101 Abnormality and Shirayri Jogakuin [2]

 As I was at a loss for words at the sight of the almost completely destroyed Senbei Academy.

"Oh, Allen! It's Allen!

 I'm not sure what to make of this.
 She was wearing her usual black suit and a yellow helmet that said "Safety First" on it.

"Miss Leia!

Oh, thank God you're okay! You were right to stick around in case I got caught!

 She said, and slapped me on the back.

She slapped me on the back and said, "Well, uh, ......, what the hell is going on here?

 There were so many questions I wanted to ask her, but this was the first thing that came out of my mouth.

 As far as I remember, Senbi Academy wasn't in this bad of a state.

"Hmm, well, a lot has happened. ....... Okay, let's talk about it inside.

 She said, and turned her gaze to the battered main building.

What do you mean, "inside"? ....... Are you all right, ......?

 For all intents and purposes, it looks like it's about to collapse. .......

"Don't worry. This school building has a solid foundation. It looks like a mess, but there's no danger of it collapsing. Besides, you never know where your ears are in here.

Okay, okay.

 I'm a little nervous, but if it comes to it, I'll be fine in my dark clothes.
 I nodded my head in agreement.

"Okay, let's go then.


 And so I followed the teacher to the chancellor's office.

I followed the teacher to the chancellor's office.

 The main school building was littered with debris, and it was quite difficult to walk around.
 However, as the teacher had said earlier, there was no major damage to the floors and pillars, probably because the foundation was solid.

 On the way to the chancellor's office, I asked a question.

"Um, Leah and Rose, are you at ......?

 They were both knocked unconscious by Dodriel's shadow.

(I'm sure they're fine because their heartbeats and breathing were both steady,......)

 I was still a little ...... concerned, no, a lot concerned.

I was a little concerned. I'm not sure what to do, but I'm sure you'll be fine.

They're in a hospital ......! Are you sure you're okay?

Don't worry. Don't worry, it's just a checkup. I went to visit them this morning, and they were both fine. They even went ballistic, saying they were going to look for you at .......

I'm really glad to hear that.

 We arrived at the chancellor's office, where I was relieved to see them.

Come on in.

Yes, excuse me.

 After that, he sat down in the chancellor's chair at the far end of the room and faced me across the desk.

Now then, I want to talk to you about yesterday's incident. ....... But first, how much do you (・・・・) remember?


 The teacher seemed to know that I was missing some parts of my memory.
 Thank you for talking so quickly.

I was stabbed through the heart by a swordsman named Dodriel and I have no memory of what happened. I found myself in a forest quite a distance from here.

"I see. ....... I have a pretty good idea of where Allen is now. Now let's talk about what happened after you lost consciousness.

Yes, please.

 That's when I heard the shocking truth.

 After I was pierced in the chest, my psychic core went haywire.
 I'm sure you'll be able to understand what I mean.
 In the aftermath of that battle, the Thousand Blade Academy suffered devastating damage.

It's really ......?

"Yes, it's all true.

 I'm not sure if this is a good idea or not.

I'm sorry. ....... I'm sorry for the trouble I've caused you .......

 And when I tried to bow to him.

I'm sure you'll understand. Allen did a really good job this time. If it weren't for you, I could think of so many worse cases.

 The doctor quickly put a hold on him.

"Worse cases, you mean, like ......?

"Oh. I'm sure you can think of a lot worse than that." "Oh, yeah?" "My students were all killed, Leah was taken away, and then the Kuro Organization escaped.

 She muttered bitterly and continued her story.

If that had happened, it would have been more than my head on a spike. The Thousand Blade Academy would have been closed and the country would have been in chaos. It's thanks to you that we're all safe now. --Thank you so much.

 Dr. Leia stood up and bowed deeply.

I don't think I've done anything of the sort. I didn't do anything serious like that. I'm sure you'll be pleased to know that I'm not the only one who's had a bad experience.

Don't be modest. Don't be modest. The vice chancellor told me about it. The Vice Chancellor told me that Allen destroyed the extremely advanced warding. And the strength of a spirit core is the strength of a swordsman. You can be proud of it. The one who saved this school is you, no one else.

"Ha, ha. ......

 I'm not sure what to make of that.

 This is a great way to get the most out of your business.

(A head of white hair mixed with "super speed playback" .......) It's not good, the road is expanding much faster than expected: ....... If this continues, it will be very soon.

 I'm not sure what to do.

"Sir, ......? What's wrong?

"...... No, I'm sorry. I was just thinking about something. Don't worry about it.

"Oh, I see. ....... I'm really tired.

 You're probably very tired.
 The Kuro Organization attacked us right after we received an emergency call from the government--no wonder.

