of Daglio to defeat the thirteenth knight of the oracle, Rain-Grad, who ruled this country.