"Hmm. I'm making full use of the Eighteenth, so I'm not that tired. --Now then, let's talk about the last of the arrests.

 After clearing his throat once, the doctor told the truth plainly.

"We have secured approximately 350 members of the Kuro Organization. Unfortunately, it seems that Fou-Ledras and Dodriel-Burton were missed. ...... Perhaps Dodriel escaped through the shadows(...). It's a really nasty ability.

 She muttered viciously.

...... Oh, so you know about Dodriel?

Yes, of course. He's the spearhead of the black organization that's been running rampant around the country lately. He's terribly tough, and no matter how many times you mortally wound him, he'll always get back up. Also worth mentioning is the strange spirit armor that rules the shadows: ....... It makes border security useless. The people who attacked us this time were probably sent by Dodriel through the shadows.

I didn't know that. ......

 Apparently, Dodriel has become quite a wanted man.

"Okay, that's all I have to say. Is there anything else that's bothering you?

 The doctor said, and threw the ball of conversation our way.

(You have to listen to ......, right?

 This is a very serious question.

(......) But as a human being, you can't run away.

 Even though I was unconscious, it doesn't change the fact that I did it.

 I can't turn my back on the life I took.

"Sir, the ....... I'm not sure how many of the members of the Kuro Organization that he defeated died. ......?

 When I asked him that question, he said.

"Zero. Not one of them died. All (...) are alive.

 An unbelievable answer came back.

"Are you sure?

"Yeah, I heard he was critically injured when he was found. ....... No one has been confirmed to have died.

But why ......? Did someone stop him? ......?

 My psychic core is a mess, to say the least.

 The last time he took over my body, he tried to kill Mr. Shidou without hesitation.
 If someone doesn't stop him, he will surely go to the limit of destruction and slaughter.

Haha, there are not many people who can stop your spiritual core. It's probably ...... on purpose.

"...... on purpose? What do you mean?

You, unlike him, have a strong aversion to killing, don't you?

Yeah, yeah, of course I do!

 Of course.
 I'm not like him.
 I'm not a combat freak who finds pleasure in blood and violence like that.

"This is my guess, ........ I'm guessing he was trying not to stimulate your waning consciousness.

You were trying not to stimulate my consciousness ......?

Oh. Since he is a spirit nucleus, he is highly subject to Allen's limitations (・・・・・・). If you do something exciting, like murder, it could awaken your consciousness from a deep sleep. If that happens, he won't be able to stay in the surface world for long.

I see. ......

 I remember that once before, in the world of souls, he said something similar to this: .......
 As I recall, he said something about not being able to easily take over this body while my consciousness is still clear. .......

I'm sure of one thing. I'm sure he accomplished something while he took your body. If not, there's no way he'll just give you back the body he took from you.

"...... What on earth did you do?

Unfortunately, I don't know what that is either. ....... Unfortunately, I don't know what I did. ...... - As far as I'm concerned, it was a bad idea. ......

"I'm sure it's .......

 When the conversation was over, the teacher clapped his hands.

"Well, that's the end of the 'story so far'. Now let's talk about the future.

 With that, she turned to a completely different topic.

As you can see, Senbei Academy has completely lost its function as a swordsmanship academy. It is not possible to teach in such a state.

It's .......

 I'm sure you'll be able to find something that works for you.

I'm going to start rebuilding the main school building this afternoon. We're going to start rebuilding the main school building this afternoon. We're going to mobilize all of our enhanced and manipulated soul wearers for this massive project, and we should be back to normal in about two weeks.

"Only two weeks?

"Mmm-hmm, isn't that great? It's going to cost ...... a hell of a lot of money.

 The teacher said, and looked pale for a moment.

I'm not sure what to make of this. You can't let all the students rest during that time. I'm sure you'll be able to understand why.

 She nodded again and again as she continued her story.

And now! Until the construction of the Thousand Blades Academy is completed, you will all be taking special classes at the Ice King Academy!

"Ice King Academy, that's Shidou-san's place!

 That's good.
 One of the five academies, the Ice King Academy.
 I can't wait to be able to train with Shidou and the others every day.

I'm sure it will be a great inspiration for both of us! I'm sure they'll be a great inspiration to each other! ...... But, Allen. You're the only one(・・・・) who's a little(・・・・) different.

"......What? I'm not the only one?

 For some reason, I had a bad feeling about this.

You're going to be going to a special school, Shirayuri Academy. You remember me, don't you? It is one of the five academies to which the child prodigy Idra Luxmaria, who defeated her at the Ken-Oh Festival, belongs.


 You can find a lot of people who are interested in this kind of thing.